Sunday, June 12, 2022

Indian Literature in Translation: What I Learnt Translating Shahryar's Poetry - The Quint - Translation

Among those who crossed over

One among those who watch from the shore

I too used to be fearful of the river

There were many of us in that paper boat

I was the only one who crossed over


The habit of living

There is no one to come and meet me

Then why do I have the name plate on my door

When you get the habit of living

It is hard to let go


The fear of morning

There is nothing new about the falling of night

And that is why I am fearful

The morning that will follow

Does not include the night

That I know


The pleasure of wakefulness

My lips upon yours

Weighing your body

In the scales of my hands

And the smell of gunpowder in the domes till afar

After a long time I savoured the pleasure of wakefulness


You will be punished

You have sold the ink of the night

To the morning

You will be punished some day

For the devastation you have wrought


Sorrowful since the morning

Night shall halt in the middle of the wind tonight

The thought that I will not be able to

Light the lamp of my dreams

Causes a frenzy inside me

And has made me sorrowful since the morning


Do you remember any of it

The routes I took to reach your body

The sound of earth and the scent of wheat

I brought with me

Do you remember any of it


It rained for a long time

In the evening, behind the fig leaves

A bare-foot whisper

Ran so swiftly

It nearly suffocated me

I yearned for a drink that tasted of sand

There in the distance a storm brewed

And then it rained for a long time


I am scared

I am scared

I am scared of those moments

Those moments yet to come

That will search

With great freedom

Every corner of my heart

For those dreams, and those secrets

That I have kept hidden from this world

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