Monday, March 8, 2021

What is Blue Anon? A term for conspiracy theorists that was recently removed by Urban Dictionary from its platform - OpIndia - Dictionary

‘Q Anon’ is a conspiracy theorist centered on Donald Trump that has gained widespread attention in recent times, especially since the storming of Capitol Hill where the involvement of ‘Q Anon’ conspiracy theorists was suspected. Since then, another term has gained popularity among the right wing in USA to describe left wing influencers who concoct Trump-centric conspiracy theories. The term is ‘Blue Anon’.

‘Blue Anon’ was used to describe a network of left-wing influencers, which includes mainstream media journalists and Democrats, who invent absolutely nonsensical conspiracy theories that bear no semblance with reality but is used by establishment democrats to keep the flock together.

The United States has a two-party political system. The colour red is associated with Republicans, the right wing and the colour blue is associated with the Democrat party, the left wing. Hence, the term ‘Blue Anon’ to denote left wing conspiracy theories.

Some of these famous, or rather infamous, conspiracy theories include the allegations against US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the Russian collusion hoax against Donald Trump and the Jussie Smollet hoax.

The Brett Kavanaugh conspiracy theory involved a series of rape allegations, which include accusations of gang rape against the Judge when he was nominated by former US President Donald Trump to the White House.

Most allegations were retracted later on but the most prominent among them involving Christine Blasey Ford which received its time on the floor of the US Senate. Ford could not remember any major details of the traumatic event she claimed to have suffered.

She could not recall the precise time when it occurred but said that it occurred at least three and a half decades ago. She could not recall the venue of the event either. Later, Leland Keyser, who was claimed to have been present when it allegedly happened, said that she was pressured to support Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh. Keyser had said that she did not recall any such event in question.

The Russian collusion hoax is an even more demented conspiracy theory which peddles the delusion that Donald Trump is a Russian asset and Vladimir Putin’s puppet. Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of such collusion despite exhausting vast resources, both in terms of time and money, in investigating the allegation.

The Jussie Smollet is a fake hate crime hoax perpetuated by the actor himself. He claimed to have been attacked by Trump supporters on a cold night in a racial hate crime. But later, it became evident that he had orchestrated the whole affair himself.

The term ‘Blue Anon’ became popular enough that it found a mention in Urban Dictionary, a crowdsourced online dictionary. However, the word was removed by the platform without any explanation. The removal has been interpreted by the right-wing in US as further evidence of censorship against them.

Before the removal of the term, Blue Anon was defined in Urban Dictionary as “a loosely organized network for Democrat voters, politicians and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories.”

It stated further, “Blue Anon adherents fervently believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm Capitol Hill any day now and “remove” lawmakers from office, hence the need for the deployment of thousands of National Guard stationed at the US Capitol.”

The term, however, is not used by the American right-wing alone. It is also used by Progressives in the United States who skeptical of the Democrat Orthodoxy. Progressive journalist Aaron Mate has been using the term since at least August 2020 and as far as we are aware, it was him who invented the term.

Since then, the term has been used extensively by Progressives before the American right-wing latched on to it. Now that it has become sufficiently popular, Blue Anon has been censored by Urban Dictionary.

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