Sunday, May 5, 2024

'The Sympathizer' Recap, Episode 4: Give Us Some Good Lines - Vulture - Translation

The Sympathizer

Give Us Some Good Lines

Season 1 Episode 4

Editor’s Rating 2 stars

Photo: Hopper Stone/HBO

The Captain has a new job. He’s heading to Hollywood for four months to work as a cultural consultant on a film about the Vietnam War. Recruited by Niko Damianos, the director of The Hamlet, the Captain is tasked with ensuring the film’s authenticity, a near-impossible gig, as his suggestions are often dismissed or entirely undermined by the director himself. The Hamlet is centered around six Green Berets who get stranded in a Vietnamese hamlet. The Captain interprets it differently, of course, explaining it as “a story of a small farming community who is forced to take in a bunch of uninvited guests.” It leads you to wonder: Why did he accept the job then? What purpose does this side quest serve?

For Man, his handler, it’s a chance to “give [the North Vietnamese] some good lines” in a major Hollywood production and to undercut American propaganda from the inside. The General similarly sees it as a means to reignite American support for the South. But the Captain’s motives, as we later learn, are more sentimental. He’s driven by a deep nostalgia for home, though a Hollywood production set in the Napa Valley strikes me as an unconvincing and unbelievable substitute for Vietnam. The Hamlet is written and directed by Damianos, a white “auteur” modeled after the real-life director of Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola. Robert Downey Jr.’s Damianos is an impudent and priggish artiste who refuses to budge on his creative vision. At the episode’s start, the Captain is asked to present his greatest misgivings with the script. He’s concerned that no Vietnamese characters have any lines. They don’t even qualify as characters. The villagers are mere accessories to the setting, while the Viet Cong is the antagonizing force that sets Damianos’s plot into motion. Damianos, of course, dismisses this as a creative choice intended to highlight the plight of the Vietnamese people.

The Hollywood subplot is a mystifying departure from the previous episode’s noir-ish murder plot. The Major’s ghost occasionally reappears to haunt the Captain on set, but overall, it doesn’t make sense to lower the stakes after the last episode’s adrenaline rush. Whatever emotional charge the series has accumulated thus far sputters to a halting stop with the change of pace and scenery. It also comes at the expense of us getting to know the Captain. As Damianos, RDJ is downright absurd and distracts from the Captain, who’s once again slotted into a second-in-command role. I’ve said it before: the script repeatedly sells the Captain’s complexity short. Damianos’s brutish condescension and bizarre exclamations upstages the Captain’s reserved frustration. He’s unable or unwilling to fully emote on set. Instead, he inhabits a posture of awkward discomfort, which fails to convey his veiled contempt for Damianos and Hollywood writ large. In Damianos’s office, the Captain suggests some lines for the Viet Cong in a rare outburst of rage. He slams the script on the table, shocking the director, and yells: “Confess, you fucker!” It’s a satisfying outburst, delivered with an intensity that I wish was replicated in a later scene when the Captain gets fired … but I’m getting ahead of myself here.

While driving to set, the Captain finds Lana hiding out in his trunk. She wants to tag along and he reluctantly allows her to accompany him. In this episode, we see the Captain develop feelings for Lana as he presides over her without the General around. Yet there’s a disappointing lack of chemistry between the two. They interact more like siblings than potential lovers. At the pre-filming party, Lana fawns over Jamie Johnson (Maxwell Whittington-Cooper), a Green Beret actor and popular soul singer, while the Captain meets the crew and other Green Beret actors, including James Yoon (John Cho) and the volatile method actor Ryan Glenn (David Duchovny), who insists on being addressed as Captain Shamus.

The Captain is given a tour of the production by Monique (Marine Delterme), the film’s set designer and Damianos’s girlfriend. He is stunned by her attention to detail. “I can almost smell my mother’s cooking,” he says approvingly. The Captain has one small request for her: a gravestone with his mother’s name, Que Linh, since his family couldn’t afford one when she died. The Captain soon treats it as a makeshift altar, lighting incense and displaying fruits as an offering to his mother. These details offer some insight into the Captain’s past but are not a satisfactory substitute for his middling characterization. As a spy, his motivations are still quite obscure (or underdeveloped) to us. While the script has been quite faithful to the novel, it hesitates to frame the Captain as an anti-hero — a failure that a more mature actor might’ve redeemed. Instead, the Captain’s countenance oscillates between passivity and pathos, with none of the shrewd intellect expected of a spy.

The Captain is on set to solve hijinks. On the first day of filming, for example, he realizes that most of the background actors are not Vietnamese. Damianos allows him to replace the extras with real Vietnamese people, so he recruits Bon and a few familiar faces from the South Vietnamese army to enlist in minor roles. The Captain manages to squeeze in a few lines of anti-American dialogue and increase the actors’ pay if they pose as Viet Cong. On set, the Captain notices that Bon is less depressed and enjoys acting in scenes where he’s being killed. Lana, too, is eager to volunteer as an extra and cozies up to Johnson.

There’s one scene in The Hamlet that makes the Captain especially uneasy. Yoon’s character is captured and tortured by the Viet Cong. While everyone praises Yoon for his acting (I’m biased, but John Cho always delivers), the Captain thinks of the torturous interrogations he’s participated in. But things begin to unravel as Glenn’s commitment to method acting leads him to a mental spiral. The actor has become boisterous and erratic to the other cast members, specifically Johnson, who he accuses of not taking the role seriously. At one point, the Captain envisions a scene between Glenn and Damianos, which leads the director to make significant changes to the script. “I’m recounting something I didn’t witness myself,” the Captain confesses in a voiceover. “Some of the dialogue is conjecture but it helps to explain the events that follow.”

A quick aside: I actually think the episode would have benefited from more expositional voiceover in this manner. Imagine, for instance, a hypothetical scene where the Captain berates and physically assaults Damianos and then pauses to admit that didn’t actually happen. It was just wishful thinking. Instead, we get some comedic improv between RDJ and Duchovny that is entertaining but unnecessary. And later, there’s a semi-horny scene between Damianos and his set designer girlfriend about to get it on, in which the Captain jokes, “If this offends you, please skip ahead.”

Damianos adds a grisly scene where a female villager gets raped by a Green Beret. To make matters worse, the villager is named after the Captain’s mother, Que Linh, and will be played by Lana. When the Captain learns of this, he angrily confronts Damianos in his office. It’s an anticlimactic confrontation where he hoarsely yells, “You don’t know a thing about my mother!” (Yawn.) It may be his weakest scene so far. It’s hard to believe that the Captain, who’s murdered and tortured prisoners of war, will back down in the face of a sniveling “radical director” just because he was fired. The Captain sticks around out of concern for Lana. A few days before the scene, Glenn goes missing and returns with a slain deer draped across his shoulders, which only adds to the Captain’s concerns.

In the scene, Johnson’s character rushes in and rescues Que Linh/Lana while she is assaulted by Shamus/Glenn. Fearing for Lana’s safety, the Captain interrupts the scene and ruins Damianos’s singular take. Lana stalks off, angry at his interference, and the Captain is forcibly removed from the production. On his way out, he stops by his mother’s “grave.” Unaware that Damianos intended to blow up the false cemetery as a conclusive climax to the film, the Captain injures himself in the explosion. It’s a confusing move: Ending an episode filled with low-stakes drama with an explosion doesn’t quite alter the stakes. The best meta-commentary on this Hollywood detour was provided by the North Vietnamese commander, whom the Captain is recounting his tale: “Can you not see how you are corrupted by the most crass Hollywood indulgences? The very same indulgences you tried to change?” The same can be said for this very episode, which was regrettably bereft of any good lines.

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Why 'Beyoncé' is the perfect word to add to the French dictionary - inews - Dictionary

“I’m not bossy, I’m the boss”: a characteristically skilful sentence from the singer-songwriter and businesswoman Beyoncé, who used it in a campaign to quash the gendered use of “bossy” for any woman who is simply ambitious. This week, she has been bossing a totally different arena, thanks to the announcement of the inclusion of her name in Le Petit Larousse, a French dictionary which has a notoriously stringent selection criteria.

It’s certainly not the first time the star has made her mark: the Destiny’s Child song “Bootylicious“, co-written by her, dramatically pushed that adjective into the mainstream in the early noughties. But to have one’s very name included in the dictionary is a recognition many would aspire to, for this is immortalisation of the linguistic kind.

Granted, Le Petit Larousse is an encyclopaedic dictionary, and Beyoncé’s entry is biographical rather than a word with its own definition. To achieve the latter is rare indeed, reserved for the likes of Shakespeare and Dickens – centuries on an event might still be “Shakespearean” in its tragic proportions, while rental conditions might be positively “Dickensian”.

But it is not impossible in modern times: in 2001 Delia Smith saw “Delia” enter the Collins English Dictionary as a byword for a particular cooking style. Similarly, “Tarantinoesque”, after the director Quentin Tarantino, has found a place within the Oxford English Dictionary for a style of cinema characterised by violence and sharp dialogue. “Boris bike”, a colloquial term for the hireable bikes that were introduced when Boris Johnson was Mayor of London, was also given definition in a few current dictionaries, even if some might prefer Johnson’s legacy to be couched in rather different terms.

In fact, a competition akin to I’m a Celebrity, Get me in the Dictionary would not be short of contestants. From Billy No Mates to Flipping Ada and every Tom, Dick, and Harry, English is chock-full of personalities. And some of them belong to real individuals, whose exploits or achievements have percolated through time so that their name has come to signify one thing.

The original Jack the Lad, for example, was a notorious thief and folk hero in 18th century London. Brought up in a Bishopsgate workhouse, Jack Sheppard fell into crime at an early age, but his lasting fame rests on his many and spectacular escapes from prison despite increasingly elaborate attempts to keep him there, including being handcuffed and manacled to the floor. He subsequently became known to the authorities as Jack the Lad.

To the poorer classes, Sheppard was a daring hero and irrepressible champion; when his crimes finally caught up with him and he was hanged at Tyburn, a crowd of some 200,000 spectators came to witness it.

Another criminal who unwittingly found his way into the dictionary was Aleck Hoag, a notorious pimp, thief, and confidence man in 19th century New York who was dubbed “smart Aleck” by the NYPD because he considered himself smarter than the rest of them. The epithet has endured as a jibe for a smart-ass know-it-all.

More positively, when we describe ourselves as being “happy as Larry”, we may be giving a silent nod to Larry Foley, a renowned 19th century Australian boxer who retired at 32 and collected a purse of £1,000 for his final fight, presumably making him very happy indeed.

Admittedly there is another contender for the expression’s etymology, namely an old dialect word “larrikin”, meaning a mischievous child – but that wouldn’t be quite as much fun.

We do know that the original “maverick” was a Texan cattle rancher of that name, who consistently refused to brand his cows. Both Samuel Maverick and his animals came to be seen as outliers who didn’t conform to the norm. The name has come to signify just that ever since.

In some cases, the original inspiration for a biographical expression has been lost in time. We have, for example, no idea as to the identity of one Mickey Bliss, but his name became the foundation of the rhyming slang for “taking the mickey”: taking the Mickey Bliss/piss.

The same goes for Nelly Duff, the muse for the expression “not on your Nelly”, in which “not on your Nelly Duff” was part of a complicated rhyming slang formula for “Duff/puff/puff of life” – hence “not on your life”.

The list of dictionary personalities will certainly not end there. Beyoncé reportedly hopes that “bootylicious” will not be her only contribution to the English language. Perhaps her inclusion in Le Petit Larousse is the first step towards the use of her name for something transcending her time and place, with a meaning all of its own. If “Amazonian” has survived the centuries as an adjective for a legendary female warrior, then there is perhaps a chance for her.

For now, we must let democracy do its thing and let language go where the majority wants it to. When it comes to dictionaries, we are all the boss.

Susie Dent is a lexicographer and etymologist. She has appeared in Dictionary Corner on Countdown since 1992, and co-hosts with Gyles Brandreth the podcast Something Rhymes with Purple

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Translation Tech Is Amazing, Except When It's Not - WIRED - Translation

Today’s language translation apps are like self-driving cars: incredibly useful, promising, nearing maturity, and almost entirely powered by machines. It's astonishing that the technology even exists.

Even so, machine translation is still clunky at times, if not awkward.

Consider a recent conversation I had with my neighbor, Andre, who immigrated from Russia last year. Speaking little to no English, Andre is navigating the American Dream almost entirely through Google Translate, the most popular speech-to-speech translation app, first launched 10 years ago.

Through his phone, Andrew and I can hold surprisingly deep conversations about where he’s from, how he thinks, how we can help each other, and what he hopes for. But on more than one occasion, Google Translate failed to communicate what Andre was trying to express, which forced us both to shrug and smile through the breakdown.

As computers get smarter, however, Google, Apple, Microsoft, and others hope to fully remove the language barrier Andre and I shared that day. But it’ll take faster neural machine learning for that to happen, which “might be a few years out,” one developer I spoke to admitted.

Not that the wait matters. In fact, many consumers are surprised to learn just how good today’s translation apps already are. For example, this video shows three Microsoft Researchers using the company's live translation software to hold a conversation across multiple languages. The video is seven years old. But when I showed it to some friends, they reacted as if they'd seen the future.

“The technology surrounding translation has come a long way in a very short time,” says Erica Richter, a spokesperson for DeepL, an award-winning machine-translation service that licenses its technology to Zendesk, Coursera, Hitachi, and other businesses. “But this hasn’t happened in parallel with consumer awareness.”

I am a case in point. Although I’ve written about technology for nearly 20 years, I had no idea how deft Google Translate, Apple Translate, Microsoft Translator, and Amazon Alexa were until I started researching this story after my fateful encounter with Andre. The technology still isn’t capable of instant translation like you expect from a live human translator. But the turn-based speech-to-speech, text-to-speech, or photo-to-text translation is incredibly powerful.

And it’s getting better by the year. “Translate is one of the products we built that’s entirely using artificial intelligence,” a Google spokesperson says. “Since launching Google’s Neural Machine in 2016, we’ve seen the largest improvements in accuracy to translate entire sentences rather than just phrases.”

At the same time, half of the six apps I tried for this story sometimes botch even basic greetings. For instance, when I asked Siri and Microsoft Translator to convert “Olá, tudo bem?” from Portuguese to English, both correctly replied, “Hi, how are you?” Google Translate and Amazon Alexa, on the other hand, returned a more literal and awkward, “Hi, everything is fine?” or “Hi, is everything OK?” Not a total fail. But enough nuance to cause hesitancy or confusion on the part of the listener.

In other words, translation technology is similar to the impressive but often clumsy writing that ChatGPT churns out. It works. It’s encouraging. It’s a sign of the times. But the result often feels inhuman, if not disorienting.

It’s still good enough to change the world, though. “We process over a billion translations every day on Translate,” says the same Google rep. “And we’ve recently launched more AI-powered features to provide contextual awareness, including the ability to translate images with Lens, which enables you to search what you see with your camera app.”

For its part, Microsoft, which includes a helpful split screen for people facing each other on its highly rated translation app, boasts similar numbers. “We now have thousands of businesses using our technology to do batch, real-time, and document translation across 141 languages, as well as millions of active users taking advantage of live conversation through Microsoft Translator,” says Marco Casalaina, VP of product for Microsoft’s Azure AI.

When it comes to machine translation, there are basically two toolkits for converting tongues: small language models, like the open-source kind Microsoft uses “to be nimble, iterate faster, and scale effectively on important user devices,” and large language models, like the proprietary kind DeepL sells to 100,000 customers.

Some say the latter approach is more accurate and faster, but there are trade-offs: fewer supported languages (only a quarter of the 140 total for small language models) and no offline access, chief among them. But as DeepL’s Richter spins it, “We don’t offer offline translation, since end devices don’t provide the quality we want when working in the cloud.”

What’s next, then, for translation apps? Big Tech is mum for now.

"We don't speculate,” says a tight-lipped publicist from Apple, which first introduced its Siri-powered Translation app in 2020. “Soon, we will expand our web service to give users more options for translating image-based content, regardless of how you search for it,” says Google’s rep. For its part, DeepL is developing significant speech improvements “launching later this year.”

But none of this would even be possible without artificial intelligence, according to every developer I spoke to. “As AI continues to unlock new translation possibilities, we will remove the remaining language barriers,” says Microsoft’s Casalaina. “The tech just needs a few years to evolve,” adds DeepL’s Richter.

As my sometimes clumsy exchanges with Andre prove, today’s translation technology is mostly awesome but still confusing at times. Given that machines have been “speaking” for only 10 to 20 years, however, it’s hard to believe how good they’ve become at understanding and translating what our species has been doing for 200,000 years.

It might not be miraculous, but it’s pretty close.


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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Beyoncé makes history: French dictionary to feature pop icon's name - Hindustan Times - Dictionary

May 03, 2024 06:30 PM IST

Beyoncé is one of 40 people, including Cate Blanchett, who will be added to the new edition of a French dictionary.

Superstar Beyoncé is all set to make her mark in French history as she has earned a coveted spot in the latest edition of a French dictionary. According to a People report, UK newspaper The Times and French outlet France 24, the singer, 42, is one of 40 people to be included in the Larousse dictionary. This milestone adds yet another feather to the illustrious career of the 42-year-old artist. (Also read: Beyonce's ‘not a Country album’ Cowboy Carter is testimony to an experience that…)

Beyonce's name has been listed as a noun in French dictionary.
Beyonce's name has been listed as a noun in French dictionary.

A noun in the dictionary

Beyoncé's inclusion in the revered Larousse dictionary is a testament to her Louisiana Creole heritage. The musician, who recently released her eighth studio album Country Carter, has been listed as a proper noun in the 2024 version of Petit Larousse Illustré, which was first published in 1905. Her name is under the category of 'American singer of R&B and pop’.

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The addition of her name comes 20 years after another term connected to the singer was added to the Oxford English dictionary and it was Bootylicious. This time, the inclusion not only celebrates Beyoncé's contribution to music but also highlights her cultural significance on a global scale.

The Larousse dictionary is known for its encyclopaedic coverage of language and culture. It has a tradition of updating its pages with significant words and individuals on an annual basis.

Other inclusions

Other people included in the 2024 entries are actor Cate Blanchett, NBA icon LeBron James, and acclaimed director Christopher Nolan. The new entries “reflect concerns, developments or strong movements this year”, reveals Carine Girac-Marinier, head of dictionaries and encyclopaedias at Larousse, to French outlet Le Point. The names are drawn up by a jury. They draft up a yearly list of 150 words and individuals who are known amongst French-speaking communities.

Massive year for Beyonce

The multiple Grammy Award winning artist released her wildly successful eighth studio album, Cowboy Carter, just over a month ago. It debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart on April 13. Cowboy Carter was also at No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums, Americana/Folk Albums and Top Album Sales charts. In fact, the album made her the first Black woman to have a number one country album.

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When it comes to the music, it was also a hit among her fans. It included a cover of the Dolly Parton track Jolene, which got a thumbs up by the icon. “Wow, I just heard Jolene,” Parton, 78, wrote on social media after the album was released. (Read: Beyoncé shares 'Cowboy Carter' track list ahead of album, mentions Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson)

Next, Beyonce will be back on big screens with the release of her animated film, Mufasa: The Lion King. She has lent her voice once again to the role of Nala in the film.

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Friday, May 3, 2024

How not to make English to Spanish translation mistakes - Mexico News Daily - Translation

When learning a new language, we often stumble upon phrases that seem straightforward to translate from English to Spanish, only to realize they can lead to confusion or sound odd. I’ve encountered this firsthand with friends who are learning Spanish. I often hear phrases like: “Realicé que estaba en otro lugar” (I realized I was in the wrong place), “no lo había realizado” (I hadn’t realized that), or “Oh! No problemo!” English to Spanish translation mistakes like these are very common, and can sometimes cause confusion for the listener.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a big advocate of people communicating despite making mistakes and this has happened to me quite a lot while learning Italian, French and even English. It is a matter of trying. However, while their attempts at using these phrases can be endearing, I’ve found it helpful to guide them toward more natural expressions in my own language. 

In this article, we’ll explore four common English phrases and their incorrect or literal translations in Spanish, along with the reasons why they are wrong and the correct way to say them in Spanish.

Four common English to Spanish translation mistakes and how to avoid them


Incorrect: “Actualmente”

Reason: “Actualmente” refers to the present moment in Spanish, while “actually” means “in reality” or “de hecho” in Spanish.

Correct Form: “En realidad” or “de hecho”

Example: “Actually, I’m not sure if I can make it to the party tonight.”

Translation: De hecho, no estoy segura si voy a lograr ir a la fiesta hoy.

No problem

Incorrect: “No problemo”

Reason: “Problemo” is not a word in Spanish. 

Correct Form: “Sin problema” or “no te preocupes”

Example: “No problem, I can help you with that.”

Translation: Sin problema, yo te ayudo con eso. 

To realize

Incorrect: “Realizar”

Reason: While “realizar” does mean “to realize” in some contexts, the meaning in Spanish for it is “to carry out” or “to perform.” “To realize” in the sense of understanding or becoming aware of something is better translated as “darse cuenta.”

Correct Form: “Darse cuenta”

Example: “I didn’t realize it was so late.”

Translation: No me di cuenta que era tan tarde.

Sometimes, two words might sound the same but have quite different meanings, which can be very confusing.

Can I have

Incorrect: “Puedo tener”

Reason: While “puedo tener” technically translates to “I can have,” it is not the correct and natural way to ask for something in Spanish. Instead, we use “me puede dar” or “me puede traer.”

Correct Form: “Me puede dar” or “me puede traer”

Example: “Can I have a glass of water, please?”

Translation: Me puede traer un vaso de agua, por favor?

By understanding and avoiding literal translations, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively and naturally in Spanish. Keep practicing, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes – it’s all part of the learning process!

Paulina Gerez is a translator-interpreter, content creator, and founder of Crack The Code, a series of online courses focused on languages. Through her social media, she helps people see learning a language from another perspective through her fun experiences. Instagram: paulinagerezm / Tiktok: paugerez3 / YT: paulina gerez

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Beyoncé Added to French Encyclopedic Dictionary List of Definitions - Rolling Stone - Dictionary

On “Alien Superstar,” Beyoncé runs through a couple of definitions of who she is, “I’m one of one, I’m number one, I’m the only one,” and “Category: bad bitch, I’m the bar” among them. Following her lead, the French encyclopedic dictionary Petit Larousse Illustré has added the musician’s name as a proper noun in its 2024 update.

The dictionary defines Beyoncé as an “American singer of R&B and pop.” Her name appears among a list of 40 international personalities to be added to the issue in a batch that included more than 150 new entires. Cate Blanchett, LeBron James, and Christopher Nolan are also among the new names in the book.

In an interview with Le Point, Larousse’s head of dictionaries and encyclopedias Carine Girac-Marinier explained that the entires “reflect concerns, developments or strong movements this year,” as well as “values of the Petit Larousse — excellence and promotion of French culture.”

Beyoncé’s name also has a French origin. Her mother, Tina Knowles, gave the singer her maiden name to keep some semblance of her family name alive. “My name was Celestine Beyoncé,” Knowles explained on In My Head with Heather Thomson in 2020. “I asked my mother when I was grown. I was like, ‘Why is my brother’s name spelled B-E-Y-I-N-C-E?’ You know, it’s all these different spellings. And my mom’s reply to me was like, ‘That’s what they put on your birth certificate.’”


She added: “So I said, ‘Well, why didn’t you argue and make them correct it?’ And she said, ‘I did one time. The first time, and I was told ‘Be happy that you’re getting a birth certificate’ because, at one time, Black people didn’t get birth certificates.”

Back in 2004, Knowles relayed a version of this origin story to Rolling Stone, explaining that her grandfather Lumis Beyince — a Creole who lived in New Orleans and spoke French — was less than impressed about the change. “My family was not happy,” she said at the time. “My dad said, ‘She’s gonna be really mad at you, because that’s a last name.’ And I’m like, ‘It’s not a last name to anybody but you guys.’”

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Trump Invents a New Word: 'Becocked?' - LAmag - Los Angeles Magazine - Dictionary

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Trump Invents a New Word: 'Becocked?' - LAmag  Los Angeles Magazine