Sunday, April 2, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake: 10 Things The Villagers Are Saying, Translated - TheGamer - Translation

Leon is running around the Spanish countryside like a chicken with its head cut off. Everywhere he turns, there are maniacal villagers hellbent on killing him. It's safe to say that Leon has had a rough go between his days as a fresh-faced cop and his daring fetch quest for the President of the United States in Resident Evil 4.

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Unless Leon picked up Rosetta Stone during the last few years, he likely doesn't understand a lick of what the Spanish villagers are hollering at him. What he does understand, however, is the looks on their faces and their brandished weapons.

10 You Can Run, But You Can't Hide. (Puedes Correr, Pero No Te Puedes Esconder)

Angry villagler with an ax attacking

It's obvious that most of what the villagers are uttering in their native tongue are threats and taunts toward poor Leon. Creepy blood trails on wooden bridges aside, Leon probably didn't know what to expect from the first person he encountered. But by the time he witnesses an entire village burning a police officer alive, he understands his predicament entirely.

You might try to run from the slow-moving mob. When you break their line of sight, they will inform you that, "you can run, but you can't hide." This is their turf after all, and they know it like the back of their hands.

9 Don't Let Him Escape (No Dejéis Que Se Escape)

Leon being assaulted by villagers

These villagers don't really seem to have a sense of urgency. They crouch and walk toward you carefully like a lion ready to pounce. Leon can run circles around them. So it's a wonder why you might hear one Ganado say to another, "don't let him escape!"

Well, if you don't want Leon to leave you in the dust, maybe pick up your feet a little! Also, maybe don't bring a pitchfork to a gunfight. It's bad for your health.

8 Behind You, Imbecile (Detrás De Ti Imbecil)

Leon shooting villagers

None of these villagers are using their brains. The parasite has total control over their actions. Still, they communicate with each other like irritated siblings.

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"Behind you, idiot," one of the villagers might shout. This line is far more common than it should be. Perhaps, Saddler just managed to gain control over a stock of incapable idiots. Maybe that explains how Leon can survive the onslaught.

7 It Can't Be (No Puede Ser)

Leon talking

Leon is really quite magnificent when you think about it. Retrospectively, it's a wonder that he manages to keep that silky curtain mane looking like he just exited the salon after fighting in the mud with monsters. To complete the package, he also has a wicked roundhouse kick that'd make Patrick Swayze proud.

Knowing all of this, it's not really a surprise that a Ganado might exclaim in surprise, "it can't be." when they see this majestic hero marching in their direction with perfectly quaffed hair. Yes, my friend. Your end is nigh and this baby face is the last one you'll ever see.

6 Prepare The Trap (Preparad La Trampa)

Leon aiming at villagers on fire

The villagers aren't really skilled hunters. They just know how to bury a bear trap in every conceivable walking path throughout their neck of the woods. They don't care about catching prey. They just enjoy causing suffering. And we're not just talking about Leon, but you, the player. Let's be real, how many times have you cursed in irritation after being stuck by another one?

Well, you can hear them dishing out marching orders saying things like, "prepare the trap". Admiral Ackbar would be on edge in this godforsaken place.

5 Be Careful (Cuidado)

Leon parrying a chainsaw attack from villager

Imagine for just a second that you're a villager. Your mind is foggy with the influence of the parasite holding strong. Your spouse, cousins, and the farmer next door sharpen their melee tools ready to gut the American as he heads down the dusty road. Within a matter of seconds, he mows down half your pals with the heat he's packing.

Because you're still stuck in the Dark Ages where guns don't exist, you grab your sickle and yell to your comrades, "be careful!" as you circle this killing machine. Really? Be careful? The villagers' attack plans are anything but. Yet, you'll hear them shout this puzzling line regardless.

4 What The F***? (¿Qué Coño?)

Leon stabbing a villager

Leon is bound to scare his enemies just as much as they scare him. Let's be honest, he kills hundreds of people by the time he's ready to ride off into the sunset. Somehow, the enemies flocking his way don't understand the body count he's left in his wake.

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When Leon inevitably cuts them down to size or shoots the lit dynamite stick from their hand. "what the f***?" is the realization of their surprise. Leon is a sly devil crouching to dodge those two-handed lunges. That's right, Leon just got the better of you even if you thought your ax stood a chance against his gun.

3 I'm Going To Kill You (Te Voy A Matar)

Villager choking Leon

And then there are the obvious lines. You know, the ones the Ghost Face says to his victims on the phone just so they understand what's about to happen to them as if they didn't already know.

"I'm going to kill you" the Ganado says with bloodshot eyes, gnashing teeth, and a bloody sickle in hand. No, really? We thought you were just going to help Leon scratch his back with that tool you've got there. Oh, well. Eventually, one of them will make good on that promise in the gauntlet which is Resident Evil 4.

2 We Need To Serve (Tenemos Que Servir)

Villager looking over his shoulder

Not everything is about slicing and dicing, though. The villagers surely have other things on their minds besides a gross tentacle-y parasite. They're ultimately bound to their master.

When the bell tolls in the center of town at the start of the game, you'll hear one of the villagers in his trance-like state say, "we need to serve" as he makes his way to the church. Maybe, Lord Saddler needs his morning coffee.

1 To Lord Saddler Almighty (A Lord Saddler Todopoderoso)

Leon running from villagers and chainsaw man

Saddler ultimately fancies himself a god. With this complex, he intends to enslave the free world by infecting world leaders starting with the President's daughter. So, it isn't any wonder that he's created a pious groupthink among his followers (who really lack agency anyway) that places him on a god-like pedestal.

"To Lord Saddler Almighty," is a line you'll hear among the villagers. Saddler has really created himself quite the creepy little cult. Though, he required a parasite to get the job done.

NEXT: Games To Play If You Like Resident Evil 4 Remake

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