Monday, June 21, 2021

'Amazeballs' added to the Oxford English Dictionary - Oxford Mail - Dictionary

AMAZEBALLS is now a word in the Oxford English Dictionary, as part of the latest official update.

Nearly 700 'words and senses' have been logged in the lexicon as part of its most recent update for June 2021.

New words logged in the OED include staycation, deadname and social distance.

Staycation is defined as: "a holiday at home or in one’s country of residence."

Deadname is defined as: “the former name of a person (esp. a transgender person) who has chosen a new name.”

And social distance is defined as: "to keep a certain physical distance from, or limit physical contact with, another person or people in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease.”

Also among the new words officially recognised is the term amazeballs, a neologism coined 13 years ago allegedly.

The dictionary's first definition of amazeballs is: "expressing enthusiastic approval: great, excellent, highly impressive; fantastic."

It cites a YouTube video from 2008 by Jessica and Hunter in which one of the vloggers refers to a party as having been 'amazeballs'.

Speaking to the BBC, Fiona McPherson of the OED explained why it had taken 13 years for the word to be recognised.

She said: "What you will often find is that words, while they may be coined, it does take a while for it to enter into everybody’s language."

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