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Ayyyee oooo, people not from the Magic City take pleasure in making fun of the way Miamians supposably mispronounce words. Pero it's the interlopers who are wrong, bro.
Last night, "supposably" was among 600 words added to Dictionary.com, alongside "finna," another favorite Miami word that's a phonetic spelling of "fixing to," and "BIPOC," the abbreviation for Black, indigenous, and people of color.
In a tweet, Dictionary.com defines "supposably" as an adverb meaning "as may be assumed, imagined, or supposed."
Here's an example of how to use it in a sentence: "Well, I heard Caro's boyfriend supposably went to Komodo last night and was hitting on all the bottle girls."
Of course, grammar nazis on Twitter lost their shit, bro.
A user named It's MISTER Asshole wrote, "So because people are stupid and can't pronounce or spell SUPPOSEDLY correctly we're going to reward them for their continued ignorance?"
Someone else who just goes by Suzi declared, "What kind of lazy crap is that?? We're just going to add mispronunciations??"
Asere, It's MISTER Asshole and Suzi need to take a chill pill. "Supposably" is, like, super freaking real. According to Merriam-Webster, "supposably" means "as may be conceived or imagined" and is the adverb form of supposable, which means "capable of being supposed or conceived."
It has also been used in the English language as far back as the 17th Century, para que lo sepas. Supposedly is usually a substitute for "allegedly," and the two words are often conflated, Merriam-Webster explains.
"Supposably" now joins "irregardless" as words in the Miami lexicon that are yeah, no, for sure accurate.
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