Friday, September 10, 2021

Shrewsbury Public Schools: (For Translation Of Survey) Superintendent's Update - September 10, 2021 - - Translation

September 10, 2021

Below is the text of the survey to provide feedback on the use of federal grant funds that was linked in Dr. Sawyer's Superintendent's Update dated September 10, 2021.  The text is listed here so that families who need to translate the survey items may do so by using the Google Translate feature on our website.  To utilize Google Translate:  

The Shrewsbury Public Schools will receive federal grant money from the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund.  This $1.23 million allocation is intended to provide school districts with funding to support students who have been affected by the pandemic, including using at least 20% of the funds "to address lost instructional time," with particular attention to the needs of students who may have been disproportionally impacted by the pandemic (including students from low-income families, students of color, English learners, children w/ disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children and youth in foster care, and migratory students). Initial thinking regarding how we might utilize these funds includes increasing mental health support for students; providing support in reading and mathematics where students may be behind due to the disruption of the past two years; and funding summer and after school programming to provide additional support for students.  Part of the grant's requirements for school districts is soliciting feedback from students, families, staff, and the community, and you are invited to complete this short survey to share your perspective. If you wish to provide feedback please do so by the end of the day on Wednesday, September 15.


1. I am a:

2. Please provide feedback regarding the importance of possible uses of $1.23 million in federal grant funding to assist our district with supporting students affected by the pandemic.

Supporting students' mental health and emotional well-being (choose one)

Providing additional supports during school for students who are below benchmarks in reading and/or math (choose one)

Providing programs after school and/or during summer vacation for students who require additional support (choose one)

3. What barriers might there be to providing support for students that this grant funding might be able to help address?

4. Please share any other ideas you have for how to best invest these funds to support students.


This press release was produced by the Shrewsbury Public Schools. The views expressed are the author's own.

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