Thursday, April 1, 2021


Closing Date: Friday April 30th, 2021, at 17:00 EST

Action Against Hunger Canada is both a Canadian and International not-for-profit that fights hunger and its root causes worldwide. With 40 years of experience Action Against Hunger is a recognized leading organization specialized in addressing hunger and its underlying causes.

Action Against Hunger Canada is looking for vendors to support our organization’s communication goals through the provision of high-quality translation and interpretation in English, French and Spanish.

The aim of this RFP is to identify and select vendors for the purpose of establishing an annual Framework Agreement, not a service contract. Vendors with Framework Agreements may be contracted by Action Against Hunger Canada over the duration of the agreement based on rates set in the Framework Agreement.


Vendors may provide full or partial proposals for the services indicated below:

Written Translation

1. Translation of documents to and from English, French, Spanish and/or Arabic.

Instructions and additional information for vendors: Please include languages offered and the associated rates. Lengths of documents can vary.

Review and Editing of Written Content

2. Proofread, review, and edit written content in English, French, Spanish and/or Arabic.

Instructions and additional information for vendors: Please provide languages offered and the associated rates. Lengths of documents can vary.

Simultaneous Interpretation

3. Simultaneous verbal interpretation to and from English, French, Spanish and/or Arabic.

4. Simultaneous written interpretation to and from English, French, Spanish and/or Arabic.

Instructions and additional information for vendors: Please provide languages offered and the associated rates. In 2021, simultaneous verbal and written interpretation is anticipated to be done on virtual platforms ie. Zoom or Teams. Please note your familiarity with the software.


April 1: Call Opens
April 23: Deadline for submitting questions.
April 27: Action Against Hunger Canada provides responses to questions.
April 30: Proposal Deadline
May 3-7: Sample Translations
May 10-12: Framework Agreements awarded to successful vendors.

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