Thursday, April 20, 2023

'Can we stop mangling the English language?' - TODAY Show - Dictionary

A list of words that could potentially make it into the Macquarie Dictionary have been ridiculed and called dull and improper.

The list includes "gendy nooch", slang for gender neutral, "cozzie livs", for cost of living, "murder noodle", for a venomous snake, "tiger toast", for Vegemite spread on toast with strips of cheese across it, and "password child", for the child's name favoured by parents when they use it in a digital password.

But ALP National President Wayne Swan had his own thoughts on the selection.

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The dictionary has added some interesting new words in recent years. (iStock)

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"They're all really dull, let's get some decent Australian slang in there," Swan told Today.

3AW radio host Dee Dee Dunleavy agreed, noting the potential danger you could face using one of these words in particular.

"Can we stop mangling the English language?" she said.

"Can we teach young people coming up with these phrases to speak properly? Imagine you were bitten by a snake and you say 'a murder noodle got me!"'

What are your thoughts on these words making it into the Macquarie Dictionary? Let us know on social media

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