Monday, December 26, 2022

Torjoman Translation Services Reach 120+ Languages - EIN ... - EIN News - Translation

Torjoman Translation Services
DUBAI, DUBAï, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, December 26, 2022 / -- In a world of more than 7000 spoken languages, translation plays a necessary role in communication and understanding other cultures without learning their languages.
Torjoman, the leading translation agency and the largest in the Middle East, announces that their experts' interpretation and translation services have now reached more than 120 different languages.

The agency stated that they are committed to step in, guiding clients and the markets they serve in the business cycle in any industry to achieve their goal of running their business with the highest quality and eloquence without any obstructions. It offers a large variation in services such as translation into more than 120 different languages
● localization to resonate with people across the globe
● proofreading for high-quality documents
● content writing for businesses in all parts of the world
● Desktop publishing
● Interpretation services
● Multimedia translation in subtitling, voice-overs dubbing, and lip sync
● Transcription

Torjoman translation agency Dubai representative said: "Today, we're celebrating our success being trusted by 4000+ clients for over 2 decades. We've expanded our services to deliver the best quality in any language-focused project, covering the needs of Middle East clients. We also have 5 main offices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Cairo, and California, with more than 2000 certified translators."

The global dissemination of new ideas, expertise, and information requires translation to establish successful cross-cultural communication.

Torjoman's representative continued: "When it comes to conducting business abroad, geography is no longer a barrier. The linguistic barrier would be the only temporary solution. The high-quality translation is necessary for multinational corporations to communicate successfully and expand their operations. Translation won't be even less important anytime soon with such high demand."

The most widely spoken language in the world may not always be English. Other languages are starting to become more significant as the world population expands. Developing nations are starting to establish themselves in the global economy, and their people are getting access to the Internet and other resources. English might not be the dominant language in the global economy in the future. Because of this, translation is essential to our survival in a global economy that can support all languages.

One of the main advantages of translation is reaching a bigger audience, introducing their brand, mission, and objectives to a global audience, and helping businesses attract clients from all over the world. Accessing markets no one could believe are reachable. That means people will be able to expand their options through translation, which will be helpful in the future.

Investing in professional translation takes others above and beyond allowing people to obtain reliable translations of essential documents and comprehensive, rich contexts for better communication. This makes everything pertaining to legal matters become clear and appealing to the international market.

Nowadays technology and artificial intelligence has developed over the years and machine translation is a process of translating text from one language into another using a computer program. Though it is less accurate and slower than human translation, it is sometimes effective and economical when dealing with vast amounts of text, but accuracy and eloquence will not be guaranteed, unless in the hands of experts.

But because machine translation frequently lacks the nuance that human translators bring.
Google Translate is a good example of machine translation. Basic translations can be done with it, but there is always a need to double-check any translation against human translation before people can use them professionally or to even just post them on social media. The reason for this is that this type of translation cannot understand the context, the target audience, or the appropriate tone of voice. It lacks the technical expertise a human expert has. However, it must be said that machine and AI translation are perfect tools in the hands of experts only who can detect the slightest errors.

Torjoman lives up to its history as a trusted, pioneering translation agency, offering quality translation services as per the ISO 17100 standards and certification, with the latest QA tools in the world. The company provides effective language service and smoothly delivers the message to the intended audience, accurately and well-written by experts.

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