Thursday, June 24, 2021

Instagram New Feature | Translate Languages to Better Connect with Others - Tech Times - Translation

Instagram New feature | Translate Languages to Better Connect with Others
(Photo : Screenshot From Pexels Official Website) Instagram New feature | Translate Languages to Better Connect with Others

Instagram's new feature now lets users translate language for people to be able to connect with each other better.

With Instagram users from all over the world, it seems like the social media giant is now finding a way to get their users even more engaged with each other despite the language barrier.

Instagram Language Translation

Language barrier is something quite dividing since it's hard to connect with a person that speaks a different language. Social media, however, gave users the opportunity to translate what is being said through the use of the Google Translate tool, or other translation softwares.

However, there is still a huge barrier when it comes to applications since copying the text can be quite hard.

The difficulty is also increased when it comes to Instagram Stories and the like since it is in image form, and there isn't really a way for users to copy the text and have it translated. That is, however, until now.

According to a certain twitter user @marcin_siwicki, Instagram now has a way for users to translate stories to other languages.

'See Translation' on Instagram

A comment from a popular leaker online said that this feature has actually been in the works since May, and that they are finally rolling the feature out. The leaker also noted that upon checking out their account, it was seen that the feature was also active as well. This could mean that the feature is also available for other users as well.

In order to check if the feature is now live, head over to Instagram, try scrolling through different stories until a certain "text" story is found.

Once there is a text story, there will be an option under the name of the one that shared the story. Simply click on the "see translation" and an automatic translation will be given.

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Facebook feature on Instagram

The feature should make it much easier for people of different languages to understand what is being posted on the users' stories even if they are in different languages. The accuracy of the translation, however, has not yet been figured out. But by the looks of the tweet, the translation might be sufficient for users to understand. 

Although it's hard to find a 100% accurate transaction these days despite the advancement of technology, what really matters is that users are able to understand each other.

With the use of translation technology especially on social media, users will be able to understand each other despite the language barrier.

Of course, Instagram isn't the first social media to use this type of feature. Facebook has already been known to have this feature for quite some time now. This, of course, makes sense since Facebook owns Instagram, which would also make this feature easier to implement on the social media platform.

For those that want to see if this feature now works, go to Instagram and check it out.

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Urian B.

ⓒ 2021 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

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