Friday, November 12, 2021

How To Translate Official Documents Correctly? | Sponsored | - - Translation

Translation of official documents is one of the most challenging tasks for professional translators. An outside observer may not recognize the amount of time, effort, and knowledge necessary for this type of translation, but translators come across many obstacles in this line of work.

There is no room for mistakes when translating wills, contracts, birth certificates, corporate proposals, bank deposits, and other legal and personal documents. A single spelling error or an overlooked number can tarnish the validity of the whole record.

If you want to ensure that your translation is of high quality, this is what you should have in mind. 

Understand the Legal System that Governs the Document

  1. Common Law

  2. Civil Law

You need to understand the basic concepts of the legal system that governs the document you are translating. This is essential if you want to keep the correct legal meaning in the translated document.  

Maintain a Clear Structure

The original document and the translated one need to have a similar style and structure. You should aim to deliver a translation that closely follows the organization of information in the source document. An organized source document is a basis for a clear and correct translation. If the original document isn't well-scripted, you should clarify this with the client. 

Discuss Any Ambiguities With the Client

The digital world has created new opportunities in every branch. Many translators offer their translation services online, which also means that the communication takes place via email. While certain documents are straightforward, you might come across assignments with ambiguities.

Before you dive deep into translating, make sure that you understand every aspect of your work. Some questions you might want to clarify are:

  • What is the purpose of the legal document?

  • In which country will the document be used?

  • Which formatting option should you use?

  • Should the document be certified?

Never resort to assumptions if a part of the document or client’s instruction is unclear. 

Check the Spelling of Proper Nouns

If the alphabet of the source and target document differs, do some more research. Inquire whether there is a certain way in which the mentioned name, address, or any other proper nouns should be spelled. Translators tend to use different variations when spelling proper nouns, so you should look into the target state’s rules. The translation needs to match the official registration with the federal government, so you should choose the spelling used in the client's passport or another official document. 

Double-Check the Uncertainties

When you have a dilemma, don't go with your hunch but turn to plausible sources for help. There are a plethora of digital libraries designed to assist official translators. You can check out Translate Hub, an online resource of tips, practical guides, and job opportunities for professional translators. You might come across a post that demystifies the issue you have. 

Another excellent idea is to ask a lawyer in the target country for advice. They can give you recommendations, help you understand the document better, and solve any legal uncertainties.

Stay Away From Machine Translation Shortcut

Google Translator and other translation tools may seem like a handy option for speeding up the process. However, the use of these tools can easily result in misinterpreted information. 

Translation software has seen an improvement, but it still doesn’t rise to the level of human translation in terms of correctness. So if you want to ensure that your document translations are impeccable, rely solely on your abilities. 

Don’t Rush It

Quality translation takes time. You need to invest time and focus if you want your translations of official documents to be on point. If you bit off more than you can chew, better get in touch with online certified translation services and pass some of your work onto them. These services can promptly provide you with accurate translation so you won’t have to let down a client.

Wrapping Up

The goal of legal translation isn’t to translate word-per-word but to make sure that the document performs the role it is set out for. The pressure is great as a single mistake can create a big problem and result in a complicated legal process. If you want to make sure that this doesn’t happen to you, keep these tips in mind. Paying attention to detail, asking the right questions, and being well-informed are the pillars of successful translation.

Eric Wyatt is a translator, researcher, and writer. He combines his experience in translation with his talent for writing to create informative and engaging posts. Besides using the power of the written word to spread his knowledge, Eric is also a frequent guest speaker at translation conferences. 

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