Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Seibu Railway to use simultaneous translation to help foreign tourists | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News - NHK WORLD - Translation

A Japanese railway company is introducing a simultaneous translation system to accommodate the rising number of foreign tourists.

Seibu Railway will start using the technology on a trial basis next week at its station in Tokyo's Shinjuku district.
It will help station staff communicate in 12 languages, including English, Vietnamese and Portuguese.

Seibu has been using tools such as translation apps.
It says the new method allows conversation while being able to watch people's expressions and show them pamphlets.

The company says the number of overseas customers has jumped, recovering up to 80 percent of pre-pandemic levels.

Seibu Railway representative Yajima Ayano says the company wants to try whatever makes foreign visitors feel safe and comfortable using its service.

The company plans to run the trial for about three months, before fully introducing the system this autumn.

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