Wednesday, March 3, 2021

US family wants to honour dead father by getting his word in the dictionary - Newstalk ZB - Dictionary

A US family are trying to honour their father who died of Covid by getting a word he made up into the dictionary.

The word is 'Orbisculate' - and according to Neil Krieger who made it up, it describes when a fruit squirts juice into your eye.

For year's Neil's family thought it was a word and his kids only discovered after about 20 years that it wasn't.

Now The Orbisculate Project is a way to remember him and stay close to him after his death.

His daughter, Hilary, told Mike Hosking that she only learnt it wasn't a word in her twenties.

"My dad invented this word in college and just used it around the house.

"And one day I used it with a friend, and he was sure it wasn't in the dictionary."

After placing a bet that it was in the dictionary, Hilary learnt the truth.

She says that they are encouraging people around the world to use the word, in order to encourage dictionary researchers to add it to their list. 


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