Monday, June 28, 2021

Instagram to bring translation to Stories - The Hans India - Translation

You will likely have a new Instagram Stories feature soon. It is now working to bring the translation to his most popular product, Stories. Currently, it offers text translation on its platform: comments, subtitles and profiles. In addition, Instagram will display a "See Translation" button below the text on posts written in a language other than the default language of your Instagram app. This option will appear for translations available for that particular language.

Last month it was reported that Instagram might be working on adding a translation to Stories. This was first shared by app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi, who has updated that Instagram has started testing this feature. According to screenshots shared by Paluzzi, Instagram is testing the ability to translate text in Stories. As stated above, this feature will be visible as a "View Translation" button that will appear just below the username in Stories. First, it will show the original text written in the story, and just below it will show the translated text. Then, when you tap on that Instagram, the translated text gets displayed in a pop-up box below.

Paluzzi proved this with a sentence that said: "Hello, this story is a proof of translation of the story", which is a translated text from the original Italian text. Some stories are filled with text, so it's interesting to see how Instagram translation will work in such cases. However, this Instagram feature is still in trial mode, so not all users will see it. So far, Instagram has also not announced plans to introduce the translation in Stories.

The same method applies to translation works in comments, captions, and profiles on Instagram and is expected to apply to Stories. This will be a valuable feature for Instagram users, especially Stories, a widely used medium. It will also go a long way in connecting the user with the world and will not leave the user alone with the English speaker.

Instagram regularly works on different features and enhancements for its various products within the app. Stories are its most popular product yet, and it launched the caption tag last month. This feature automatically transcribes speech into videos. Therefore, any speech in the videos will be automatically transcribed and appear in real-time in Stories. However, this subtitle tag is not yet available in India.

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