Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Courtesy Translation: Hessen state government informs about new decisions of the Corona Cabinet - DVIDS - Translation

Press Release from the Hessen State Government from 19 NOV 2021
Courtesy Translation: Nadine Bower, Public Affairs Specialist

Hessen state government informs about new decisions of the Corona Cabinet

Minister President Volker Bouffier and Health Minister Kai Klose: "We are in a serious situation. A contribution from everyone is needed to contain the pandemic."

In a special meeting today, the Hessen state government adopted key points for the new Corona Protection Ordinance, which will enter into force in the middle of next week. On one hand, new state-specific measures have been adopted, and additional new regulations will also be in place in Hessen against the background of the amendments to the Infection Protection Act defined by the Bundestag and Bundesrat. "The pandemic is not over yet. The recent steady increase in the number of new infections and the extremely serious situation in hospitals show that we must act and do everything we can to protect vulnerable groups and relieve our health system. In order to contain the pandemic, a feat of strength is needed for society as a whole," emphasized Hessen Minister President Bouffier. In the new ordinance, Hessen is already implementing changes that were decided by the Minister-Presidents' Conference and are to be taken by the states nationwide uniformly once a certain hospitalization rate is reached (thresholds 3, 6 and 9). Currently, the value for Hessen is 4.81.

"First of all, we would like to thank all those who have been committed to containing the pandemic for two years, who have supported all measures and complied with the regulations. We would particularly like to highlight the great commitment of the nursing staff in the hospitals, who work under the most difficult conditions and keep our health system running," said the Minister President and Minister of Health Kai Klose.

Solidarity also counts for booster vaccinations

The fight against the pandemic is made up of several building blocks, the most important of which is vaccination. "Vaccination is and remains the best way out of the pandemic right now," Bouffier said. "With the vaccination alliance of doctors and pharmacists, municipalities and the state, we will continue to significantly increase vaccination capacities," added Social Affairs Minister Kai Klose. "The STIKO now recommends all persons over the age of 18, whose vaccination was six months ago, to have it refreshed. However, we also ask all citizens to show solidarity and to give priority to those whose vaccination protection is decreasing relatively quickly: people over 70 years of age, the sick and immunosuppressed or those who have been vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson or those exclusively vaccinated with Astrazeneca." All others with a complete vaccination series still have sufficient protection against severe courses even after half a year, according to the Minister of Social Affairs.

Klose continued: "It is still almost exclusively unvaccinated people with severe disease courses who have to be cared for in the intensive care units – and now we are close to the edge of capacity."

Bouffier and Klose once again appealed to all unvaccinated people to seize the opportunity to get vaccinated as soon as possible. "Wherever many citizens are vaccinated, the virus can spread less easily. Above all, however, those who are vaccinated have a significantly higher protection against a severe course of the disease and at the same time can better protect others from getting infected. Therefore, take advantage of the vaccination offers - do it for yourself and do it for your fellow human beings."

The following regulations apply after the Infection Protection Act enters into effect in Hessen:

New regulations based on the Federal Infection Protection Act:

- 3G at the workplace: In the future, only employees with 3G status will be allowed access to the workplace. The employer may view and process the vaccinated, recovered or tested status to fulfil the documentation obligations, but may not store it for a long time. In case of doubt, unvaccinated people must themselves provide test evidence on all working days. Employees must be able to work from home - unless this is not possible for operational reasons. Employees must accept the home office offer. For more information visit: https://ift.tt/3oXDucH

- Public transport: In the future, the 3G rule will apply in long-distance and public transportation. Compliance shall be verified by means of random checks.

- Access to medical facilities: All employees and visitors of hospitals, old people's and nursing homes, doctors' offices, rehabilitation clinics or integration assistance facilities must either be vaccinated or recovered or must provide proof of a negative rapid test (PCR test: 48 h), which is no more than 24 hours old. This does not apply to the patients or residents. The facilities are obliged to offer a test on site – a supervised self-test is permitted. However, a test can also be taken in a recognized test site. In addition, vaccinated and recovered employees must also be tested twice a week. The background is the fact that vaccinated and recovered people can also transmit the virus – and this risk has to be reduced by supplementary tests.

The most important changes to the nationwide coronavirus protection regulation at a glance:

- Test recommendations for private meetings also for vaccinated and recovered individuals: Tightening of the mask requirement: uniform mask obligation also at the seats in schools, universities, other educational institutions, accommodation establishments, at events, in movie theaters, theaters and in corresponding workplace situations, etc.; in restaurants the mask can still be removed while sitting.

- Obligation to wear FFP2 masks (or equivalent) for customers of services on the body.

- Positively tested asymptomatic vaccinated and recovered persons can in future test themselves after 5 days of isolation with a PCR test (according to RKI recommendation).

- Comprehensive 3G rule at universities, academies and extracurricular educational institutions.

- Tightening of the regulation for events (over 25 people) and cultural operations:
o In closed rooms 2G (previously 3G+PCR) only; with distance and mask
o For large indoor events, approval will in future be required for 1,000 participants and over (instead of the previous 5,000)
o At folk festivals and other events with high fluctuation, random checks will be carried out in the future with regard to compliance with the applicable regulations.

- 2G indoors (with mask and distance) of leisure facilities, sports facilities, cultural venues, restaurants, casinos and gambling halls (previously 3G+) as well as in services on the body services (unless medically necessary or for basic care, such as hairdressers)

- 2G in overnight accommodation:
o Exception for work-related overnight stays: 3G with daily tests
o 2G for the use of communal facilities (dining rooms, swimming pools pp.)

- 2G plus test in the interiors of discotheques as well as in prostitution sites: Admission only for vaccinated or recovered persons plus daily rapid test.
o 2G for the outdoor areas of discotheques

- 2G+ - Optional model (for example in restaurants) in closed rooms without mask and distance: Admission only for vaccinated or recovered persons plus daily updated rapid test, then distance and mask can be dispensed with
o This does not apply to basic services

Definition of 3G, 2G and 2G+

- 3G = Recovered, vaccinated or tested.

- 2G = Vaccinated or recovered. Excluded are children and adolescents under the age of 18 & people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.

- 2G+ = Vaccinated or recovered and additionally tested with rapid antigen test. Exceptions are children under the age of 18 and people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.

The rules are depending on the entry into force of the new Federal Infection Protection Act, valid from the middle of next week, at the latest, starting on 25 November 2021.

Source: https://ift.tt/3r1kSLx

Date Taken: 11.23.2021
Date Posted: 11.23.2021 04:48
Story ID: 409859
Location: WIESBADEN, HE, DE 

Web Views: 26
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