Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Opinion: “COVIDIOTAS” deserved to enter the dictionary - Q Costa Rica News - Dictionary

RICO’S DIGEST  – It is not necessary to wear yourself out in calling them irresponsible, dehumanized, stupid. Noting them as COVIDIOTAS (COVIDIOTS) is more than enough, the word sounds rude but many people have earned it, if not, it would never have appeared.

From the Real Academia Española – https://ift.tt/2S2Blj6

The new term, Covidiot, coined in the US, is another legacy of the pandemic and describes very well those people who do not respect the rules confinement and put others at risk even though they know people who lost the battle against the coronavirus, who see thousands of families mourning or praying for a family member in an intensive care unit to come home.

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They know that there is no room in hospitals, perhaps they know someone who finds it difficult to make a slight effort, due to the sequela left by the virus, but they reject all health regulations.

“Language is like a box of memories, everything that means something to man, whether good or bad, has a name and deserves to be remembered forever”, explains Víctor Manuel Sánchez, President of the Costa Rican Language Academy., about the emergence of the new word.

Covidiota, according to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DRAE) is the “person who refuses to comply with the health regulations issued to avoid the spread of covid.”

And we could add another, with a touch of Costanicanism: “CORONAFURRIS”, emerged from the spark of Dr. Marco Vinicio Boza, an intensivist at the Calderón Guardia hospital.

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In contrast to the harsh qualifiers, there is CORONAPLAUSO: “synchronized applause from the population to thank the work of essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic.”

Covidiota word family

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