Thursday, June 1, 2023

Backlash over ‘gender-sensitive’ Hebrew Bible translation that uses ‘God,’ not ‘He’ - The Times of Israel - Translation

JTA — A new Biblical translation that eschews gendered pronouns for God is now available through Sefaria, the online library of Jewish texts, prompting backlash on social media from some who see the change as a sacrilege.

The Revised Jewish Publication Society edition of the Bible, which the 135-year-old Jewish publishing house has released in partnership with Sefaria, is the first major update to the JPS translation of the Tanach — the Hebrew Bible — in nearly 40 years. So far, only the books comprising the Prophets, the second of the Hebrew Bible’s three sections, are available on Sefaria.

The new English translation refers to individuals with pronouns that are consistent with traditional gender norms. But unlike nearly all translations of the Bible throughout history, the new edition, known as RJPS, does not refer to God with masculine pronouns. It doesn’t use feminine pronouns either: Instead, God is referred to simply as “God” throughout the text.

For example, Isaiah 55:6 reads, “Seek GOD while you can, Call out while [God] is near.” JPS’s landmark 1985 translation, by contrast, reads, “Seek the LORD while He can be found, Call to Him while He is near.”

“The RJPS makes the case that the art of Bible translation is always a work in progress, and should take into account not only our deeper understanding today of biblical Hebrew but also the significant changes that have occurred in the use of English over the past decades,” said JPS’s director emeritus, Rabbi Barry Schwartz, in the announcement for the new translation of the Bible.

“Tanach is the foundational text of the Jewish people, and we share Sefaria’s desire for everyone to be able to access it in language that is appropriate and meaningful for them while remaining faithful to the original,” Schwartz added.

One of 7,200 source sheets available at in 2017 (JTA)

The lack of divine pronouns in the RJPS translation comes as non-traditional pronouns — and debate over their use — have become increasingly prevalent in public discourse. A 2021 study by the Pew Research Center found that more than a quarter of American adults know someone who uses gender-neutral pronouns, up eight percentage points since 2018. Meanwhile, many conservatives have decried the use of gender-neutral pronouns, and multiple Republican-led states have passed laws effectively permitting educators to refuse to use the pronouns their students prefer.

The RJPS translation, one of at least 12 available through Sefaria, has sparked backlash online from some Orthodox Jews who believe the new translation is not aligned with their values. Arguing that the translation is an example of progressive political ideology seeping into religion, some have said they will stop using the website and app because of the RJPS translation.

Yehiel Kalish, the CEO of Jewish ambulance corps Chevra Hatzalah, announced last week via Twitter that he had deleted the app. Other prominent figures in the Orthodox world also condemned the new translation.

Rabbi Yechiel Kalish (YouTube screenshot)

“Sefaria is a tremendous resource for the [world of] Torah,” tweeted Yochonon Donn, news editor of Mishpacha Magazine, which reaches a Haredi, or ultra- Orthodox, audience. “Messing around with [holy books] to conform to western ideas of equality is an unacceptable breach. If this is true, I can’t see people learning from an unholy source.”

Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values, a right-wing Orthodox political advocacy organization, tweeted that “to be more inclusive of atheists, they’ll provide a ‘historically accurate translation’ that avoids mention of the Supreme Being. ‘In the beginning, heaven and earth were created.’”

Sefaria has always featured texts relevant to Jews with a range of approaches — a spectrum that has only widened as the digital library has added (and begun supporting the creation of) contemporary texts and translations.

Publishing the RJPS is “about having different translations that are available,” said Sara Wolkenfeld, Sefaria’s chief learning officer. (Sefaria’s CEO, Daniel Septimus, is on the board of 70 Faces Media, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s parent organization.)

“We are always working to include Jewish texts that are studied by the full range of Jewish learners,” she said. “And that’s why we chose to include the newest JPS translation, but among the many other translations that we’ve already hosted in the library.”

Sefaria also has translations from Orthodox-geared publishing houses, such as the Koren and Metsudah versions, and even translations into French and German. Users can select their own preferred English translation, and RJPS is not the default translation for the Book of Prophets.

“People should know that Sefaria is a library for the entire Jewish people,” Wolkenfeld said. “And our mission is to provide access to Torah and to bring Torah into the digital age. That’s really what we’re aiming for.”

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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Skeptic - Tablet Magazine - Dictionary

There are some books that are so essential to learning something new that they become like an extension of your body. Over 20 years ago, when I was a college student attempting to learn Arabic, that book was the Hans Wehr Modern Arabic-English Dictionary.

This was right before 9/11, before many Americans were interested in studying Arabic, and there were only a handful of students in my class. Every day we would all lug the Hans Wehr Dictionary, aka “The Wehr,” around with us and plop it on the classroom table. The book was bright green, with white font and a thin red band across the bottom, and it was the only dictionary that our professor recommended that we buy.

Our Arabic professor was a brilliant Palestinian man who was not satisfied with the current Arabic language-learning paradigm and decided to write his own textbooks instead. Believing that learning one dialect is better than learning none, our teacher taught us his own mother tongue, a sweet-strong Levantine Arabic that sounded like water being poured from a jug. I’m not sure if he was aware of the history of the Hans Wehr dictionary, but at that time there was an unspoken agreement to avoid talking politics in class.

I never gave much thought to the book itself. I knew that its contents were heavily derived from Arabic literature references, rather than medieval Arabic dictionaries, and like literature, the book was both a passageway and an offering. I wasn’t even sure why I became so enraptured with Arabic in the first place, yet my love for the language was undeniable. As a Jewish girl raised in the middle of Virginia, with only a small number of Jews in my community and none in my school, I never felt like I belonged. “Otherness” became an essential part of my identity, and studying “the other” became a form of studying myself.

After I graduated, I took a job as a teacher in Egypt, eager to finally step foot in an Arabic-speaking country. But I was instantly humbled by the contrast between what I thought I knew and the reality I encountered. This was true not only about how to speak Arabic, but regarding my understanding of the Arab world. You better believe that I took the Hans Wehr dictionary with me to Egypt, but I have to admit that I found the Rough Guide Egyptian Arabic phrasebook to be a lot more helpful.

My Egyptian teaching gig was very strange—I was an instructor at a makeshift school in the Sinai Peninsula at an ecolodge founded by an Egyptian man with piercing blue eyes, who was educated in the German system in Cairo, and his German wife. Many of the guests who visited the lodge were also Germans, or Egyptians educated at German schools in Egypt. One of my most beloved coworkers, a young Egyptian man who chain-smoked Marlboros and adored poetry and Radiohead, spoke German like a native, and even the local Bedouin girls who attended our school were pretty fluent. There was a whole German scene at that place, including one Egyptian professor of history who assertively told me that 9/11 never happened, and neither did the Holocaust.

Like the dictionary, I never gave much thought to all of the upper-class, German-educated Egyptians around the lodge, but from them I learned that the Germans held a special place in Egypt that the British apparently failed to secure. The British didn’t seem to understand that chopping up the region and coercing political allegiance isn’t nearly as effective in the long run as a deliberate campaign of brainwashing and flattery. Even while the Egyptians were helping the Brits defeat the Germans in World War II, there were simpatico exchanges between Hitler and King Farouk indicating that although the British might have won the physical battle, the Germans were likely to win hearts and minds.

Over months of working and traveling in the vast expanse of Egypt, I began to better understand Arabic and as a result, aspects of Egyptian culture started to unfold before me. I learned how much Egyptians loved soccer and desserts and romance. I also learned that throughout Egypt the Israelis were only referred to as “Al-Yehud”—“The Jews”—so that to Egyptians there was no distinction between an Israeli citizen, a Jew from Yemen, and one from New York. Jews were also portrayed with blatant Nazi propaganda on TV. I once had to sit through a never-ending Ramadan “musalsal”—a special holiday month soap opera that captivated the nation—where the Jewish character was literally a hook-nosed man in a black jacket carrying around a bag with a dollar symbol on it.

As a hippie, peace-loving Jewish girl who found Arabic vastly more intriguing than Hebrew and had no familial attachment to Israel, living in Egypt greatly expanded my understanding of the Middle East—but also jaded me to a devastating degree. Upon my return to the United States, I tucked the Hans Wehr dictionary away for years. The same place that captured my spirit was tainted by a constructed hatred that was still being taught.

My time studying Arabic and traveling in Egypt remained firmly in the background of my life, as I started my own family with a Brazilian husband and grew ever more distant from that youthful exploration. But a few months ago, seemingly out of nowhere I stumbled upon an article written by Khaled Diab in New Lines Magazine that hit me like one of Proust’s madeleines. Diab’s fascinating piece, “The Gifts of Jewish Arabists—and Arab Jews,” described how in the late 1930s and early 1940s, there was a German Jewish woman named Hedwig Klein who was intimately involved with compiling the initial Hans Wehr dictionary.

I was stunned: How had I never known about this? A Jewish woman helped write “The Wehr”? It was like finding out that Herman Melville worked with a ghostwriter to compose Moby Dick, and that ghostwriter was your distant great aunt.

Hedwig Klein was a Jewish German Arabist who had been captivated by the Arab world, went on to immerse herself in Arabic literature, and wrote a Ph.D. dissertation on early Islamic history. Much of what is known about Hedwig’s story comes from her colleagues at the time, as well as German historians, academics, and journalists, who have chronicled and elevated her incredible tale. From their accounts, I would guess that Hedwig, like other intellectual Jews of that time and place—and many of us since—found solace in studying Arabic and looking east.

Hedwig wasn’t born a German, but in 1914, just a few years after her birth, she moved with her family from Antwerp to Hamburg. Shortly after, her father, Hungarian oil wholesaler Abraham Wolff Klein, was drafted and killed in combat on the Eastern Front during the First World War. It wasn’t until 1927 that Hedwig, her older sister Therese, and her mother, Recha, became German citizens. By 1931, Hedwig had started her higher education, focusing on Islamic studies, Semitic studies, and English philology at the University of Hamburg.

It’s tragically ironic that as a university student Hedwig earned herself the nickname of “Shakkaka”—Arabic for “skeptic”—due to her reluctance to accept any dogmatic statement. In 1937, she completed a dissertation on the historical reception of Islam in Oman, receiving the highest distinction of summa cum laude. Her Ph.D. supervisor, Rudolf Strothmann, described her dissertation as “a worthy contribution to Islamic Studies,” and Arthur Schaade, the second academic reviewer, commented that it was “so diligent and brilliant that it made one wish some older Arabists could live up to it.”

Yet with Kristallnacht looming, none of these accomplishments would be enough to push her degree forward. Hedwig was denied her doctorate due to “stricter measures” against the Jewish population. Even her plea to the dean of the School of Philosophy, where she highlighted that her father had been killed while fighting alongside the Germans, didn’t grant her entry into the academic elite.

Like so many educated European Jews, Klein was probably incapable of imagining the extent of the horror that would ensue under Hitler. And yet, by 1939, with her degree rejected by the university, she was aware enough of the danger to try to escape Germany.

One of her colleagues, the notable geographer Carl Rathjens—whose work on Yemenite Jewry remains of great value to this day—consistently advocated for Hedwig’s fair treatment and safety. Through his academic connections with a British professor in Bombay, Rathjens managed to get Hedwig a visa to India. She boarded the boat and wrote to Rathjens that all looked promising, but after a stopover in Antwerp, on the cusp of the Second World War, that boat was ordered to return to Germany and Hedwig never made it out of Europe.

Instead, in a twisted event that served as both a lifeline and a death sentence, Arthur Schaade put her in touch with Hans Wehr. At that time, Hans Wehr, who was a German Arabist and a loyal member of the National Socialist Party, was rushing to complete a government-funded dictionary of contemporary Arabic. A central purpose of this dictionary would be to translate Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf into Arabic in order to gain the Arab peoples as allies. Because Hedwig possessed a coveted linguistic skill, she became a valuable asset to Wehr’s dictionary project.

Hedwig diligently reviewed contemporary works of Arabic literature for Wehr and would write definitions of Arabic terms on slips of paper and send them to the editors by mail. Wehr’s staff noted the “exceptional quality” of her submissions. It was both a punishment and a reward that Hedwig managed to avoid deportation while her sister Therese was sent on the fourth Hamburg deportation train to Riga in December 1941, where she was murdered.

But what does it mean to be kept alive so that your work can help kill your own people? Hedwig, who was by then required to live in state-sanctioned Jewish housing and wear the yellow Judenstern, must have known that by working on the dictionary she was indirectly assisting the Nazis to convince a part of the world she loved most to hate her.

With her only sister dead, Hedwig continued to work on the Hans Wehr dictionary for several more months, but as the tempo of the war increased, her talents, and the valiant attempts of her colleagues to protect her, were no match for the regime. Schaade had even written to government officials and argued that Hedwig was of essential value to the dictionary project and therefore to the Nazi party. But there came a point where an exceptional Jew was no longer an exception.

In July 1942, Hedwig received a summons to report for the fifth Hamburg transport of Jews—the first and only train that traveled from Hamburg to Auschwitz. After her departure, Arthur Schaade and Carl Rathjens furiously attempted to learn her whereabouts. In the ensuing years, Rathjens even managed to get appointed as her representative in absentia and publish 56 copies of Hedwig’s dissertation, eventually awarding her the Ph.D. Finally, in 1951, the Hamburg District Court granted Rathjens’ ongoing request for information and declared Hedwig dead.

A few months ago, when I first came across the article mentioning Hedwig, I scrambled to find my old Hans Wehr dictionary amid the cookbooks and children’s books and sci-fi series that had overtaken my bookshelves. Sure enough, I had kept it with me for all of these years, the way you hold onto an old love letter—not because you think that you will ever be able to fully rekindle that relationship, but to remind you that you have the capacity to love.

I paged through the opening—the section written in English that I had never cared about, and only saw her name written once, amid a sea of other contributors. In more recent editions of the dictionary, thanks to the efforts of German writer Stefan Buchen and other journalists and academics who brought her story to the forefront, Hedwig now has a slightly more detailed acknowledgment.

But seeing “Dr. Hedwig Klein” printed on the page was like seeing the reflection of a dead person’s face in a mirror. My breath became deep and concentrated. The audacity of the casual mention, one that I had never noticed even though I’d read that book enough times to have memorized the pages for each letter, was brutally stunning. What is crueler than keeping a Jewish woman alive so that her work can help translate Mein Kampf?

Like most academics, Hedwig likely never fully lived in the tangible land made of geographic borders and boundaries—she lived in the realm of thought and literature and interpretation. She was probably never able to firmly grasp the depravity of the people around her. That kind of cruelty can’t exist when your thoughts are marked by nuance, perspective, and skepticism. Hedwig’s body may have died in Auschwitz, but in her mind’s eye she was sailing on the Mediterranean, heading east.

Hedwig’s story is the story of Jews and women and academics and writers and thinkers of all sorts—the types of people who cannot help but see themselves in “the other.” But it is also the story of one Jewish woman whose talent was valued and exploited, and who remains largely unknown to this day. It’s not lost on me that I learned about Hedwig Klein from an Arab writer. I don’t know Khaled Diab personally, but writing a piece on Jewish contributions to Arab society is a brave thing to do, and through his courage I received the gift of Hedwig’s story. Diab opened himself up to the other, and with that offering he connected himself to Hedwig, and Hedwig to me, and me to him.

The irony of the Hans Wehr dictionary project is that dictionaries are intrinsically instruments of understanding. Using a dictionary literally allows you to be understood by “the other” by translating your thoughts into a language they can understand. And it also grants you the ability to speak for them, when their own voice has been silenced.

Perhaps Hedwig knew this, and she believed the greater mission of the project would override the immediate goal of translating a hate manifesto. With the help of the Hans Wehr dictionary, I could read the Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish and understand not only the words, but the meaning in the melody. Because of the Hans Wehr dictionary, Khaled Diab wrote an article that made me remember what I cared about and reminded me that there are still others out there who care. And because of the Hans Wehr dictionary, I was introduced to Hedwig Klein, a kind of historic soul sister whose story I will continue to tell. May her memory, and the memory of her work, be a blessing.

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'Succession' Finale: How a Translation App Changed Everything - Esquire UK - Translation

Back in the fifth episode of the final season of Succession, the GoJo Swedes were running rings around the hapless Waystar Royco contingent. On a joint company retreat in a luxury hotel in the forests of Norway, the goal was clearly to leave the American visitors lost in translation.

It’s the perfect setup: speak in your native language, and you can insult the Roy siblings and their coterie right to their faces. So while Matsson, Oskar and the others were freely cracking jokes that the Roys couldn’t understand (“Are you done?” Kendall said at the time, “I dunno, Maybe it’s funnier with subtitles?”), we did just that, and asked a Swedish contact to translate exactly what they were saying. Needless to say, it wasn’t pleasant.

However, as the series went on, Greg – despite being initially branded “two-metres of nepotism” and “the Habsburg giant” – ingratiated himself to the GoJo gang. One night out ended up with... well, we'll let Greg explain: “I danced with an old man. He didn't want to dance, but they made us dance. He was so confused. I drank things that aren't normally drinks.”

preview for Damon Lindelof Talks How He'd End 'Succession' & Sci-Fi Drama 'Mrs. Davis' | Explain This | Esquire

Still the Swedes insisted on talking in Swedish in front of Greg, and by the series finale, Greg had grown wise to the practice. While in a French restaurant with Tom, Greg sidles up to the bar with Matsson and Oskar to do shots, but Greg sneakily pulls out a translation app and translates in real time what the two men are talking about. We can all hear them say the word “Shiv” but then the app reveals them saying:

“I think it works”

“How are you gonna do”

“Yes, when you tell her that it won’t be her”

This is golden info, and Greg is straight on the phone to Kendall to try and leverage a big deal for himself, petrified by the idea of suffering a heavy pay-cut (or worse) under Matsson's new order. He tells him: “Dude, I’m in the centre of the fucking universe with knowledge to take down, like solar systems, man,” but that it will come at a price: he wants to be part of the Quad Squad.

The ball then starts rolling on the downfall: Kendall can use this info to reveal to Shiv that Matsson is going to betray her, and then get her to fall in line to back him and Roman, ensuring that the GoJo deal is pulled by their board majority.

This Duolingo move is perfect for both Greg and Kendall. Knowledge is power, in any language. With this on their side, it’s a shoo-in for the ultimate win for Kendall. What could possibly go wrong?

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Microsoft and Amazon Announce Similar New Machine Translation Features a Day Apart - Slator - Translation

The week before the Memorial Day 2023 holiday in the United States saw both Microsoft and Amazon roll out new features to their enterprise machine translation client base.

First, during the latest Microsoft Build event, the Microsoft Translator unit announced a batch document translation feature on May 23, 2023. The functionality is available in Language Studio and is intended for enterprise users, who can now translate directly from local networks or repositories, instead of having to upload files to a cloud.

On the same day, the group also announced a public preview of  Microsoft Translator V3 connector and Text Translator SDK. The Translator V3 Connector automates text and document translation within a workflow, be it in different clouds or locally, calls or emails, and other supported apps. Microsoft says the SDK reduces complexity for developers as well as “the need to assimilate API definitions.”

Other concurrent announcements included plugins and tools that at this time are available only as private previews. These include a plugin that allows translation of a source text “between any of the 125+ languages and dialects supported by Azure Cognitive Services Translator service.”

Amazon Unveils Document Translation on the Fly

A day later, on May 24, Amazon announced that a feature of its Translate product that handles document translation in real time is now “generally available.”

MT Exper-in-the-Loop Report Page

Slator Machine Translation Expert-in-the-Loop Report

60-page report on the interaction between human experts and AI in translation production, including AI-enabled workflows, adoption rates, postediting, pricing models.

Although Amazon Translate supports translation between 75 high and low-resource languages, with up to 5,550 possible translation combinations, this new feature is limited to source and target combinations that include English. It is also only available in 16 AWS commercial regions.  

The newly launched feature enables translation of HTML and text documents on the fly without the need to extract text before translating or any other prep work. It is also possible now to translate without having to reformat target language documents.

This functionality is accessible through APIs or the AWS console, and users can currently submit translation requests for the supported file types and languages in sizes up to 100KB.

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A ‘gender-sensitive’ Hebrew Bible translation hit digital shelves - The Jerusalem Post - Translation

A new Biblical translation that eschews gendered pronouns for God is now available through Sefaria, the online library of Jewish texts, prompting backlash on social media from some who see the change as a sacrilege.

The Revised Jewish Publication Society edition of the Bible, which the 135-year-old Jewish publishing house has released in partnership with Sefaria, is the first major update to the JPS translation of the Tanakh in nearly 40 years. So far, only the books comprising the Prophets, the Hebrew Bible’s second section, are available on Sefaria.

The new English translation refers to individuals with pronouns that are consistent with traditional gender norms. But unlike nearly all translations of the Bible throughout history, the new edition, known as RJPS, does not refer to God with masculine pronouns. It doesn’t use feminine pronouns either: Instead, God is referred to simply as “God” throughout the text.

For example, Isaiah 55:6 reads, “Seek GOD while you can, Call out while [God] is near.” JPS’ landmark 1985 translation, by contrast, reads, “Seek the LORD while He can be found, Call to Him while He is near.”

Taking changes of language and understanding into account

“The RJPS makes the case that the art of Bible translation is always a work in progress, and should take into account not only our deeper understanding today of biblical Hebrew but also the significant changes that have occurred in the use of English over the past decades,” said JPS’ director emeritus, Rabbi Barry Schwartz, in the announcement for the new translation of the Bible, which is called the Tanakh in Hebrew.

KOREN TANAKH, different versions. (credit: Courtesy Koren Publishers)KOREN TANAKH, different versions. (credit: Courtesy Koren Publishers)

“Tanakh is the foundational text of the Jewish people, and we share Sefaria’s desire for everyone to be able to access it in language that is appropriate and meaningful for them while remaining faithful to the original,” Schwartz added.

The lack of divine pronouns in the RJPS translation comes as non-traditional pronouns — and debate over their use — have become increasingly prevalent in public discourse. A 2021 study by the Pew Research Center found that more than a quarter of American adults know someone who uses gender-neutral pronouns, up eight percentage points since 2018. Meanwhile, many conservatives have decried the use of gender-neutral pronouns, and multiple Republican-led states have passed laws effectively permitting educators to refuse to use the pronouns their students prefer.

The RJPS translation, one of at least 12 available through Sefaria, has sparked backlash online from some Orthodox Jews who believe the new translation is not aligned with their values. Arguing that the translation is an example of progressive political ideology seeping into religion, some have said they will stop using the app over the RJPS translation.

Yehiel Kalish, the CEO of Jewish ambulance corps Chevra Hatzalah, announced last week via Twitter that he had deleted the app. Other prominent figures in the Orthodox world also condemned the new translation.

“Sefaria is a tremendous resource for the [world of] Torah,” tweeted Yochonon Donn, news editor of Mishpacha Magazine, which reaches a haredi Orthodox audience. “Messing around with [holy books] to conform to western ideas of equality is an unacceptable breach. If this is true, I can’t see people learning from an unholy source.”

Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values, a right-wing Orthodox political advocacy organization, tweeted that “to be more inclusive of atheists, they’ll provide a ‘historically accurate translation’ that avoids mention of the Supreme Being. ‘In the beginning, heaven and earth were created.’”

Sefaria has always featured texts relevant to Jews with a range of approaches — a spectrum that has only widened as the digital library has added (and begun supporting the creation of) contemporary texts and translations.

Publishing the RJPS is “about having different translations that are available,” said Sara Wolkenfeld, Sefaria’s chief learning officer. (Sefaria’s CEO, Daniel Septimus, is on the board of 70 Faces Media, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s parent organization.)

“We are always working to include Jewish texts that are studied by the full range of Jewish learners,” she said. “And that’s why we chose to include the newest JPS translation, but among the many other translations that we’ve already hosted in the library.”

Sefaria also has translations from Orthodox-geared publishing houses, such as the Koren and Metsudah versions, and even translations into French and German. Users can select their own preferred English translation, and RJPS is not the default translation for the Book of Prophets.

“People should know that Sefaria is a library for the entire Jewish people,” Wolkenfeld said. “And our mission is to provide access to Torah and to bring Torah into the digital age. That’s really what we’re aiming for.”

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Gallivant. According to Websters Dictionary, the definition is to travel ... - Specialty Food Association - Dictionary

Gallivant® Mawa Ice Cream is a craft, small-batch, made-in-Texas ice cream company that specializes in unique ingredients and flavors. The brand was founded by Snehee Chaplot, who was inspired to create Gallivant Mawa Ice Cream after having a personal health scare.  She discovered she had a medical condition that resulted in her developing a gluten allergy and sensitivity to dairy and eggs. Being a vegetarian, she relied heavily on dairy to gain nourishment but was unable to consume 'normal’ organic dairy products. So she began her journey into understanding why dairy was hurting her and what can she do to 'reverse' this sensitivity. She started learning about and adopting Ayurvedic practices that could help her body 'heal' and once again accept dairy.

Chaplot is a Food Safety Scientist with over 15 years of experience ranging between research and development, commercialization and manufacturing. She was born in Bahrain (Middle East) to Indian parents and moved to the United States in 2007 to complete her graduate studies in Food Sciences and Technology at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

In 2018, she dabbled with a favorite dessert, ice cream, and created a version that not only tasted like the ice creams of India, but also did not aggravate her dairy sensitivity. After 18 months of testing, she launched Gallivant Mawa Ice Creams in unique and authentic global flavor profiles appealing to diverse tastes. 

Gallivant Mawa Ice Creams are the FIRST and ONLY Indian-style mawa ice creams sold in retail markets in North America. The ice creams are made using Ayurvedic principles of Dairy Processing where milk and mawa (Indian Milk Solids) are cooked together at 175°F for more than 3 hours compared to the traditional process that ran for 30 minutes at 165°F. The ‘cooking’ process is known to help in the reduction of the 'harming' properties of milk that elevate lactose intolerance.  The Ayurvedic philosophy is to make sure the cow has fed her babies to her satisfaction, the grasses they graze on are healthy, natural and holistic in nature and contain good minerals and finally, that they are not in any discomfort, pain, fear, etc.   In short, they are able to express themselves as natural beings. This ensures that the residual milk that is utilized for the Gallivant products is from a cow that is calm and stress-free and thereby a HAPPY HEALTHY COW.

An additional and delicious benefit, the ‘cooking’ process results in an ice cream that has a buttery-rich caramelized texture with half the amount of fat as an American premium ice cream.  

Today, these ice creams are available in ten unique and authentic diverse flavors including Chinese Black Sesame, Thai Coconut, Japanese Matcha, Spanish Saffron, Guatemalan Cardamom, Vietnamese Coffee and more across Texas and Southern California.

What makes Gallivant ice creams unique:

  • It uses Mawa, traditional Indian milk solids, mawa, as a base. This gives the ice cream a unique flavor and texture that is not found in other ice creams.
  • It is made with honest ingredients from around the world. This results in a high-quality ice cream that is both delicious and authentic.
  • It is made in small batches. This allows the company to carefully control the quality of its ice cream and to experiment with new flavors.
  • It is available in a variety of unique flavors. This makes it a great option for people who are looking for something different.  It is also egg, peanut and gluten-free.
  • The product is created with the cows and earth in mind to create the most ethically and eco-friendly based end result possible.


First Place Winner in the Texas Department of Agriculture’s ‘Best Food Product in Texas’ Awards

First Runner Up  2020 Texas Works Awards 


Summer Fancy Food Show 2023 

June 25-27, 2023

Booth no. 6335

Go Texan Expo 2023

June 21-24, 2023

Booth no. Market Hall - 6208

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July 16-19, 2023

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Russian-Speaking Airmen Translate Rare Account of Ukraine War Through Invader's Eyes - Air & Space Forces Magazine - Translation

“Half of my guys changed clothes and wore Ukrainian uniforms because they were of higher quality and more comfortable. … Our great country was unable to clothe, equip, and feed its own army.”

Those are among the opening lines of a harrowing 77-page account from Russian paratrooper Pavel Filatyev, describing his part in the 2022 invasion of Ukraine—and now available to read in English thanks to five Russian-speaking Airmen who translated the text on behalf of the Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC).

The full blog—titled “Zov,” a term that means “Calling” in English—made headlines in August after appearing on the Russian social media website Vkontakte. Though Russian soldiers had previously posted photos and videos of the war to social media, Filatyev’s blog was one of the first longform accounts to appear in public.

“I cannot remain silent,” wrote Filatyev, who later fled Russia for political asylum in France.

Airmen and the rest of America can now read the whole document on the U.S. Air Force’s Air University website. And while it may be impossible to verify all of the details in Filatyev’s account, his writing offers a rare glimpse of what went wrong in the Russian invasion.

Specifically for U.S. service members and leaders, “Zov” provides insight into how Ukrainian forces have been able to defy the odds and blunt the effects of a larger, technologically superior Russian military, one of the USAF translators told Air & Space Forces Magazine.

“Before the invasion started, everybody was reporting that Ukraine would fall within weeks, and that clearly hasn’t happened,” Capt. Roman Obolonskiy said. “Now we have to go back and figure out what within our military intelligence community and analysis failed to predict this outcome.”

While military planners could estimate the number of Russian resources like tanks, troops, and planes, accounts like “Zov” shed light on intangible factors such as morale, motivation, and training.

“Is what’s on paper real? The writer would tell us, ‘Hey we were not issued the things we thought we would be issued,’” Obolonskiy said. “‘We did not have sleeping bags or winter clothing and we had rusty weapons that were out of sight.’ Having 200 rifles is great, but not if none of your 200 rifles can shoot straight.”

A destroyed Russian tank at an undisclosed location in Ukraine on Oct. 2, 2022. Ukraine Ministry of Defense/Facebook

Challenges of Translation

Like his four co-translators, Obolonskiy is a member of the Language-Enabled Airman Program, an initiative within AFCLC where Airmen and Space Force Guardians who have significant experience in a foreign language can apply to serve as cultural and linguistic experts for their fellow service members.

The team of Airmen, which included Maj. Herman Reinhold, Capt. Mikhail Berlin, Capt. Abror Samatov,, and Master Sgt. Nadia Wolfe, read “Zov” the entire way through, split it into sections, assigned one Airman to each section, then worked together to ensure consistency throughout the translation. It was a difficult task: Filatyev wrote in a stream-of-consciousness style filled with military jargon, typos, and colloquial expressions that do not translate perfectly into English. 

“It was the use of language I found particularly interesting,” Reinhold said. “It is kind of a puzzle: how do I translate the F-word in Russian into English in a way that is understandable to the reader. I may or may not use the exact F-word equivalent. Maybe I’ll use different curse words to convey the meaning.”

Indeed, David Remnick, the editor of The New Yorker and a fluent Russian speaker, wrote in 2014 there are thousands of variations on the four curse words that make up the backbone of Russian profanity. Besides profanity, the LEAP scholars also had to use their best judgment to translate colloquial or military terms.

“Some of the military jargon, slang, wordplay, and colloquial expressions would not make sense in English if translated verbatim,” said Berlin. “It was a fun challenge to find a creative way to convey the exact same meaning and find similar phrases that would be used in English.”

Lessons for the US

When the translation was complete, it provided firsthand perspective of what many analysts had seen from a distance: The Russian war effort has been hampered by poor logistics, communication, and leadership. “Zov” illustrates how those issues affect frontline troops.

“Who will be accountable for these lives lost and the wounded?” Filatyev wrote about a suspected incident of friendly fire. “After all, the reason for their deaths was not the professionalism of the Ukrainian army, but the mess in ours.”

The shortage of medical supplies and other equipment that Filatyev experienced reminded Wolfe, a medical logistics flight chief, just how important her work is to the larger U.S. military.

“In medical logistics, we do our job day to day and we do not necessarily see the outcome,” she said. “‘Zov’ brings the importance of what we do to light and is an example that I can use to motivate my people.”

Filatyev’s memoir also showed the impact a corps of noncommissioned officers, or lack thereof, can have on a battlefield. 

“There is a very large separation between officers and enlisted,” said Wolfe. “It was almost like they are not even working on the same side.” 

Obolonskiy came away with a greater appreciation for corruption in the Russian military and political system, which may have contributed to the dysfunction at the front.

“We’ve always known about corruption within Russia, but I don’t think we comprehended what that meant,” he said. “Throughout reading this, from start to finish, every link in their chains of supply, appropriations, and logistics was impacted by a level of corruption where people were just stealing everything that they needed for the war effort.”

A Ukrainian army soldier stands near the wreckage of a Russian vehicle at an undisclosed location on March 8, 2022. General Staff of the Army of Ukraine/Twitter

More Understanding

Despite Filatyev’s criticisms of the war and the Russian military, the paratrooper declares: “I’m not a coward! I’m a patriot! … I feel sorry for the Ukrainians, a fraternal nation to me! But even more, I feel sorry for the used Russian people and the nations of the great USSR, whose people were exploited by others, more unscrupulous individuals. Who are currently destroying the largest and the greatest country in the world!”

Filatyev may have witnessed war crimes firsthand. In March, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty alleged the paratrooper said he was aware some Ukrainians captured by his unit would later be executed. In ‘Zov,’ he wrote that he did not witness any acts of torture or rape, though he saw at least one mutilated dead body. The paratrooper expressed guilt for participating in what he felt was an unjustified invasion.

In writing “Zov,” he may have “tried to do something that would clear his conscience,” Wolfe said.

In reading the document, Americans must remember Filatyev’s experience may not reflect that of the entire Russian military, Reinhold said. “Zov” is a primary source document, and other sources are needed for a more holistic picture of the conflict. With those limitations in mind, Filatyev’s account could serve as a reminder that an army’s strength on paper may not hold up on the battlefield. 

“There is an opportunity to try and figure out how we can re-analyze other adversaries,” said Obolonskiy.  “Are we focusing on the right things when we try to calculate how capable a foreign military is?”

That mindset applies not only to adversaries, but also to allies, partners, and the U.S. itself.

“We need to look in the mirror as well and see what of this applies to us,” Obolonskiy said. “Do we provide the correct training, or are we boggled as well? Do we provide the proper equipment or do we also have five guns at a base of a thousand?”

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