Monday, August 23, 2021 Just Threw Some Hilarious Shade At 'Jeopardy!' After New Host's Abrupt Departure - Comic Sands - Dictionary expertly defined the word "Jeopardy" in response to Mike Richards stepping down as the new Jeopardy! host after his past misogynistic comments came to surface.

His tenure as the show's host abruptly came to an end after news sources revealed several controversies associated with Richards—including making sexist remarks and leading a toxic work environment in the past. weighed in on the embattled host's departure with a definitive dig, tweeting:

"'Jeopardy' is a noun meaning 'peril or danger.'"
"Here it is in a sentence: 'My job is in jeopardy because of my past comments.'"

In a divisive decision, parent studio Sony Pictures Television appointed Richards—who had been the executive producer of the iconic TV game show since 2019—to succeed the late Alex Trebek.

Actress Mayim Bialik was tapped to host prime-time tournaments and spinoff series, including a new college championship. But Richards was to perform the nightly duties as host.

The announcement came after an extensive search that included celebrities, sports figures, and actors, to find a new host.

The decision of appointing Richards was met with backlash from disappointed fans.

Richards will remain as the executive producer. He said a search for a new host will begin while guest hosts will be invited to continue with production on the new season.

People were here for's shade thrown at Richards.

Earlier, The Ringer website reported Richards made sexist comments on The Randumb Show podcast from 2013 to 2014.

In the clips, which have since been removed, he used offensive language and disparaged women's bodies.

In one episode, he made a remark about a co-host's "boobies," while he said one-piece swimsuits make women look "really frumpy and overweight" in another.

Richards also faced discrimination lawsuits from when he was the executive producer of The Price is Right.

The suits alleged the male leadership of the game show, including Richards, mistreated their female employees and led a toxic work environment.

One of the lawsuits filed in 2010 alleged a model on the Price is Right was discriminated against for being pregnant, and she learned her contract had been terminated after giving birth.

He left a note to the Jeopardy! staff on Friday, which read in part:

"Over the last several days it has become clear that moving forward as host would be too much of a distraction for our fans and not the right move for the show."

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