Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Essay: How Different Translators Bring New Life to the Iliad - The New York Times - Translation

Over the years, some 100 people have translated the entire “Iliad” into English. The latest of them, Emily Wilson, explains what different approaches to one key scene say about the original, and the translators.

In one of the most moving and memorable scenes from the “Iliad,” the great Trojan warrior Hector says farewell to his wife, Andromache, who has urged him not to risk his life by fighting on the plain. He gives their baby back to her, tells her to go home, and reiterates his decision to advance on the enemy.

Around 100 complete English translations of the “Iliad” have been published over the past 400 years. Their variety shows no clear trajectory of cultural change: Some of the more recent Homers are more archaic and less idiomatic than many earlier ones, but some are not. A wide variety of forms are used to “translate” the dactylic hexameter of the original, including prose and free verse as well as several poetic meters.

The translations reflect a wide range of possible interpretations of this short passage. Is Hector harshly scolding Andromache for offering advice about the war, despite her gender? Or is he treating her with gentle pity? Is she worried only about her husband’s death, or is she also concerned about her own imminent enslavement and their baby’s slaughter? Are her concerns valid? Does the warrior risk his life despite his love for his family, or because of it? Why must men fight? Why must women weave? How strange, or how familiar, is the society of the poem?

Each of these translations — along with dozens more — suggests a different understanding of the central themes of courage, marriage, fate and death.

The original poem is composed in beautifully musical, metrically regular dactylic hexameter, and designed to be performed out loud: It is poetry for the mouth and ear, not the page.

The scene evokes the complex emotions of three separate characters — the frightened baby, the woman, the man — and it also includes a silent fourth, the enslaved nurse.

The text provides a vivid account not only of Hector’s words, but also of his actions. At the end of the passage, he picks up again the shining helmet that he took off because its plume frightened his little son, and in so doing, he becomes again “bright-helmed Hector,” as the traditional formula of heroic poetry describes him: He again assumes his role and costume as a man who lives and will die by war.

Before this passage, Andromache has pleaded with Hector to adopt a safer strategy, rather than go to almost certain death by meeting the enemy on the open plain. As she reminds him, Hector is risking much more than his own life. His death will entail his wife’s rape and enslavement, their baby’s violent death and the sack of their city.

Hector’s response suggests a fascinatingly contradictory attitude toward his own actions. His firm tone could suggest brash confidence and/or a man steeling himself for a heartbreaking choice to prioritize his own honor over the lives and freedom of everyone he loves — a choice that becomes possible only when presented as no choice at all.


The first complete translation into English, by the playwright and erstwhile soldier Chapman, creates a staunch, fatalistic version of Hector, reflecting the poet’s interest in Stoicism. Chapman uses a metrical form that was already old-fashioned in his day, “fourteeners,” or rhyming heptameters; the original does not rhyme.

The translation expands on the original in ways that may be startling by modern norms — for instance, by rendering the single word for “tearfully,” dakruon, as “fresh streams of love’s salt fire.”

…This said, th’ heroic sire
Gave him his mother; whose fair eyes fresh streams of love’s salt fire
Billow’d on her soft cheeks, to hear the last of Hector’s speech
,In which his vows compris’d the sum of all he did beseech
In her wish’d comfort. So she took into her od’rous breast
Her husband’s gift; who, mov’d to see her heart so much oppress’d,
He dried her tears, and thus desir’d: “Afflict me not, dear wife,
With these vain griefs. He doth not live, that can disjoin my life
And this firm bosom, but my fate; and fate, whose wings can fly?
Noble, ignoble, fate controls. Once born, the best must die,
Go home, and set thy housewif’ry on these extremes of thought;
And drive war from them with thy maids; keep them from doing nought.
These will be nothing; leave the cares of war to men, and me
In whom, of all the Ilion race, they take their high’st degree.”
On went his helm; his princess home, half cold with kindly fears;
When ev’ry fear turn’d back her looks, and ev’ry look shed tears.

Pope’s translation, into elegant rhyming pentameter couplets, was a best seller in the 18th century and remains a classic. Pope adds a great many details entirely of his own invention, inserting anachronistic notions of marriage (“my soul’s far better part”), and explaining emotional responses that are unstated or ambiguous in the original: For example, Homer does not explain why Andromache is crying, but Pope clarifies that it is from “fear.” Pope invents some wonderful aphorisms that have no basis in the original but add zing to the couplet, such as “the first in danger as the first in fame.”

He spoke, and fondly gazing on her charms,
Restored the pleasing burden to her arms;
Soft on her fragrant breast the babe she laid,
Hush’d to repose, and with a smile survey’d.
The troubled pleasure soon chastised by fear,
She mingled with a smile a tender tear.
The soften’d chief with kind compassion view’d,
And dried the falling drops, and thus pursued:
”Andromache! my soul’s far better part,
Why with untimely sorrows heaves thy heart?
No hostile hand can antedate my doom,
Till fate condemns me to the silent tomb.
Fix’d is the term to all the race of earth;
And such the hard condition of our birth:
No force can then resist, no flight can save,
All sink alike, the fearful and the brave.
No more — but hasten to thy tasks at home,
There guide the spindle, and direct the loom:
Me glory summons to the martial scene,
The field of combat is the sphere for men.
Where heroes war, the foremost place I claim,
The first in danger as the first in fame.”
Thus having said, the glorious chief resumes
His towery helmet, black with shading plumes.
His princess parts with a prophetic sigh,
Unwilling parts, and oft reverts her eye
That stream’d at every look; then, moving slow,
Sought her own palace, and indulged her woe.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The prose version by the 19th-century novelist and satirist Butler — a lifelong bachelor — suggests a very different set of assumptions about women, metaphysics, emotions (“his heart yearned towards her” for eleēse, “pitied”) and even time management (“daily duties” for erga, “tasks”). Butler treats Homer’s repeated epithets as skippable, so that phaidimos Hector (“glorious Hector”) becomes simply “he.”

With this he laid the child again in the arms of his wife, who took him to her own soft bosom, smiling through her tears. As her husband watched her his heart yearned towards her and he caressed her fondly, saying, “My own wife, do not take these things too bitterly to heart. No one can hurry me down to Hades before my time, but if a man’s hour is come, be he brave or be he coward, there is no escape for him when he has once been born. Go, then, within the house, and busy yourself with your daily duties, your loom, your distaff, and the ordering of your servants; for war is man’s matter, and mine above all others of them that have been born in Ilion.” He took his plumed helmet from the ground, and his wife went back again to her house, weeping bitterly and often looking back towards him.

Fagles’s best-selling translation, in unmetrical free verse, uses many familiar American idioms and clichés (such as “smiling through her tears,” or “filled with pity,” a metaphor absent from the original). He softens the brusqueness of Hector’s final speech to his wife by rendering daimonie as the gentle “dear one,” and adding “trying to reassure her” and “please,” neither of which appears in the Greek.

Fagles makes Hector’s most iconic phrase, that men must be warriors, sound much chattier and wordier than the original, spreading it over two lines: “as for the fighting / men…”

… So Hector prayed
and placed his son in the arms of his loving wife.
Andromache pressed the child to her scented breast,
smiling through her tears. Her husband noticed,
and filled with pity now, Hector stroked her gently,
trying to reassure her, repeating her name: “Andromache,
dear one, why so desperate? Why so much grief for me?
No man will hurl me down to Death, against my fate.
And fate? No man alive has ever escaped it,
neither brave man nor coward, I tell you —
it’s born with us the day that we are born.
So please go home and tend to your own tasks,
the distaff and the loom, and keep the women
working hard as well. As for the fighting,

men will see to that, all who were born in Troy
but I most of all.”

Hector aflash in arms
took up his horsehair-crested helmet once again.
And his loving wife went home, turning, glancing
back again and again and weeping live warm tears.

In my own translation of the “Iliad,” I echo the metrical regularity of the original by using unrhyming iambic pentameter. I thought long and hard about the multiple narrative perspectives suggested by the original poem, and its resonant ambiguities; in this passage, for example, I use both “beloved” and “loving” for phile — a word that could suggest either, or both — because the feelings of both the wife and the husband are at stake.

The rhetorically punchy qualities of Hector’s speech seemed essential, as well as Hector’s insistent focus on his own defining identity as a warrior. Hector is a deeply loving father and husband who makes the choice to leave his family to almost-certain enslavement and death.

As I read the Greek, we feel heartbroken for all three members of the family (or for all four, counting the silent nurse) — and all the more so because there is no hint of sentimentality in the language, no softness in Hector’s final words. The emotions are sketched with extraordinary concision: The only explicit feeling is Hector’s pity for Andromache’s tears (eleēse), but a world of other emotions is evoked through gesture.

…With these words,
he gave his son to his beloved wife.
She let him snuggle in her perfumed dress,
and tearfully she smiled. Her husband noticed
and pitied her. He took her by the hand
and said to her,
“Strange woman! Come on now,
you must not be too sad on my account.
No man can send me to the house of Hades
before my time. No man can get away
from destiny, first set for us at birth,
however cowardly or brave he is.
Go home and do the things you have to do.
Work on your loom and spindle and instruct
the slaves to do their household work as well.
War is a task for men — for every man
born here in Troy, but most especially, me.”
When he had finished speaking, glorious Hector
picked up his helmet with its horsehair plume.
His loving wife set off for home, but kept
twisting and turning back to look at him.
More and more tears kept flooding down her face.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Milestone Localization Releases A Report On Freelancing In The Language Industry - Slator - Translation

[BENGALURU, KA, 27 June, 2023] — Milestone Localization, one of the leading providers of professional translation and localization services, announces the release of its much-awaited survey report titled “The State of Freelancing in the Language Industry.” The report sheds light on the experiences of freelancers in the language industry and their outlook on the impact of technological advancements on their profession.

The survey was intended to gain deeper insights into the opportunities and challenges freelancers face in the language industry. It was open to freelance language professionals across the globe for three months and received 877 responses. The participants were asked about their work profile, working habits, knowledge and skills, income, clients, and their views on the impact of AI in translation. The survey unveiled significant findings and offered valuable insights into their professional lives.

Key findings from the report

  1. Income satisfaction: The survey revealed that 53.36% of respondents are satisfied with their freelancing income in their language industry.
  2. Client retention: 40.36% of the respondents earned more than 75% of their income from returning clients, emphasising the importance of building strong and enduring professional relationships with clients. It also highlights the potential for earning a recurring and sustainable income via freelancing in the language industry.
  3. Impact of AI on workflow: A significant 73.71% of respondents who incorporated AI, automation, or machine translation tools reported improved productivity and efficiency. However, 57.6% of the respondents view AI translation tools as a threat to their profession.
  4. Recommending freelancing: A notable 69.21% of the respondents are likely to recommend freelancing to others.

The report also includes quotes from experienced freelance professionals and industry experts.

The full report is available at – The State Of Freelancing In The Language Industry 

Its comprehensive findings are not only beneficial for experienced freelancers but also for newcomers and other stakeholders in the language industry, providing valuable insights into this field.

About Milestone Localization:

Milestone Localization is an ISO 17100-certified language service provider offering end-to-end translation and localization services to businesses across the globe. Quality is at the core of all the operations at Milestone, and it continuously strives to deliver exceptional services to clients. Through a network of over 1400 linguists across the globe, Milestone Localization caters to a wide array of industries, including medical devices, corporate training, legal, gaming, and others.

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Monday, June 26, 2023

These Language-Translating Earbuds Are $149 Right Now - Lifehacker - Translation

Image: Mymanu

If you want to communicate in another language but don’t have the time or inclination to learn it, an automatic translator can be a viable alternative (just ask anyone on Star Trek). While no translator is flawless, the Mymanu CLIK S Translation Earbuds have earned good performance reviews and can handle 37 different languages.

These translation earbuds can be used for live translation, both written and spoken translation, and you can also use them to listen to music or make calls. Right now you can get a pair of Mymanu CLIK S Translation Earbuds on sale for $149 (regularly $157).

Translate 37 languages

These earbuds have been featured at CES and won a Red Dot award for their intuitive design and seamless functionality. They can quickly translate live conversation in French, Spanish, German, Japanese, and a myriad of other languages. Install the free MyJuno app on your iOS or Android device to access the translation function on your earbuds. From there, you can select the language you’re speaking and the language you need to translate.

When you speak, hold down the CLIK button on your earbud and release when you’re done. A translation will automatically play on your phone and be displayed in writing. When your conversation partner speaks, they just need to talk into your phone. You’ll automatically hear a translation played in your ears and be able to see it displayed on your screen as text.

The Mymyanu CLIK S can translate for multiple speakers at the same time, but it those instances it will only provide a translated text log for you to read. One of the only downsides of these translation earbuds is that they rely on the MyJuno app. MyJuno is intuitive and easy to use, but that does mean you have to keep an eye on your device (and keep two batteries charged) if you want to keep translating. However, the earbuds can last up to 10 hours on a single charge, and the case adds 20 hours more.

Use these earbuds to translate while you travel

This purchase includes ​​the Mymanu CLIK S Earbuds, the recharging case, six eartips, and a Type-C charging cable.

Get the Mymanu CLIK S Award-Winning Translation earbuds on sale for $149 (though prices may change at any time).

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History is happening with the free Crow Dictionary App - KULR-TV - Dictionary

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History is happening with the free Crow Dictionary App  KULR-TV

AI is being used to translate 5000 year-old cuneiform tablets - PC Gamer - Translation

With the rise of ChatGPT and the like, AI has entered the mainstream public consciousness. As well as various philosophical concerns or potential economic effects, talk about AI inevitably brings up the topic of the end of civilization. 

It may be more relevant to civilization's beginning, however. AI is broadly software that's able to learn, reason, and infer meaning, and that makes it a wonderful tool for translating ancient or dead languages.

A team of archaeologists and computer scientists have created an AI program with exactly that purpose in mind. Specifically, this AI is being used to translate tablets with Akkadian texts using cuneiform script, some of which date back to 2,500 BCE. It's like a super Google Translate.

Akkadian was a language spoken in parts of Mesopotamia, an area now belonging to modern Iraq. According to the authors of the paper published at PNAS Nexus (via Heritage Daily) , there are hundreds of thousands of these clay tablets, but because there's only a limited number of available experts in Akkadian texts, most of them remain untranslated. Mesopotamian languages aren't my strong suit, that's for sure.

The researchers claim the AI is able to achieve 97% accuracy at translating the Akkadian cuneiform script to Latin, which is a much easier task than translating to English, with its more complicated sentence structures.

The AI performed well when tasked with translating formally written text, such as royal decrees or those written by scholars. It does tend to struggle with literary texts, producing what are called "hallucinations", which are results that bear little, if any resemblance to the actual text.

I'd like to see how AIs of the future go at reading some of the rubbish you see on social media today. They'd probably struggle with my PC Gamer articles. Am I rite?

It's hoped that AI will be able to translate other lost languages. With the ability to learn and adapt to the complexities of written text, more knowledge of the ancient world will eventually become available to us.

There's a long way to go though. Even understanding English is a difficult task for AIs. Ordering a Wendy's burger sounds simple enough, but if you've got Cola by Lana Del Ray playing on your radio, you might not get the Sprite you wanted.

Who knows? Maybe one day AI could be used to translate animal speak, like whatever my cat is trying to say. Then again, my cat only really says two things: feed me, or feed me now. I don't need an AI to tell me that.

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Sunday, June 25, 2023

British Museum apologizes after using translators work in China exhibition without pay or acknowledgment - CNN - Translation

CNN  — 

When the British Museum launched its “China’s hidden century” exhibition last month, writer and translator Yilin Wang began getting confusing messages from her peers.

The show, which featured 19th century Chinese works including poems by feminist and revolutionary Qiu Jin, didn’t seem to include credits for translators, a friend told Wang. And yet, the Qiu Jin translations seemed to lift directly from Wang’s own work — was she involved in the exhibit?

No, Wang replied: She’d never been contacted by the museum, which used her work without permission, pay or acknowledgment.

A social media firestorm ensued, culminating in the British Museum issuing a statement Thursday that admitted the permissions and acknowledgment for Wang’s translations had been “inadvertently omitted.”

It was an “unintentional human error for which the Museum has apologized to Yilin Wang,” it said, adding that it had removed her translations from the exhibition, and offered payment for the duration they were up, as well as for the translations that remain in a printed catalog.

But these measures fall short and the apology rings hollow, Wang told CNN in a phone interview Friday.

She criticized the statement for sounding passive instead of taking proper accountability. And, she said, it neglects to address the larger questions this incident has raised about ethics in academia and what she describes as the frequent erasure of translators — especially women and people of color.

The firestorm

The online controversy emerged last week when Wang posted about the use of her translations on Twitter.

“Please note this is a copyright infringement … I think you owe me some money for printing and exhibiting my translations, British Museum,” she wrote in a thread, noting that her translations — which had previously been published on her website and in literary journals — were also featured in the museum’s online guide and printed catalog about the exhibit.

Her post has since circulated widely on Twitter, garnering nearly 53,000 likes and 15,000 retweets to date.

The British Museum has since reached out and in its statement Thursday, said it “takes copyright permissions seriously.”

“Across the range of our work, we make every effort to contact the owners of rights in text, images, print and digital media. This was a particularly complicated project and we recognize we made an inadvertent mistake and fell short of our usual standards,” it said.

It added that “China’s hidden century” had involved more than 400 people from 20 countries, and that those involved had “spent years, together with scholars worldwide,” putting it all together.

But to Wang, the scope of the project made her erasure sting all the more. “How exactly did this happen?” she said. “It was funded by a research grant that was over 700,000 (British) pounds. These researchers had (almost) four years to research, they must have gathered translations and created all these different formats. It’s been up for multiple weeks, and no one thought to be like, ‘Where are these translations from?’”

The exhibition was supported by a £719,327 ($914,847) research grant from the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council called “Cultural Creativity in Qing China 1796-1912.”


For Wang and peers in the translation and publishing world, this incident highlights the broader and longstanding problem of translators’ work being obscured or uncredited.

A social media campaign known as #NameTheTranslator has picked up steam in recent years, encouraging publishers, educators and reviewers to name translators alongside the original authors of literary works.

“Without translators, these kinds of works would not be accessible,” said Wang, adding that translated works only make up a small minority of books published in the US. “This is especially bad for women translators and women poets.”

The lack of credit also undermines the labor and expertise necessary for effective translation, many translators say. It’s not as simple as running a text through Google Translate — rather, good translation relies on skills, expertise and craft that can take years to train.

“When I’m translating, I am using my knowledge of poetry in English, I’m using my knowledge of classical Chinese literature, I’m doing background research on the poet and … on the time period that Qiu Jin was writing in,” she said. “I am also often going through 10 to 15 drafts of the same poem to find the right words, the right expression, the most eloquent way of translating idioms and allusions, the right way to capture the spirit and emotional power of the poetry rather than a word-by-word translation.”

This can be especially true for classical Chinese, which has a very different syntax and diction from English, she said. So when translations are used without credit, it’s this time, effort and knowledge being poached.

“I would urge the British Museum to come negotiate with me in good faith, that they’d be more apologetic,” Wang said, adding: “It’s really important to have discussions about copyright, about crediting translators’ labor, about making sure that this does not happen again and taking steps to correct it properly.”

The British Museum did not respond immediately to CNN’s request for comment.

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TWTS: Dictionaries are defined by their editors - Michigan Radio - Dictionary

What’s the name of the book you use to look up words you don’t know?

For many of us, the answer to this question is simply “the dictionary." However, that suggests it doesn’t really matter which dictionary we use to look up a word, and that’s just not true.

Different dictionaries have different approaches, which is why Professor Anne Curzan consults multiple dictionaries when researching your questions.

Curzan was recently at the biennial meeting of the Dictionary Society of North America. The keynote speaker at the conference was David Skinner, author of The Story of Ain’t: America, Its Language, and the Most Controversial Dictionary Ever Published.

The dictionary in question is the 1961 publication of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. The dictionary had a new editor, Philip Gove, who took a more descriptive approach to the language. Gove took out a lot of usage labels that might have been seen as making judgements about particular words.

When this dictionary was published, it was widely condemned. The New York Times, the Washington Post, and Life Magazine are just a few of the publications that went after this dictionary with phrases like “radically permissive” and “downright irresponsible.” Critics were especially focused on “ain’t” and whether the correct usage labels were used.

The American Heritage Dictionary was actually created in direct response to the controversy over Webster’s Third. Part of that response included a usage panel that Professor Curzan served on. For more on that, listen to the audio above.

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