Saturday, March 4, 2023

Prince Harry cant translate virality ‘into untold riches - Geo News - Translation

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Experts believe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are ‘viral’ but not famous enough to “translate” it into “effortless professional success, untold riches and swanning about with society darlings.”

Royal commentator and author Daniela Elser made these admissions in a piece for the New Zealand Herald.

In it, she wrote, “When Harry released his guided missile of a tell-all Spare in January, the Jimmy Kimmel show first did a sketch mocking the altercation between the duke and brother Prince William with two actors dressed up as the singer Prince.”

“This would all be a bit of a giggle – the foibles, scandals and extramarital shenanigans of the royal family having long been juicy fodder for comedians and sketch writers – if it wasn’t for the fact that the Sussexes’ are starting to look less like power players and much more like a punchline.”

“For one thing, the US does not seem to like them all that much. Polling done after the release of Spare and Harry’s myriad TV appearances found that more Americans have an unfavourable view of the two of them than favourable.”

“What is so surprising is that while they might be the most famous people in the world not on TikTok (or occupying the White House) that fame has not translated into effortless professional success, untold riches and swanning about with society darlings.”

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