Friday, September 24, 2021

Books in translation - County Weekly News - Translation

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Have you ever read a book in translation? Inspired by the library’s French Reading and Conversation group we wanted to highlight a few titles originally published in French.

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If you are interested in joining the intermediate level conversation group or the reading and discussion group, find the details at the end of this article or at

The winner of this year’s County Reads Debate, championed by Anne Preston, was Ruby Kim Thuy, which was originally written in French. The novel tells the tale of a woman, An Tinh Nguyen, born in Saigon in 1968 who immigrates to Canada as a child, with the timeline of the novel switching between her childhood and adulthood.

Kim Thuy’s recently released a new book, Em. In the midst of war, an ordinary miracle: an abandoned baby cared for by a young boy living on the streets of Saigon. The boy is Louis, the child of a long-gone American soldier. Louis calls the baby em Hồng, em meaning “little sister,” or “beloved.” Even though her cradle is nothing more than a cardboard box, em Hồng’s life holds every possibility.

The novel takes its inspiration from historical events, including Operation Babylift, which evacuated thousands of biracial orphans from Saigon in April 1975, and the remarkable growth of the nail salon industry, dominated by Vietnamese expatriates all over the world.

Another popular title, in translation, is The Perfect Nannyby Leila Slimani of Paris. When Myriam decides to return to work as a lawyer after having children, she and her husband look for the perfect nanny for their son and daughter. They never dreamed they would find Louise: a quiet, polite, devoted woman who sings to the children, cleans the family’s chic Paris apartment, stays late without complaint, and hosts enviable kiddie parties. But as the couple and the nanny become more dependent on one another, jealousy, resentment, and suspicions mount, shattering the idyllic tableau.

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Find these, and other titles, at any branch of the library.


Would you like to improve your oral French? Join us for a one-hour French conversation group every Thursday at 1 p.m. Different topics are discussed each week and you receive tips on vocabulary, pronunciation and verbs that were pertinent that week in an email after each class. The conversation group has also grown into a reading and discussion group and they collaborated to write this description in French : Êtes-vous avide de la lecture? Aimeriez-vous améliorer votre compréhension du français écrit? La bibliothèque du comté de Prince Edward a un groupe de lecture et discussion en français, ouvert à tous, qui se rencontre sur Zoom une fois par semaine, les mardis de 13:00 à 14:00 heures. Nous lisons environ 70 pages par semaine et on se rencontre pour en discuter. Ce concept alternatif d’un “book club” permet une immersion plus profonde dans un livre et des amitiés se créent.

Register at or call (613) 476-5962 to join one or both groups.

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