Monday, June 21, 2021

12 words in the dictionary that have a completely different meaning in Edinburgh - Edinburgh Live - Dictionary

It has been a running joke for centuries that Scottish people are extremely difficult to understand - with many movie stars making a mockery of the accent, dialect and everything in between.

But there is untapped potential in the amount of words that may mean one thing to the general public, but something completely different to those from the capital of Scotland.

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Here are some words, specific to Edinburgh, that have an ambiguous meaning, depending on where you reside.

Close - dictionary definition states 'to be nearby' - but in Edinburgh, this is a passageway into a tenement building.

Messages - Usually defined by a text or email exchange between colleagues, family or friends. However, this is the act of going shopping for groceries in the capital, and used in a sentence like 'I'm just nipping out for the messages.' This brings us onto our next term...

Nipping - This is an act of pinching the skin of another person; but in Edinburgh terms, this is going somewhere quickly. Another word that means the same is 'popping' to the shops.

Piece - Defined as 'a part of something', like a jigsaw puzzle. In Edinburgh, this is a sandwich, usually packed for school or work. Your parent, legal guardian or significant other could make you pieces on cheese for lunch, for instance.

Steaming - The dictionary defines this phrase as 'giving off steam.' However, in the capital, this means to be absolutely beside yourself drunk.

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Winch - This is a mechanical device that is used to adjust the tension of a rope. But, on a nightout to Whynot?, this is the act of making out with someone on the sticky dancefloor of a club.

How - Now, I know what you're all thinking: how can this mean anything else but its only definition? But in Edinburgh, to ask someone 'How?' is to question WHY something has happened.

Honking - Usually the term to describe the noise a goose makes, honking means something smells or tastes particularly unpleasant in Edinburgh.

Empty - Defined as the opposite of being full, an empty is the excuse many teens use to justify having a party. If your parents are away for the weekend, then an empty is in full swing!

Patter - Going along the same route with young team talk, patter is used to describe the falling of rain onto the street. Or, it could be used to describe how good someone's chat is, if they are flirting, for example. Someone with good patter is usually someone who is good with romantic endavours.

Ken - No, this isn't famous toy doll Barbie's anatomically perfect boyfriend Ken Doll, but a different way to say know. Ken what a mean, like?

And finally,

Ned - Again, this isn't God-fearing Ned Flanders in the Simpson series. A ned is a derogatory term to describe a troublemaker, or a group of young Scottish boys on bikes that hang around skate parks or outside McDonalds.

We hope you enjoyed our little 'lingo bingo' on terms that mean something totally different in Edinburgh than they do in the dictionary.

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