Monday, June 21, 2021

Courtesy Translation: Wiesbaden relaxes masks obligation, alcohol bans and hospital visit rules - DVIDS - Translation

Press Release from the Wiesbaden city government, 17 JUNE 2021
Courtesy Translation: Nadine Bower, Community Relations

Corona: Relaxations for masks obligation, alcohol bans and hospital visits

Starting Monday, 21 June, the state capital Wiesbaden will relax the corona rules. From this day on, the general decree no longer applies, with which the wearing of a mouth-nose covering in the pedestrian zone, on the station forecourt and in the area of the vocational school center was mandatory. If the necessary minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained, the wearing of a mouth-nose covering is no longer necessary from Monday on. There will also be relaxations in the prohibition of alcohol consumption and hospital visits.

In Wiesbaden – as in all Hessen cities – the requirements of the Hessen Corona Contact and Operating Restriction Ordinance (CoKoBeV) still apply at least until 27 June. This regulates, among other things, how many people are allowed to meet in public and which requirements, for example, stores, restaurants, cultural workers and sports clubs must observe. In addition, Wiesbaden had issued municipal general decrees, among other things, to specify the requirements of the CoKoBeV as prescribed by the state. Since the pandemic situation has recently developed favorably, these general decrees will be adapted to the new situation. "The seven-day incidence in Wiesbaden has been below the value of 50 for some time. For this reason, the administrative staff has decided to repeal or relax general decrees. Nevertheless, the pandemic is still not over. We appeal to all citizens to continue to observe the applicable requirements and to comply with them," say Lord Mayor Gert-Uwe Mende and Mayor Dr. Oliver Franz.

In the pedestrian zone, on the station forecourt and in the area of the vocational school center, no mask needs to be worn starting on Monday, 21 June, provided that the necessary minimum distance of 1.5 meters is maintained. The corresponding general decree expires. The CoKoBeV also prescribes a mask requirement in buses, trains and at the stops, among other places. The mask requirement continues to apply at the weekly market and in certain interiors.

Starting Monday, 21 June, the ban on alcohol consumption will only apply in the downtown area (Altstadt), specifically in the “Schiffchen”, i.e. on Prinzengäßchen, Grabenstraße, Wagenmannstraße, Kleine Langgasse and on Alfons-Paquet-Straße. There, the sale of alcohol for on-site consumption outside of gastronomic areas is also prohibited. Since streets and alleys in the “Schiffchen” are particularly narrow, experience has shown that the required minimum distances cannot be maintained there. The administrative staff has therefore decided to extend the ban on alcohol in the “Schiffchen” until 18 July. On the other hand, the ban expires on the following areas and squares, as the minimum distances between those groups that are permissibly allowed to stay together in public space can be observed more easily: in the remaining historic pentagon, in the Kulturpark, on the Bahnhofsplatz, in the Reisingeranlage, in the Herbertanlage, at Warmer Damm, on the Blücherplatz, on the Wallufer Platz, in the Nerotalanlagen , in the Eleonoren Anlagen, in the area in Biebrich up to the Rhein and at the Schierstein harbor.

Hospital visitation regulations are also changing. Starting Monday, June 21, patients will be allowed to receive one visitor per day between 3 and 7 p.m., provided that the visitor is vaccinated, recovered or tested. Hospitals will publish further details in press releases in a timely manner. The legal basis for the new rules is the house law of the hospitals. The municipal general decree expires.

The measures of the general decree for the ordering of infection protection measures in the city's all-day and childcare services will continue to apply unchanged until 18 July. For the time being, the general decree on citizen testing is also still valid.

Up-to-date information about the coronavirus is available at There, under the item "Press releases and ordinances", the respective valid municipal general decrees can be downloaded. The State of Hessen publishes its ordinances and general decrees under


Date Taken: 06.18.2021
Date Posted: 06.21.2021 02:54
Story ID: 399247
Location: WIESBADEN, HE, DE 

Web Views: 5
Downloads: 0


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