Thursday, June 20, 2024

News Flash • Dynamics Dictionary - Maricopa County, AZ - Dictionary


The Maricopa County Human Services Department provides a wide array of programs and services. It is critical that communication used within the Maricopa County Human Services Department and with its clients be as clear and understandable as possible. In a large multi-faceted department, having workgroup-specific definitions may lead to confusion forclients. In an attempt to develop a common understanding of terms and phrases, the Maricopa County Human ServicesDepartment developed, and continues to develop, the Maricopa County Human Services Department Data Dictionary.

The primary purpose of the Data Dictionary is to ensure consistency, accuracy, and integrity of the terms and phrases used by staff. It was critical that the terms be used uniformly to maintain data integrity within the HSD Dynamics client relationship management software, which has been implemented throughout the Maricopa County Human Services Department. The data integrity within the HSD Dynamics system required all users enter the data in the appropriate fields in a consistent manner. Without a common understanding of the terms, the wrong information may be entered in the fields, leading to inaccurate data.

The Data Dictionary was developed by a sub-committee of the Maricopa County Human Services Department Dynamics Steering Committee.

Problem or Need Addressed by the Program

As the Maricopa County Human Services Department provides a wide array of programs and services, it is critical that the communication used within the Maricopa County Human Services Department and with its clients be as clear and understandable as possible. In a large multi-faceted department, having workgroup-specific definitions may lead to confusion for clients. In an attempt to develop a common understanding of terms and phrases, the Maricopa County Human Services Department developed, and continues to develop, the Maricopa County Human Services Department Data Dictionary.

The primary purpose of the Data Dictionary is to ensure consistency, accuracy, and integrity of the terms and phrases used by Maricopa County Human Services Department employees. It was critical that the terms be used uniformly in order to maintain data integrity within the HSD Dynamics client relationship management software, which has been implemented throughout the Maricopa County Human Services Department.

Program Description

As the Maricopa County Human Services Department provides a wide array of programs and services, it is critical that the communication used within the department and with clients be as clear and understandable as possible. 

In a large multi-faceted department, it is understandable individual workgroups may develop their own set of definitions for phrases or terms. When those terms mean one thing to one workgroup and another thing to another workgroup, it can be confusing, and may lead to confusion for clients.

In an attempt to develop a common understanding of terms and phrases, the Maricopa County Human Services Department developed, and continues to develop, the Maricopa County Human Services Department Data Dictionary (Data Dictionary). A data dictionary is a centralized repository that provides detailed information about the data used in a database or information system. It serves as a reference guide for data management, helping users understand the structure, definition, relationships, and other characteristics of the data within a system. The primary purpose of a data dictionary is to ensure consistency, accuracy, and integrity of data across an organization.

The primary purpose of the Data Dictionary is to ensure consistency, accuracy, and integrity of the terms and phrases used by Maricopa County Human Services Department employees. It was critical that the terms be used uniformly in order to maintain data integrity within the HSD Dynamics client relationship management software, which has been implemented throughout the Maricopa County Human Services Department. The data integrity within the HSD Dynamics system required that all users enter the data in the appropriate fields in a consistent manner. Without a common understanding of the terms, the wrong information may be entered in the fields, leading to inaccurate data. The Data Dictionary was developed by a sub-committee (Sub-Committee) of the Maricopa County Human Services Department Dynamics Steering Committee (Dynamics Steering Committee). The Dynamics Steering Committee was formed in order to incorporate multiple perspectives in order to achieve Department goals.

The objective of forming the Dynamics Steering Committee was to have well-rounded points of view when making decisions for the HSD Dynamics project. This was achieved by ensuring the right representatives were on the Dynamics Steering Committee. The Dynamics Steering Committee was comprised of stakeholders assembled to provide guidance, direction, and oversight of the HSD Dynamics project. These stakeholders came from programs across the entire Department. The group consisted of new users of the system, future users of the system, and experienced users of the systems. The group members each represented their programs and provided input on how actions may impact their operations. The members were a mix of front-line staff and management as well as executive staff members. Each of the members had a vested interest in the success of the HSD Dynamics project.

Membership was initially determined by members of the Maricopa County Human Services Department Executive Team. The Maricopa County Human Services Department Executive Team members evaluated their respective team members and determined the best fit for the Dynamics Steering Committee. They selected team members who had in-depth knowledge of their program areas, and who could understand potential impacts of changes made to the system. Maricopa County Human Services Department Executive Team members did not select Dynamics Steering Committee members based on their skills with using the system, but instead for their overall knowledge. There were representatives from each division within the Maricopa County Human Services Department.

The initial set of phrases and terms were developed through input received by others. Leadership and field staff suggested phrases and terms to be included. The Sub-Committee also added terms to the list of phrases and terms. In order to keep the work manageable, the first set of terms was limited to approximately 20 terms. When other terms came up in the process of defining the original set of terms, they were placed in a "parking lot" list with the other terms identified for definition. Before a consistent and accurate common understanding could be developed, each of the represented workgroups needed to provide their definitions of the terms and phrase. In several cases, it was determined while staff "knew" what the term or phrase meant, it was difficult to define – which proved the need for the Data Dictionary.

Once each workgroup provided their respective definitions, a table was created comparing the definitions for each term. While there were commonalities, there were fine details that differed from one group to another. 

Each of those differs were discussed, analyzed by the Sub-Committee, and a common understanding was developed. In some cases, this meant that individual workgroups were going to have to actively change the way they referred to certain terms or phrases. This requires regular modelling, and present movement awareness.

The Sub-Committee continues to operate and provide definitions to terms. Future plans include incorporating person-first language into the definitions.

Program Cost

Being funded by Federal grants with stringent guidelines and oversight places the Maricopa County Human Services Department in a position that demands impeccable fiscal and budgetary actions. The responsibility associated with handling public funds is not just a mere requirement but a paramount necessity. The public's trust in the government is directly tied to how responsibly public funds are managed. Consequently, the Maricopa County Human Services Department recognizes the significance of being above reproach in all financial matters.

Fiscal responsibility is not merely a procedural requirement; it is a cornerstone that fosters trust and confidence among the public. When the community sees that their tax dollars are being managed with prudence and transparency, it creates a positive perception of the government. This positive perception, in turn, encourages efficiency in the delivery of public services. Responsible fiscal management means utilizing resources optimally, thereby reducing waste and ensuring that the maximum benefit is derived from every dollar spent on public programs.

The implementation of the Data Dictionary Sub-Committee (Sub-Committee) was achieved through the use of existing staff and resources. The Data Dictionary was developed by a sub-committee of the Maricopa County Human Services Department Dynamics Steering Committee.

Monthly meetings were held during business hours within Department facilities. No overtime or additional staff time outside of business hours.

Membership on the Maricopa County Human Services Department Dynamics Steering Committee was initially determined by members of the Maricopa County Human Services Department Executive Team. The Maricopa County Human Services Department Executive Team members evaluated their respective team members and determined the best fit for the Dynamics Steering Committee. They selected team members who had in-depth knowledge of their program areas, and who could understand potential impacts of changes made to the system. There were representatives from each division within the Maricopa County Human Services Department.

It was important to include subject matter experts to bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the decision-making process. These diverse perspectives allow for enhancing the quality of decisions made by the Dynamics Steering Committee. Additionally, having various representatives in the same room provides the opportunity for discussion and resolution of any potential issues, helping to maintain a positive and collaborative working environment.

The develop of the Steering Committee relied heavily on staff members' knowledge, skills, and experience in their respective fields. The Sub-Committee's objectives were achieved by leveraging the existing staff's expertise and utilizing their talents to evaluate and make recommendations.

The Maricopa County Human Services Department had been working with a third-party consultant on the development and implementation of the HSD Dynamics systems. Information from the consultant was developed outside of the Sub-Committee, and was absorbed in the HSD Dynamics project, and did not require additional funds.

The implementation of the Sub-Committee has enabled the Maricopa County Human Services Department to develop a common understanding of terms and phrases without incurring additional costs or expenses. The clear communication removes ambiguity. Clear communication helps minimize misunderstandings, reducing confusion. Using terms and phrases uniformly across the Department fosters a sense of belonging and understanding.

Results/Success of the Program

As the Maricopa County Human Services Department provides a wide array of programs and services, it is critical that the communication used within the Maricopa County Human Services Department and with its clients be as clear and understandable as possible. In a large multi-faceted department, having workgroup-specific definitions may lead to confusion for clients. In an attempt to develop a common understanding of terms and phrases, the Maricopa County Human Services Department developed, and continues to develop, the Maricopa County Human Services Department Data Dictionary.

The primary purpose of the Data Dictionary is to ensure consistency, accuracy, and integrity of the terms and phrases used by Maricopa County Human Services Department employees. It was critical that the terms be used uniformly in order to maintain data integrity within the HSD Dynamics client relationship management software, which has been implemented throughout the Maricopa County Human Services Department.

The data integrity within the HSD Dynamics system required that all users enter the data in the appropriate fields in a consistent manner. Without a common understanding of the terms, the wrong information may be entered in the fields, leading toinaccurate data.

The initial set of phrases and terms were developed through input received by others. Leadership and field staff suggested phrases and terms to be included. The Sub-Committee also added terms to the list of phrases and terms. In order to keep the work manageable, the first set of terms was limited to approximately 20 terms. When other terms came up in the process of defining the original set of terms, they were placed in a "parking lot" list with the other terms identified for definition.

Before a consistent and accurate common understanding could be developed, each of the represented workgroups needed to provide their definitions of the terms and phrase. In several cases, it was determined while staff "knew" what the term or phrase meant, it was difficult to define – which proved the need for the Data Dictionary.

Once each workgroup provided their respective definitions, a table was created comparing the definitions for each term. While there were commonalities, there were fine details that differed from one group to another. Each of those differs were discussed, analyzed by the Sub-Committee, and a common understanding was developed. In some cases, this meant that individual workgroups were going to have to actively change the way they referred to certain terms or phrases. This requires regular modeling, and present movement awareness.

The Sub-Committee continues to operate and provide definitions to terms. Future plans include the development of a SharePoint intranet page of terms accessible to all Maricopa County Human Services Department staff members. Additional plans include incorporating person-first language into the definitions, which emphasizes the individuality, and dignity of a person before any reference to their condition or identify.

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