Thursday, July 13, 2023

1st Turkish dictionary written by Mahmud Kashgari is 951 years old | Daily Sabah - Daily Sabah - Dictionary

In a remarkable testament to Turkish linguistic heritage, the renowned linguist, ethnographer and Turkologist Kaşgarlı Mahmud, also known as Mahmud Kashgari's dictionary "Compendium of the Turkic Dialects" ("Diwan Lughat al-Turk"), celebrates its 951st anniversary.

VakıfBank Culture Publications (VBKY) has republished this unforgettable work, which serves as an important reference for preserving authentic Turkish culture, under the title "Diwan Lughat al-Turk: The First Dictionary of the Turkish Language."

During the 11th century, Kaşgarlı Mahmud extensively explored the cities inhabited by Turks, diligently studying and documenting the various dialects he encountered. He compiled these acquired words and proverbs under a comparative dictionary, presenting a comprehensive panorama of the cultural depth of the Turkish language. Unlike previous translations, the work has been arranged according to the order of the Turkish alphabet, as determined by Kaşgarlı Mahmud. The book, translated into Turkish by Mustafa Kaçalın, aimed to teach Turkish to Arabs and demonstrate that Turkish is a language as rich as Arabic.

The book provides linguistic insights and a glimpse into the cultural tapestry of the Turks. It includes the first map of the Turkic world, showcasing the places inhabited by Turks and features approximately 800 words, idioms, proverbs and samples of poetry, accompanied by Arabic translations.

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