Monday, June 20, 2022

Image Of Artificially Made Crystallized Dictionary Viral As Quran Found Under Deep Sea - FactCrescendo - Dictionary

An image of a book is going viral on social media. Users are claiming that this is a very old and rare copy of Holy Quran which was found in the deep sea. 

However, Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. This book is not Holy Quran but an artificially made crystallized dictionary. 

What’s the Claim? 

Social media users are sharing the image of the book claiming that “This is Quran which was found in the deep sea. It has been under water for several years but remained intact.”

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After running various keywords, we came across the same image posted on Facebook in 2018 with a different claim saying that this book is an ancient Bible that was found at the bottom of a sea. 


After running Google Reverse Image Search on the viral image, we came across a blog by Catherine McEver in 2014 in which a similar image was uploaded. In this blog, Catherine mentioned the procedure and formula to create a crystallized book. It was mentioned in the blog that the image of the book is a crystallized German-English dictionary.


Other images of the same book can also be seen in this blog. 

AFP contacted Catherine McEver who told them that the book is not a Bible, Quran, or any other religious book. This is a German-English dictionary that she used to create the artwork.


Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. The book is not Quran, Bible, or any other religious book. This image is a piece of artwork of converting a German-English dictionary into a crystallized form.


Title:Image Of Artificially Made Crystallized Dictionary Viral As Quran Found Under Deep Sea

Fact Check By: Siddharth Sahu 

Result: False

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