Friday, December 23, 2022

'Sorry' not in PAS' dictionary, says Amanah man over calls for MB's apology - Free Malaysia Today - Dictionary

Is Terengganu menteri besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar (left) willing to apologise for being away amid the floods, asks Amanah’s Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah.

PETALING JAYA: An Amanah leader has taken a dig at PAS over calls for Terengganu menteri besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar to apologise over his absence amid the floods in the east coast state.

Terengganu Amanah chief Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah cynically said it would be something new for PAS if Samsuri apologised as its leaders were “infamous” for their egos.

Citing Sik PAS Youth chief Shahiful Nasir’s remarks during the election campaign that anyone who voted for Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional would go to hell, Raja Kamarul said no other PAS leader had apologised over the matter except for Shahiful.

He said only Perikatan Nasional chairman Muhyiddin Yassin had apologised over the remarks on Nov 12.

“The word ‘sorry’ doesn’t exist in PAS’ dictionary, that’s why Muhyiddin had to apologise on behalf of the PAS leader’s actions.

“Is Samsuri, as Terengganu menteri besar and (PAS president) Abdul Hadi Awang’s right hand man, willing to apologise for going on a holiday during the flood season?” he told FMT.

Yesterday, Universiti Sains Malaysia’s Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid said Samsuri should apologise to the people for going abroad when the state is dealing with floods during the monsoon season.

Fauzi said an apology would not harm Samsuri’s political credibility but would instead portray his humility, adding this was a key quality valued by people.

The massive floods that hit the east coast have claimed five lives so far, with a three-year-old child in Terengganu being the first casualty.

State executive councillor Hanafiah Mat had confirmed that Samsuri was in New Zealand and was scheduled to return today.

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