Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Home/Front: A Combat Veteran's Caregiver Navigates The VA : Rough Translation - NPR - Translation

Alicia & Matt Lammers in their home in Deming, New Mexico. Bree Lamb for NPR hide caption

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Bree Lamb for NPR

Alicia & Matt Lammers in their home in Deming, New Mexico.

Bree Lamb for NPR

This is Part 3 of Alicia and Matt Lammers' story. Part 2, Battle Lines, is here. And part 1, Battle Rattle, is here.

After several years of being Matt's official caregiver, Alicia made the difficult decision to leave him and focus on her own wellbeing. But at a domestic violence shelter, she found it impossible to relate to the other patients – to civilians.

With Alicia gone, Matt found himself completely alone. This episode asks the questions: if America has promised to care for those who "have borne the battle," why has all the responsibility of helping Matt fallen on Alicia? And who is going to step in now that she's gone?

Listen to Rough Translation wherever you get your podcasts, including NPR One, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Spotify, and RSS.

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