Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Application for Tharwat Okasha's translation prizes extended to May 20 - Egypttoday - Translation

FILE - National Center for Translation

FILE - National Center for Translation

CAIRO – 4 May 2021: The National Center for Translation announced the extension of the application for the two Tharwat Okasha Prizes for translating arts from and to the Arabic language until May 20.

The Tharwat Okasha Prize for translating arts from Arabic and the Tharwat Okasha Prize for translating arts into Arabic offers a prize of L.E 50,000 and L.E 30,000 respectively, in addition to a commemorative shield and a certificate of appreciation.

Works submitted by individuals, as well as from scientific and cultural bodies, translators and publishers are accepted, bearing in mind that the value of the award is given in full to the translator.

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