Sunday, October 15, 2023

Feeling hungry? Merriam-Webster adds new food words to its dictionary - South China Morning Post - Dictionary

Merriam-Webster has announced 690 new words in its dictionary for 2023. The words range from everyday words like “doggo” to important news words to know, such as “forever chemical”.

The food words added this year show how the culture of food and restaurants is always changing.

“Chef’s kiss” is one exciting addition to the dictionary. It means “a gesture of satisfaction made by kissing the fingertips of one hand and then spreading the fingers with an outward motion”. You can use this gesture to show your appreciation for food or anything else.

Other food words added to the dictionary this year include dishes from around the world.

One of these words is “emping”. This bitter cracker is popular in Indonesia, and it is made from the dried seed of a melinjo tree.

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