Tuesday, March 19, 2024

J.K. Rowling Delivers Hilarious Translation Of Woke Trans 'Ally's' X Post - The Daily Wire - Translation

“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling delivered a scathing translation of an X post written by a man who claimed to be an LGBTQ “ally” and warned her to delete posts referring to a trans-identifying male as a man.

Rowling exchanged a few posts with an attorney named Rajan Barot, responding first when he advised her to delete posts about a trans-identifying activist who goes by the name India Willoughby in order to avoid running afoul of a new law.

“It comes into force on 1 April 2024 and any posts up after that are amenable to prosecution in Scotland. You are best advised to delete the posts about @IndiaWilloughby as they most likely contravene the new law. Start deleting!” Barot posted.

“If you genuinely imagine I’d delete posts calling a man a man, so as not to be prosecuted under this ludicrous law, stand by for the mother of all April Fools’ jokes,” Rowling replied.

Rowling then took things a step further, sharing another of Barot’s posts along with her take on what it actually meant.

“I am a CIS male and an ally of the LGBTQ+ community,” Barot posted. “All my life I have fought for diversity and equality. I advised two Attorney Generals on race and equality issues and prosecuted on behalf of victims of crime. I know who I am and am proud of what I stand for.”

“‘I am a man who wants to see girls and women stripped of their rights and protections for the benefit of my fellow men,'” the “Harry Potter” author wrote in her translation, mocking Barot. “‘I know this makes me a really good guy and other guys I know agree with me. I am proud of being such a great guy.'”

Rowling followed that up with a post directed at Willoughby, who had complained about getting death threats from Rowling’s fans and supporters.

“Let’s compare what each of us has got over the past five years, @IndiaWilloughby, and see who’s had the greatest number of threats of murder, torture, burning, skinning, rape (in every possible mutation) and assault (again, in every possible variation) from the other’s allies,” Rowling said.

Rowling has long been an outspoken advocate for biological women, which has resulted in wave after wave of online hatred from trans activists and so many death threats that she could “paper the house” with them.

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