Friday, December 17, 2021

RAE updated its dictionary with new words that were born in 2021 - The Times Hub - Dictionary

December 17, 2021

Every year the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) updates the dictionary of the Spanish language with the new terms coined in that period. For the new version about 4,000 new words were added. Many of these are related to technical expressions that were born in the middle of the pandemic, reported The Country of Spain.

(You may be interested in: RAE clarifies the ICT minister and says that the term ‘abudinear’ has not been recognized)

According to this medium, one of the lexicons with the greatest development between 2020 and 2021 was associated with the coronavirus. Words such as hyssop, nasobuco, mask, triage, emergeniologist and urgenciologist were included in the dictionary.

Two compound words related to the COVID-19 they also made the list. It is a social bubble, defined by the RAE as a group of people who can maintain contact with each other with very little risk. New normal was another term added and that defines a new situation that arises after a crisis.

(See also: Covidiots, RAE tells those who fail to comply with biosafety measures; endorses the term)

With the new reality, framed in virtuality, words like webinar, which refers to a virtual seminar, bitcoin and cryptocurrency were coined within the publication.

Among the added terms, there are also the complexities of sexual or gender identity. Polyamory, transgender, cisgender, and pansexual were the novelties for the dictionary.

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RAE updated its dictionary with new words that were born in 2021

Finally, the RAE added some Americanisms, such as the word kicker, which defines someone who strongly kicks a ball, and sambar, which refers to the action of dancing samba. The popular Mexican mother valer is also coined, which denotes when something matters very little.

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