Monday, September 20, 2021

OpenGLAM translation sprint - News | Europeana Pro - Translation


Last year, the Europeana Copyright Community and Creative Commons joined forces to organise a translation sprint, which resulted in 34 translations of Europeana’s public domain related documentation. This was a great opportunity to connect useful OpenGLAM-related materials to a wider audience, both through the engagement of those translating and the resulting language accessibility. 

This year, we are joining the Hack4OpenGLAM initiative to do the same. 

Our aim

At Europeana, our goal is to have the Public Domain Charter, the Rights Labelling Flowchart, and OpenGLAM survey presentation material available in all official EU languages, as well as other languages, which are of course very welcome. 

Having these open sprints means documents are translated by those who will be using the material. It is an opportunity for you to get to know more about it, improve your knowledge, and share this valuable information with wider audiences through your own local, regional and national networks. Ultimately it means more people get to use these documents in their own language.

We are inviting cultural heritage professionals and OpenGLAM supporters that are eager to immerse themselves in the world of OpenGLAM to help us share the message of the value of opening up digital cultural heritage.


The Creative Commons Summit and Europeana Conference gather many OpenGLAM advocates, so they present a great opportunity to engage the right audiences with these materials. That is why this year’s translation sprint will kick-off at the Creative Commons summit, and will last through to the end of Europeana 2021.

You can join the Hack4openGlam session at the CC summit on Monday, September 20 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm UTC and at Europeana 2021 (day and time to be confirmed) to find out more about the process and the documents we’re hoping to have translated. 

However, you don’t have to wait! If you want to get on with it and work on a translation you can do so without attending one of these sessions. See the ‘How to participate’ section below for details.

The rest is up to you: you can decide the pace at which you do the translation, as long as it is between 20 September and 12 November 2021. 

How to participate

  1. Indicate on this spreadsheet the language and document you intend to translate. Make sure no one else has selected that document and language combination already. Also, please note that the Public Domain Charter is already available in Bahasa Indonesia, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian and Spanish.

  2. Make a copy of the translation template for the document you intend to translate:

  3. Replace the “[LANGUAGE]” space to the one you are going to be translating and fill in the translation spaces. 

Once you’re done, share your copy of the document with and

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