Tuesday, April 25, 2023

YOU SAID IT: Trudeau needs dictionary - Ottawa Sun - Dictionary

Here are today's Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Our prime minister has made the news again for all the wrong reasons. His family spent the holiday season at a luxurious estate in Jamaica belonging to a wealthy family that reportedly made a large donation two years ago to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.

Someone out there, who truly believes in the ideals of the Liberal Party of Canada, should buy Mr. Trudeau a dictionary and highlight the definitions of words such as appalling, disgraceful, inexcusable, disgusting, unscrupulous, reprehensible, despicable, deceitful, hypocritical, sleazy, disingenuous, unprincipled, arrogant, pompous, condescending, egocentric and unethical.

Pierre Poilievre’s attack-dog policies and America-styled vitriolic criticism makes it difficult to support the current Conservative party.

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Canada needs an honourable leader with a constructive vision for Canada, not another crass, power-hungry alternative. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be such a person interested in the job.


(Luckily we have no election on the immediate horizon.)


Re: Being blunt best medicine, letter, April 18 (The letter was in support of an Alberta UCP candidate who said people who have heart attacks should be held accountable.)

I almost never disagree with the author of the above letter, but this time I do. Decades ago, a friend of mine’s father-in-law had a massive heart attack. He made it, which was a good thing. The problem was, how could he change his lifestyle to ensure it didn’t happen again? Well, he jogged and partook in many sports throughout the year, didn’t smoke, didn’t drink and ate a well-balanced diet. To my knowledge, there was no family history of heart issues, either. He was doing everything right and still had a major heart attack, at the tender age of 45 no less.

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While I agree there are times when a person should be more accountable for their own health, sometimes it doesn’t matter what you do.


(We’re with you. One shouldn’t paint everyone with the same brush.)


Consider, for a moment, the taxpayer-funded trip to the Queen’s funeral in London. We paid close to $40,000 to give the PM a hotel suite fit for a world leader completely out of touch with Canadians struggling to feed their families because of Liberal taxes and inflation.

Other “dignitaries” on this trip pushed the total bill to more than $400,000 as no expense was spared. If this same entitled entourage plans to attend the coronation of King Charles III, they should all pay their own way or stay home.

Canadians are out of money.


(Royal events seem to always mean we pay royally.)

  1. OTTAWA - April 20 , 2023 -PSAC strikers on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, April 20, 2023. Assignment 138968 Photo by Jean Levac/Ottawa Citizen

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  2. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Toronto headquarters.

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