Tuesday, June 15, 2021

21 words from the dictionary that have a different meaning in Glasgow - Glasgow Live - Dictionary

Glaswegians are well known for having a unique way of saying things – often to comedic effect.

Some of these are normal words which you can find in the dictionary, but mean something different when used in a certain context in Glasgow.

Take 'lumber' for example: The dictionary describes this as 'moving in a slow, heavy, awkward way' but it can mean meeting a potential romantic partner on a night out... Or words to that effect.

We've looked at the Glaswegian idiosyncrasies that set us apart from the rest of Scotland – like ending a sentence with 'but' or pronouncing the letter J as 'jai' – and the words we say differently to other places, such as 'telt' instead of 'told' and 'geez' instead of 'give us.'

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So here's a round-up of words that already exist – but can carry a different meaning in Glasgow. Have you got any others? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.

How – How is often used interchangeably with 'Why' in Glasgow: "How no?"

Pure – Very: 'You're pure stunnin'

Bolt – To go away or run

Steamin’ – To be drunk. "You were steamin' last night!"

Minted – To be rich or well paid.

Greet – To cry or weep, not to say hello. Example: “Stop greetin, yer fine”

Rocket/Roaster – An annoying or foolish person: "Bolt ya rocket!"

Dinghy – To ignore someone

Coupon – A term for someone's head

Nip/Winch – Kissing

Banger – Used to mean a volatile individual or a man's private parts

Hacket – Describing someone as very unattractive

Piece – Sandwich: "A piece and ham"

Ginger – Irn Bru, also pronounced 'Gingy'

Growlin' – To give someone a dirty look, showing dislike

Hairy – A loud or mouthy woman, usually with an unsavoury reputation: "She's a wee hairy"

Lumber – When you meet someone at a club or party and get a date or a one-night stand: "Did you get a lumber?'

Edgy – Keeping a lookout, or a warning that someone in a position of authority is approaching: "Edgy! The teacher's coming!"

Lamp – to hit someone hard: "He lamped him"

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