Wednesday, September 15, 2021

YouTube now lets you translate comments instantly (at your own risk) - Android Police - Translation

The internet contains many a rabbit hole you can fall into and there is no shortage of them on YouTube. So, if you find yourself sitting through clip after clip from a Japanese restaurant vlogger and are wondering what the comments are saying — you can only presume they're generally nicer than on certain other videos — you can now translate them without having to leave the page!

YouTube viewers on mobile now have access to instant translation for any comment not in the user's native language by tapping a button at the bottom of the message. Users can flip back to the comment's original language by tapping the button again.

Delicious, delicious herring.

Users will be able to translate between more than 100 languages.

Yes, it's a rather simple convenience feature that's been easily plopped down on other social platforms for the sake of many unsavory comments, but maybe we're not looking at the right comments on the right videos?

Comment translation button design in experimental phase.

We first reported on the feature while it was in the experimental phase and exclusively available to YouTube Premium subscribers back in August. The feature started appearing in its revised format a few days ago prior to today's official announcement from the Team YouTube Twitter account.

Adblock test (Why?)

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