Thursday, May 4, 2023

Assam bilingual Braille dictionary is world’s largest lexicon - The Hindu - Dictionary


A 21-volume Braille version of an Assamese-English dictionary weighing more than 80 kg, has become the world’s largest lexicon.

The authorities of the Guinness World Records on May 1 handed over a certificate to Jayanta Baruah, the publisher of the Braille version of Hemkosh, acknowledging its inclusion in the book as the world’s largest bilingual Braille dictionary.

The 123-year-old Hemkosh is the first etymological dictionary of the Assamese language based on Sanskrit spellings, compiled by Mr. Baruah’s grandfather, Hemchandra Baruah.

The 10,279-page Braille version of the Hemkosh has 90,640 words printed in 21 volumes and weighs 80.800 kg. A copy of the dictionary, released in September 2022, was presented to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi.

“A world record is always special. But what matters most is illuminating the lives of the visually impaired with the power of words,” Mr. Baruah said while accepting the certificate along with Assam Governor Gulab Chand Kataria.

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