Monday, June 28, 2021

The 8 best dream books, according to a therapist and a professional dream analyst - Business Insider - Dictionary

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  • Dreams can not only be fun to interpret, they can help you learn about yourself.
  • We spoke to a professional dream analyst and psychotherapist about the best dream books.
  • Topics include lucid dreaming, dream interpretation, and dream dictionaries.

When we go to bed to get a good night's rest, our bodies not only have time to relax; our minds have a chance to process the day's events.

That's why dreams can look like a vivid film full of scenery, details, and even dialogue that your subconscious mind creates. "Your dreams are messages from you, to you, about you, in order to improve you," says Lauri Loewenberg, a professional dream analyst and author of "Dream on It: Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life."

Whether you want to start remembering your dreams more easily or better understand the details and symbols throughout your shut-eye adventures, there are several books that can help you piece everything together. 

I spoke with Loewenberg as well as psychotherapist Aimee Hartstein, LCSW about their dream book recommendations, including dream dictionaries, dream interpretation guides, and even explainers on lucid dreaming. 

The 8 best dream books:

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