Saturday, December 11, 2021

Spotlight on Translation: December Edition - lareviewofbooks - Translation

In this, our tenth monthly spotlight, you’ll find reviews of fresh versions of Albert Camus’s The Plague and Apuleius’s The Golden Ass, as well as of novels translated from Russian and Uruguayan Spanish; essays on rendering Baudelaire in the 21st century, Petronius’s influence on American letters, and the writers of South Vietnam who still await their translators; an interview with bilingual author Doireann Ní Ghríofa; and new translations of poetic cycles by Anna Akhmatova and Maja Haderlap. Although this is the last of our monthly spotlights, we assure you that our focus on translation will not waver in the decade ahead.

— Boris Dralyuk, Editor-in-Chief



This digest is part of our year-round celebration of our 10th anniversary. To celebrate with us, please visit our anniversary page!


Photograph by Soutekh67.

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