Monday, May 3, 2021

Crookston Rotary Club Dictionary Project benefits local students - Crookston Daily Times - Dictionary

    The Crookston Rotary Club’s annual youth dictionary project made its return in 2021 after a pause in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project benefits local third grade students in each of Crookston’s elementary schools, Highland, Cathedral and Our Savior’s Lutheran School, and, this school year, the club caught up with last year’s third graders, now fourth graders, to gift them their dictionaries as well.

    Dictionary project lead Mary Cavalier said while pandemic-related restrictions didn’t allow her to hand-deliver each dictionary to the students, she was happy they could be dropped off to the student’s classrooms.

    The Dictionary Project is an international program whose goal is to give a dictionary to every third grader in the U.S. and other parts of the world while also promoting literacy and forging connections with young people.

    “For some children, this may be the very first book that they have owned,” said the Dictionary Project in a letter thanking the club for their donation of dictionaries. “You are truly making a difference in their lives by giving them such an important reference tool.”

Alexandra Thelen's third graders
Andrea Ingersoll's third graders
Jamie Kresl's fourth graders
Joanne Ryan's fourth graders
Kari Heppner's fourth graders
Tanya Reitmeier's third graders

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