Wednesday, September 22, 2021

YouTube Launches Super Chat and Super Stickers in More Regions, Adds New Comment Translation Options - Social Media Today - Translation

YouTube is expanding access to its Super Chat and Super Stickers streamer donation options, while it’s also adding comment translation tools in-stream, helping to broaden utility in more markets.

First off, on Super Chat – as announced in its latest ‘Creator Insider’ update, YouTube is expanding Super Chat and Super Stickers access to streamers in Malaysia, Kenya, French Guyana, French Polynesia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands.

That means both options are now available in most regions, with a full availability listing on YouTube's Super Chat Help page.

YouTube first launched Super Stickers back in 2019, with the animated character depictions providing another way to donate to live-streamers.

YouTube Super Stickers

Viewers can allocate the stickers in comment streams, making their comment stand out, with a percentage of the purchase price of each sticker then going to the creator.

YouTube’s been working to build out its streamer donation tools, and provide more monetization options for creators, with other additions like ‘Super Thanks’ giving users the capacity to donate in-stream and get immediate recognition from the broadcaster.

YouTube Super Thanks

The expansion of creator monetization tools is important, because with Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter all also looking to provide more direct incentives, in order to keep their top users posting more often, the race is now on the provide the most enticing package, and lure the biggest stars, and their audiences, to each app.

Super Chat and Super Stickers have proved popular among gaming streamers in particular, and now, more creators will have more capacity to make money from their YouTube efforts.

In addition to this, YouTube’s also launching a new translate comments option in the YouTube mobile app, providing direct translation in-stream.

YouTube translation

That will help more users communicate with people from different backgrounds, potentially boosting in-app engagement. YouTube’s also looking to bring the functionality to its desktop version soon.

And finally, YouTube’s also running a test of new filters on the ‘Uploads’ page which will enable users to quickly sort by upload date and video popularity.

YouTube Uploads page

Adding to this, channel subscribers who visit the Uploads page will be shown the ‘Recently uploaded’ listing by default, while non-subscribers will see the ‘Popular’ display, helping to showcase your best posts to new users.

The Uploads panel test is only currently being tested on Android, with no plans for a broad scale roll out as yet.

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