Monday, June 14, 2021

Masalit to begin Bible translation training - Mission Network News - Translation

Sudan (MNN) — More than 100 people groups in Sudan have never heard about Jesus and lack access to His lifesaving truth. A handful of believers from one unreached people group, the Masalit, reached out to unfoldingWord last spring.

“They don’t have any Scripture material in their language, and they need someone to do Bible translation,” unfoldingWord CEO David Reeves says.

The pandemic put meetings and project planning on hold, but the Lord kept working. Today, the Masalit Christian population has more than doubled, Reeves says.

“Initially, we heard there were six believers. Now there are over 20 of them.”

Working alongside church networks in Chad, unfoldingWord will teach Masalit believers how to do church-centric Bible translation. (Photo credit: CC 4.0)

This year, as soon as he had the opportunity, Reeves met in person with Masalit believers. “I went to Sudan [to] meet them face to face, understand this [church] networker’s desires, how we can help them,” he explains.

“There were four unreached people groups represented in the room,” Reeves continues, explaining how the Masalit eagerly anticipated working with others in this frontline effort. Many resemble the apostle Paul and Barnabas, he adds.

“These leaders are very passionate about their country, their people. You will not stop them until you take their lives; they will go and go, [moving] ahead,” Reeves says.

Working alongside church networks in Chad, unfoldingWord will teach Masalit believers how to do church-centric Bible translation.

“A lot of logistics have to pull together for that workshop in July, and there’ll be four workshops before this year ends. Pray for travel mercies, logistics on the ground, and good help for the teams,” Reeves requests.

“Travel is not as easy as it once was; the global COVID context makes it very complex.”

Learn more about unfoldingWord’s approach here. Most importantly, pray. “Our team and the Sudanese network will need a prayer covering because there are lots of things that could go wrong and lots of opportunities for our enemy to try to interfere or intervene,” Reeves says.

Header image provided under Creative Commons 4.0 licensing.

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