Sunday, September 3, 2023

Arrival: What Louise Told General Shang (His Wife's Dying Words Translated) - Screen Rant - Translation


  • In the movie Arrival, Louise uses the dying words of General Shang's wife to convince him to stand down from starting a war with the alien ships.
  • The movie intentionally keeps the Mandarin lines untranslated to focus on General Shang's reaction, making it more powerful.
  • Shang's wife's dying words, "In war, there are no winners, only widows," highlight the devastating consequences of war and the importance of communication in defusing conflicts.

In Denis Villeneuve's 2016 science fiction thriller Arrival, the pivotal moment comes when Louise (Amy Adams) uses the dying words of General Shang's (Tzi Ma) wife to convince the Chinese leader to stand down from military action against the alien ships. She does this by using information she learned from Shang in the future after she cracked the Heptapod's alien language and the key to understanding their non-linear timeline. In the film, she communicates over satellite phone the same words she whispered to him in the future, which causes China to de-escalate.

The movie intentionally delivers these lines in Mandarin, and it's not translated for the audience. This was done purposefully by Villeneuve and screenwriter Eric Heisserer, so that the focus would be on General Shang's reaction, making it more powerful. Villeneuve later admitted he wanted the words to not be translated in the movie, but he always thought what was said should not be a secret. After the movie's release, Villeneuve finally told audiences what Louise says to Shang to prevent him from starting a war with Arrival's aliens in the movie.

General Shang's Wife's Dying Words Are "In War, There Are No Winners, Only Widows"

Amy Adams interacting with Heptapods in Arrival

When Louise calls General Shang during the crucial moments before China attacks, she is able to reach him on his private number and relay back to him the last words Shang's wife said before she died. What Louise says in Mandarin translates into "In war, there are no winners, only widows." She knows that information and how to reach him directly because at an event 18 months after the events surrounding the Heptapods, Louise met Shang and he gave her the information she needed to make the call.

Louise's understanding of the Heptapod language, and its ability to comprehend things outside the confines of time, allows her to recall these future memories at a time when the world stood on the brink of war with the alien species. Several other countries were following China's lead and planning to deploy military action against the aliens after they misinterpreted a message from the extraterrestrials to mean "use weapon." In a fast-paced, emotional layering of the present and future events, Louise and Shang are able to communicate and likely save humanity from what turns out to be a benevolent species.

Why The Real Meaning Of Shang's Wife's Dying Words Is So Important

Amy Adams tries to communicate with the aliens in Arrival

Understanding in the long run it was the right decision, Shang himself makes Louise tell him these words in the future so that he will know not to attack the alien ships in the past. The meaning behind these words in the midst of Arrival's poignant ending is especially significant. While Shang, China, and other countries may have seen force as the only reasonable option against an unknown adversary, the reality that his wife tries to communicate is that war is not a zero-sum game that can claim winners and losers. All sides lose significantly in war, including in the massive loss of human life.

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Before this conversation, Shang is determined to use his military against the 12 ships that have descended on Earth because he feels there are no other options to consider after failed communications. A few words from his wife completely change his perspective. Ironically, it's simple communication - the tools Louise deploys - that ultimately helps defuse the conflict. Arrival, in its most literal form, focuses on another species descending to Earth. However, in a deeper reading of the theme of the movie, Louise, Shang, and other characters arrive at a resonant understanding of what it means to make connections, to communicate with others, and how to truly live.

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