Friday, May 19, 2023

The best-selling cookbook Croatian Classics receives its Croatian translation - Croatia Week - Translation

The best-selling cookbook Croatian Classics receives its Croatian translation

The best-selling cookbook Croatian Classics receives its Croatian translation

Cookbook’s author Andrea Pisac responds once again to her readers’ requests. After her first cookbook Croatian Desserts reached a worldwide audience, she said her followers asked for a cookbook of classic savoury recipes. 

Croatian Classics was published in October 2021 and immediately dubbed ‘the most comprehensive and dynamic cookbook on Croatian cuisine’. 

The cookbook which features 100 dishes from around Croatia also received the Gourmand World Cookbook Award earlier this year. 

Now it’s available in the Croatian language too under the title Hrvatska kuhinja.

The best-selling cookbook Croatian Classics receives its Croatian translation

Hrvatska kuhinja

‘I didn’t plan to translate the cookbook into Croatian, but my readers asked for it’, Andrea told us. ‘They said’, Andrea continues, ‘that the Croatian version is perfect for learning the language through cooking’.

Buy the cookbook HERE.

You can also buy Andrea’s two top-selling Croatian cookbooks in English HERE. 

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