Friday, August 20, 2021 Trolls Mike Richards With Definition of 'Jeopardy' After He Steps Down - Newsweek - Dictionary shared a definition of the word "jeopardy" after Mike Richards announced he was stepping down as the new host of the popular game show.

In a tweet posted on Friday, the online dictionary service wrote that the noun means "peril or danger."

"Here it is in a sentence: 'My job is in jeopardy because of my past comments,'" the post read.

"Jeopardy" is a noun meaning "peril or danger." Here it is in a sentence:

"My job is in jeopardy because of my past comments."

— (@Dictionarycom) August 20, 2021

The tweet was posted shortly after Richards's announcement that the show will revert to guest hosts for the time being. Richards, the executive producer of Jeopardy!, was made the new full-time host just last week.

But earlier this week, The Ringer exposed offensive comments Richards made while hosting the podcast The Randumb Show.

The Ringer reported that "women's bodies and clothing were a particular obsession for Richards." In one show, he said women "dress like a hooker" on Halloween. Another time, he referred to a female guest as "a booth ho" and "a booth slut."

In a statement to The Ringer, Richards apologized for the comments made on the podcast. He said it was clear that his attempts to be "funny and provocative were not acceptable." He's since taken down the episodes.

"It pains me that these past incidents and comments have cast such a shadow on Jeopardy! as we look to start a new chapter," Richards wrote to the staff in a memo Friday morning.

"As I mentioned last week, I was deeply honored to be asked to host the syndicated show and was thrilled by the opportunity to expand my role," Richards continued. "However, over the last several days it has become clear that moving forward as host would be too much of a distraction for our fans and not the right move for the show. As such, I will be stepping down as host effective immediately. As a result, we will be canceling production today." trolls Mike Richards trolled Mike Richards after he stepped down as host of Jeopardy!. In this screenshot released on June 25, Richards accepts the award for Outstanding Game Show for Jeopardy! during the 48th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards broadcast on June 25, 2021. Daytime Emmy Awards 2021 via Getty Images

Jeopardy! announced on August 11 it picked two hosts to permanently replace the late Alex Trebek. Richards would take over as host for the nightly syndicated show and Mayim Bialik would be the host for primetime specials and ABC tournaments.

Richards said in his statement Friday that Sony Pictures Television will not resume the search for a permanent syndicated host. As the search continues, guest hosts will be brought back to resume production for the new season.

"I want to apologize to each of you for the unwanted negative attention that has come to Jeopardy! over the last few weeks and for the confusion and delays this is now causing. I know I have a lot of work to do to regain your trust and confidence," the memo read.

Fans of Levar Burton are already calling for the actor to replace Richards as host.

Update 8/20/21 - 11:51 AM: This story has been updated to include additional information about Richards stepping down as host of Jeopardy!

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