Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Government imposes on its official profiles the kick to Montero’s dictionary: “All, all, al... - Market Research Telecast - Dictionary

Almost all the ministries of the Government of Pedro Sánchez have joined the so-called ‘inclusive language’ to endorse the peculiar poster released this week by the Ministry of Equality that leads the podemita Irene Montero And that includes that kick to the Spanish language that is the use of the non-existent word ‘todes’. It is an expression that the vast majority of Spanish ministries have assumed, even the cabinet of President Pedro Sánchez, endorsing the slogan with which Montero wants to publicize his controversial Trans Law, an initiative so erratic that it has even deserved criticism than dozens of feminist organizations for considering it “a setback and a misogynistic law.”

Two days after International Pride Day, an unofficial holiday that is celebrated worldwide on June 28, the official accounts of the different ministries of the Social-Communist Government appeared this Saturday with their logos accompanied by the traditional multicolored flag -as it is tradition that they look every year – but with a peculiar novelty. On this occasion, he was accompanied by the poster unveiled this week by the Ministry of Equality, a banner that shows off one of the preferred workhorses of the minister and partner of the former vice president and founder of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias: that of fitting the word ‘todes’ as an alternative to the masculine and feminine genders.

Thus, the poster released by Equality and now worn by almost all the ministries – at the time of publishing this news, the Ministry of Defense has not joined it – reads “Pride of all, all, all. For a feminist and diverse Spain ». On the poster appear several personalities from the struggle for rights for sexual freedom in Spain and in other countries, and the LGBTI and trans flags, which is the one with several blue, pink and white horizontal stripes. They are the same colors in which the words ‘all, all, all’ appear colored in this poster, in a clear message that is not very subliminal. This flag, in addition, has been hanging since this Friday on a balcony of the Ministry of Equality.

Coinciding with the annual Pride celebrations, Irene Montero is campaigning to publicize her own Trans Law, which has provoked the rejection of numerous feminist organizations, who regret that this initiative by Minister Podemita supposes, in reality, “a setback in the protection of of women’s rights “, and denounce that this government, which” calls itself the most feminist in history, is transforming the laws against the feminist agenda. “

Well, coinciding with the arrival of the Pride celebrations, Irene Montero has managed to get the ministries of the national government and even Pedro Sánchez’s own cabinet to join his campaign and display in their official institutional profiles the so-called ‘inclusive language’ that The minister who spoke of “son, daughter, daughter” preaches to publicize her Trans Law.

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