Friday, May 19, 2023

Nine years ago today 'poutine' was added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary - National Post - Dictionary

Though the dictionary definition is straightforward — 'a dish of French fries covered with brown gravy and cheese curds' — poutine's history is more complicated

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Canada’s unofficial official dish was recognized by the oldest dictionary in the U.S. nine years ago today.

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Poutine was added to the Merriam-Webster on May 19, 2014, alongside a number of other food-focused entries, including pho and turducken.

Though the dictionary definition is straightforward — “a dish of French fries covered with brown gravy and cheese curds” — poutine’s history is more complicated, with at least three rural Quebec towns claiming ownership of the dish. 

The etymology of the word is also debated. Poutine is Québécois slang for a “mess,” and the namesake is also commonly attributed to the English word “pudding,” or “pouding” in French. The anniversary of the dictionary definition is being celebrated in Canada with today’s Google Doodle.

  1. Nicolas Fabien-Ouellet, the Quebec academic who argues that poutine should not be labelled as a Canadian dish, but rather a distinctly Quebecois dish.

    The dark side of poutine: Canada taking credit for Quebec dish amounts to cultural appropriation, academic says

  2. Bison tartare at Vancouver's Published on Main.

    This Montreal restaurant is Canada's greatest, according to annual list of 100 best

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The cheerful illustration, complete with a dancing and smiling fork, belies the dish’s complicated and contested history.

Per The Canadian Encyclopedia, poutine emerged in rural Quebec snack bars in the 1950s, particularly in the region of Warwick, a small town a couple of hours outside of Montreal in the Centre-du-Québec region. 

One of the most famous origin stories centres on Fernand Lachance, who owned Café Ideal. Lachance reportedly began adding locally made curds to orders of fries at the request of a regular customer and the dish eventually made its way onto the menu, though it was tweaked along the way.

Lachance reportedly responded “ça va te faire une maudite poutine!” (“that will make a damned mess!”) at the initial request, but would nonetheless send customers home with fries and curds stuffed in a paper bag. Eventually, Lachance began plating the dish and serving it in the restaurant. After customers noted the fries would grow cold too quickly, Lachance began adding gravy.

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Another origin story credits Jean-Paul Roy who operated the drive-in restaurant Le Roy Jucep in Drummondville. Like Lachance, Roy was reportedly influenced by his customers, who would add bags of cheese curds to orders of fries and gravy. Roy followed their lead and introduced the dish to his menu, calling it fromage-patate-sauce.

Poutine, of course, is now found coast to coast to coast, though it can take on some regional specifications, such as in Newfoundland, where the dish veers in the direction of Thanksgiving and features fries topped with dressing, stuffing and gravy.

Poutine has also been added to everything from doughnuts to burritos to pizza. Jones Soda even launched a limited edition poutine-flavoured beverage in Canada in 2013. It is perhaps not surprising then, that some see the importance of protecting poutine’s Québécois heritage.

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“Poutine has been used at times to tarnish Quebec culture and undermine its legitimacy of self-determination as a nation,” Nicolas Fabien-Ouellet wrote in his 2016 paper “Poutine Dynamics,” published in Cuizine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures.

In a previous interview with the Post, Fabien-Ouellet said his research exposed “how the Canadian culinary identity is constructed and construed by means of cultural appropriation processes.”

The presentation of poutine as a Canadian dish, rather than a Québécois creation, contributes to the “ongoing process of poutine culinary appropriation and the threat of Québécois cultural absorption by Canadians,” argued Fabien-Ouellet, noting that poutine was included on the Canadian State Dinner menu organized by the White House in March 2016.

“The dish should be, ideally, labelled explicitly as a Québécois dish and not a Canadian one to further underscore the cultural context to which it actually belongs,” he wrote.

The White House variation was gussied up to include smoked duck, red wine gravy and cheese curds on a wafer.

“We want our Canadian friends to feel at home,” remarked then-President Barack Obama. “So this is not a dinner, it’s supper.”


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Thursday, May 18, 2023

English teacher’s ‘Gen Z dictionary’ defines slang for ‘white suburbia’ - New York Post - Dictionary

Kids say the most “delulu” things.

A California teacher has gone viral after he published a “Gen Z term dictionary” featuring phrases such as “no cap,” “baddie” and “getting sturdy.”

Ryan Price, an English teacher at Buckingham Charter Magnet High School, posted three videos defining the new vernacular on TikTok.

Combined, the videos have accumulated 4.6 million views.

“All year long I’ve been listening to you and making a list, which I’ve compiled here for you — the Gen Z term dictionary,” said Price in his first video which was published Friday. “You guys can let me know if they’re accurate or if I need to revise them, or maybe you can help me to use them in a sentence.”

The first word he reveals to his students is the term “bruh” which, according to Price, is a noun and an alternative way of saying “bro.”

Teacher Ryan Price at the whiteboard
Terms included in this video include “baddie” which was defined as a curvy, attractive, woman but could also be used to describe an attractive man.
Teacher Ryan Price at the whiteboard
The teacher later revealed that several of the terms were derived from African American Vernacular English (AAVE).

Price then moves on to the next slide with the term “rizz” which is new to him but means “to have charisma.”

Other slang featured in the video included “bussin” which the educator said he deemed good, especially when relating to food, and “delulu,” which Price guessed meant something or someone was delusional.

The Post reached out to Price for comment.

In the second video, which was posted Saturday, the TikToking teacher revealed that he had complied more words for his class.

“OK, you guys, I know you thought we were done with these terms, but we’re not because I compiled like five pages of terms,” stated the excited teacher. “And I’m just doing some every day until the end of the school year.”

Terms included in this video include “baddie” which was defined as a curvy, attractive, woman but could also be used to describe an attractive man.

Teacher Ryan Price at the whiteboard
According to Price, some of the terms are often “looked down upon by society” because it seems “uneducated” or “thuggish.”

“Getting sturdy” was defined as a dance usually used “when winning” while Price learns the phrase “no cap” is used when trying to get to the truth.

The educator also defines two more common slang terms “bet” and “slaps” as “another way of saying ‘OK’ or ‘all right’ ” and “something that’s good” usually in terms of music.

In the final video, Price said that he wanted to make a few revisions to the dictionary.

“Hey guys, I told you we might need to make some revisions on our term dictionary. And I have our first set of revisions for us and our first one’s going to be here on our title slide,” said the teacher who revealed that several of the slang terms were derived from African American Vernacular English (AAVE).

“I know you think that you came up with all these words, but you didn’t,” stated Price. “They’ve been around for a long time, and they kind of make their way into society and into your lexicon through pop culture and things like hip-hop music and stuff may just sneak their way into your daily vocab.”

According to the educator, some of the terms are often “looked down upon by society” because it seems “uneducated” or “thuggish.”

“But then what happens is it makes its way to like old, say, white suburbia. And you get like a little dorky white dude, mislabeling it just for a whole generation as a term dictionary,” explained Price.”It ends up kind of erasing the importance of it and the impact that it has on culture.”

The teacher then changed the title of the PowerPoint to read “The AAVE-inspired Gen Z term dictionary.”

Price later told his students that “the mistake was just simply due to ignorance on my part.”

“But that’s OK, because all you’ve got to do is learn. I just write the feedback that I got, studied a little bit and learned and now I’m not so ignorant anymore,” continued Price. “Being ignorant is OK, but being willfully ignorant and not doing anything about it, not so OK.”

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TikTok teacher's Gen Z dictionary goes viral defining terms like 'baddie' - Insider - Dictionary

  • High school teacher Larry Lexicon showed his class his "Gen Z term dictionary."
  • It included words and phrases such as "baddie," "no cap," and "slaps."
  • Lexicon also pointed out the origin of many of these words was African-American Vernacular English.

A high school teacher made a "Gen Z term dictionary" for his class in a series of recent TikToks, including phrases such as "no cap," "baddie," and "getting sturdy."

"All year long I've been listening to you and making a list, which I've compiled here for you — the Gen Z term dictionary," said the teacher, who uses the pseudonym Larry Lexicon.

Lexicon doesn't give his real name, but teaches somewhere in Vacaville, California.

He showed his class his work in a PowerPoint presentation.

"You guys can let me know if they're accurate or if I need to revise them, or maybe you can help me to use them in a sentence," he said.

Lexicon has grown a following of 1.8 million on TikTok for his relatable and educational videos that show his close relationship with his students. His Gen Z dictionary was delivered in three TikToks that got a combined 4.6 million views.

Another of his viral videos was an explanation of why many US classrooms now had buckets in them — they are full of supplies needed to survive for an extended period of time if there's a lockdown due to a school shooting.

The first word, "bruh," Lexicon said was "obvious" and a "staple" of the generation. He described it as an alternative for "bro," or that it "can be used as an exclamation."

The next word, "rizz," Lexicon said was fairly new to him, and had learned it meant "to have charisma."

He said he thought "bussin'" meant good, specifically when talking about food, and "bussin' bussin'" meant really good, also in regards to food. "Delulu," he thought, was an adjective to describe someone who was delusional.

In a second TikTok, Lexicon said he had compiled more words, and would be using them every day until the end of the school year.

Here are some examples:

  • "Baddie" — "A pretty girl, typically very curvy and independent."
  • "Gyatt" — An exclamation which is a "substitute for 'gosh darn'; typically used in response to seeing a baddie."
  • "Getting sturdy" — A dance usually used "when winning."
  • "Bet" — Another way of saying "OK" or "alright."
  • "Slaps" — Something that's good, "typically in regards to music."
  • "Cap" — A lie.
  • "No cap" — The truth.

"And if it's really, really no cap, it's 'on God,'" Lexicon said.

In a third TikTok, Lexicon responed to comments, saying he wanted to make some revisions to the title slide of his dictionary.

He said a lot of people pointed out that many of the terms have roots in African-American Vernacular English.

"I know you think you came up with a lot of these words, but you didn't, and they've been around for a long time," Lexicon said. "They kind of make their way into society, and into your lexicon, through pop culture and things like hip hop music and stuff. And they sneak their way into your daily vocab."

Traditionally, these terms and the language associated with them are "looked down upon by society as uneducated or something like that," Lexicon said.

"But then what happens is it makes its way into like, white suburbia, and you get a middle-aged dorky white dude mislabeling it just for a whole generation as a term dictionary," he said. "And it ends up erasing the importance of it, and the impact that it has on culture."

Lexicon said he would re-title the guide as "The AAVE-inspired Gen Z term dictionary."

"The mistake was just simply due to ignorance on my part," he said. "But that's OK, because all you've got to do is learn. I just write the feedback that I got, studied a little bit and learned and now I'm not so ignorant anymore."

Being ignorant was OK, he said, "but being willfully ignorant and not doing anything about it — not so OK."

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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

These Are The Kids' Dictionaries Actual Librarians Recommend - HuffPost - Dictionary

Absurd Words, Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary and Oxford First Illustrated Dictionary.
Absurd Words, Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary and Oxford First Illustrated Dictionary.

In my day, when I didn’t know a word, I had to hunt for it in a big, black, tiny-font dictionary. Of course, kids these days have Chromebooks, iPads and all sorts of other technological devices to help them with spelling, vocab and reading comprehension. They also have an abundance of engaging, colorful, fun and age-appropriate dictionaries made just for them.

“A quality children’s dictionary gives its readers a standard, basic definition of everyday words,” said Lisa Julien-Hayes, head of children’s services at my hometown library, the Swampscott Public Library in Swampscott, Massachusetts, noting that offering an example sentence for each word is also a “key feature” of a quality children’s dictionary.

Julien-Hayes said classic children’s dictionaries are usually geared towards kids between the ages of 8 and 12, or across elementary and middle school. They contain fewer words and definitions than traditional dictionaries and have fewer historical and language references. Kids’ dictionaries are also indexed differently than adult dictionaries, Julien-Hayes said. For example, a children’s dictionary could have a large section for words A-Z, and then may contain helpful reference information like grammar and language guides, numbers and measurement tables and even maps and geographical information.

While certainly all of these things are online, Erin Wilson, a children’s and adult fiction assistant at the Whitby Public Library in Whitby, Ontario, said printed, physical children’s dictionaries teach young readers problem-solving and independence. When they’re reading a book and see a word they don’t know, or if they’re pronouncing something wrong or wondering about the spelling, they can feel empowered to teach themselves by diving into a user-friendly dictionary.

“Many people underestimate children and what they’re capable of understanding,” Wilson said. “If you have an avid reader, having a dictionary nearby will not only increase their vocabulary in the long run but will also help with their enjoyment of the book they’re reading!”

To help you find the best children’s dictionaries for your personal library, Wilson and Julien-Hayes shared their favorites.

HuffPost may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page. Every item is independently selected by the HuffPost Shopping team. Prices and availability are subject to change. The experts we consulted for this story do not necessarily endorse the products ahead unless otherwise noted.

A solid and classic kids’ dictionary descended from the very first American dictionary
Lisa Julien-Hayes of the Swampscott Public Library in Swampscott, Massachusetts, and Erin Wilson of Ontario’s Whitby Public Library both recommend the new edition of the Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary.

"[It's] more of a traditional dictionary," Wison said. "It still has simple black-and-white photos and illustrations to break up the text. It also includes some pop-ups with synonyms and word histories for those looking for a little extra. Kids really do love facts!"

$17.69 at Amazon$27.89 at Bookshop
A silly-in-a-good-way illustrated dictionary
As Wilson says, making reading fun is a great way to inspire your little one to grow up loving words and books. For something a little different and way more exciting than any tiny-print boring grownup dictionary, Wilson loves the silly, "Absurd Words."

"Dictionaries don't have to be boring!" Wilson said. "This book is full of bright colors, silly illustrations, and some very interesting vocabulary words that could be easily overlooked in a regular dictionary."

$13.39 at Amazon$15.80 at Bookshop
A pictured-filled dictionary from Scholastic that offers a ton of supplemental reference material
Julien-Hayes also recommended the Scholastic Children's Dictionary. It’s filled with extra knowledge like maps, county flags, measurement tables and language guides. It's a great resource for super inquisitive kids that love learning and always want to know more.
$16.39 at Amazon$20.45 at Bookshop
A colorful dictionary punctuated with pretty illustrations
Wilson emphasized that although they may sound interchangeable, illustrated dictionaries are different than picture dictionaries. Picture dictionaries are generally used for kids that can't read yet, to teach them words, whereas illustrated dictionaries are essentially just good-looking dictionaries.

"Illustrated dictionaries will illustrate certain definitions on the page and make the book more visually appealing," Wilson said. "[They're] more familiar to children who are used to reading picture books."

Wilson recommends the Oxford First Illustrated Dictionary. "The definitions are simple and approachable, and each page has a colorful illustration to keep the kids engaged."

$14.90 at Amazon$8.58 at Abe Books
A picture dictionary teaching 150 essential words for new or early readers
Picture dictionaries can help younger kids, English-language leaners or kiddos struggling with reading to learn words. “Picture dictionaries are less focused on definitions and more focused on picture/word association,” Wilson said. “A huge part of early literacy is connecting the two — which is why it’s so important to read to your children!"

The librarians didn't recommend a particular picture dictionary, so we chose Merriam-Webster's “150 First Words.” It has a ton of 5-star reviews on Amazon, with people calling it an "appropriate everyday realistic book" for teaching sight words to a little one.

$9.19 at Amazon$10.22 at Bookshop
An illustrated dictionary with reading resources
A great "grow with me" dictionary, the Oxford First Dictionary was recommended by Julien-Hayes. It contains learning photos, colors, shapes and more pre-K learning resources, but also has a full A-Z word section as well as spelling and grammar tips and activities.
$20.79 at Amazon$5.97 at Abe Books
A contemporary children's dictionary featuring of-the-moment vocabulary
Julien-Hayes also recommends the American Heritage Children's Dictionary. This one contains more contemporary words like "android" and "vegan," and also features quotes from popular young adult and children's books showing off the words in sentences.
$17.59 at Amazon$20.45 at Bookshop
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Join the word party this week for Dictionary Week - PIX11 New York News - Dictionary

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Join the word party this week for Dictionary Week  PIX11 New York News

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Apple Proposes New Solution for Multilingual Machine Translation - Slator - Translation

Currently, most machine translation (MT) systems are English-centric, resulting in a process called pivoting when translating between two non-English languages. This process involves translating to English and then translating to the target language, which, in turn, can lead to so-called error cascades, such as losing important information about gender and formality or increased latency.

Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) aims to improve the quality of translations between non-English languages by reducing latency and avoiding error cascades that occur when translating through English. However, training multilingual models is not an easy task, as the more languages added, the more they compete for the model’s parameters.

Increasing model size is not always a viable solution, as it may lead to difficulties in training, slower inference, and larger storage requirements, researchers from Apple explained in a research paper published on May 4, 2023.

To address this issue, the researchers proposed a new solution called Language-Specific Transformer Layers (LSLs). This method increases model capacity per language while allowing sharing of knowledge between languages without increasing the inference cost.

The proposed architecture includes shared and language-specific weights, where some layers of the encoder are source or target language-specific, while the remaining layers are shared. “The idea of LSLs is simple: instead of sharing the same parameters across all languages, have the weights for the layer be language-specific,” said the researchers.

2023 Language Industry Market Report (MAIN TITLE IMAGE)

Slator 2023 Language Industry Market Report

140-page flagship report on market-size, LLM and GPT impact, TMS, AI dubbing, interpreting, game loc, market outlook, and more.

This method “benefits from having both language-specific and shared components, as well as from having source and target language-specific components,” they added.

LSLs consist of one “regular” Transformer encoder layer per language. The input is routed to the appropriate sub-layer based on the source or target language, and only one sub-layers is used at any given time. 

Simply replacing all layers in the Transformer with LSLs would increase the number of parameters and decrease sharing between languages, explained the researchers. To avoid this, they suggest using a combination of LSLs and regular Transformer layers, which enables the model to learn both shared and language-specific weights. 

Discovering the Best Architecture

To automatically determine which layers should be shared and which should be source- or target-indexed LSLs, the researchers proposed a neural architecture search (NAS) inspired approach. NAS utilizes optimization algorithms to discover and design the best architecture for a neural network for a specific need.

​​In addition, the researchers found that initializing all encoder weights from a pre-trained architecture consisting only of “regular” Transformer layers helped to achieve better performance. They used pre-trained weights from their baseline architectures to initialize the language-specific modules. 

MT Exper-in-the-Loop Report Page

Slator Machine Translation Expert-in-the-Loop Report

60-page report on the interaction between human experts and AI in translation production, including AI-enabled workflows, adoption rates, postediting, pricing models.

According to them, this approach maximizes cross-lingual transfer, mitigates under-trained language-specific components for low-resource languages, and improves convergence speed for architectures with LSLs.

Substantial Gains

In their experiments, they focused on ten languages, including English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Swahili, and Chinese. The proposed approach resulted in substantial gains for both high-resource — such as English and German — and low-resource languages — such as Korean or Swahili.

The researchers highlighted that using multilingual instead of bilingual translation systems can help reduce gender bias that arises due to pivoting through English. They also said that their proposed architecture can lead to smaller and faster-to-train models compared to similarly-performing baselines, which can enhance the efficiency of translation systems.

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These Are The Kids' Dictionaries Actual Librarians Recommend - HuffPost - Dictionary

Absurd Words, Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary and Oxford First Illustrated Dictionary.
Absurd Words, Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary and Oxford First Illustrated Dictionary.

In my day, when I didn’t know a word, I had to hunt for it in a big, black, tiny-font dictionary. Of course, kids these days have Chromebooks, iPads and all sorts of other technological devices to help them with spelling, vocab and reading comprehension. They also have an abundance of engaging, colorful, fun and age-appropriate dictionaries made just for them.

“A quality children’s dictionary gives its readers a standard, basic definition of everyday words,” said Lisa Julien-Hayes, head of children’s services at my hometown library, the Swampscott Public Library in Swampscott, Massachusetts, noting that offering an example sentence for each word is also a “key feature” of a quality children’s dictionary.

Julien-Hayes said classic children’s dictionaries are usually geared towards kids between the ages of 8 and 12, or across elementary and middle school. They contain fewer words and definitions than traditional dictionaries and have fewer historical and language references. Kids’ dictionaries are also indexed differently than adult dictionaries, Julien-Hayes said. For example, a children’s dictionary could have a large section for words A-Z, and then may contain helpful reference information like grammar and language guides, numbers and measurement tables and even maps and geographical information.

While certainly all of these things are online, Erin Wilson, a children’s and adult fiction assistant at the Whitby Public Library in Whitby, Ontario, said printed, physical children’s dictionaries teach young readers problem-solving and independence. When they’re reading a book and see a word they don’t know, or if they’re pronouncing something wrong or wondering about the spelling, they can feel empowered to teach themselves by diving into a user-friendly dictionary.

“Many people underestimate children and what they’re capable of understanding,” Wilson said. “If you have an avid reader, having a dictionary nearby will not only increase their vocabulary in the long run but will also help with their enjoyment of the book they’re reading!”

To help you find the best children’s dictionaries for your personal library, Wilson and Julien-Hayes shared their favorites.

HuffPost may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page. Every item is independently selected by the HuffPost Shopping team. Prices and availability are subject to change. The experts we consulted for this story do not necessarily endorse the products ahead unless otherwise noted.

A solid and classic kids’ dictionary descended from the very first American dictionary
Lisa Julien-Hayes of the Swampscott Public Library in Swampscott, Massachusetts, and Erin Wilson of Ontario’s Whitby Public Library both recommend the new edition of the Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary.

"[It's] more of a traditional dictionary," Wison said. "It still has simple black-and-white photos and illustrations to break up the text. It also includes some pop-ups with synonyms and word histories for those looking for a little extra. Kids really do love facts!"

$17.69 at Amazon$27.89 at Bookshop
A silly-in-a-good-way illustrated dictionary
As Wilson says, making reading fun is a great way to inspire your little one to grow up loving words and books. For something a little different and way more exciting than any tiny-print boring grownup dictionary, Wilson loves the silly, "Absurd Words."

"Dictionaries don't have to be boring!" Wilson said. "This book is full of bright colors, silly illustrations, and some very interesting vocabulary words that could be easily overlooked in a regular dictionary."

$13.39 at Amazon$15.80 at Bookshop
A pictured-filled dictionary from Scholastic that offers a ton of supplemental reference material
Julien-Hayes also recommended the Scholastic Children's Dictionary. It’s filled with extra knowledge like maps, county flags, measurement tables and language guides. It's a great resource for super inquisitive kids that love learning and always want to know more.
$16.39 at Amazon$20.45 at Bookshop
A colorful dictionary punctuated with pretty illustrations
Wilson emphasized that although they may sound interchangeable, illustrated dictionaries are different than picture dictionaries. Picture dictionaries are generally used for kids that can't read yet, to teach them words, whereas illustrated dictionaries are essentially just good-looking dictionaries.

"Illustrated dictionaries will illustrate certain definitions on the page and make the book more visually appealing," Wilson said. "[They're] more familiar to children who are used to reading picture books."

Wilson recommends the Oxford First Illustrated Dictionary. "The definitions are simple and approachable, and each page has a colorful illustration to keep the kids engaged."

$14.90 at Amazon$8.58 at Abe Books
A picture dictionary teaching 150 essential words for new or early readers
Picture dictionaries can help younger kids, English-language leaners or kiddos struggling with reading to learn words. “Picture dictionaries are less focused on definitions and more focused on picture/word association,” Wilson said. “A huge part of early literacy is connecting the two — which is why it’s so important to read to your children!"

The librarians didn't recommend a particular picture dictionary, so we chose Merriam-Webster's “150 First Words.” It has a ton of 5-star reviews on Amazon, with people calling it an "appropriate everyday realistic book" for teaching sight words to a little one.

$9.19 at Amazon$10.22 at Bookshop
An illustrated dictionary with reading resources
A great "grow with me" dictionary, the Oxford First Dictionary was recommended by Julien-Hayes. It contains learning photos, colors, shapes and more pre-K learning resources, but also has a full A-Z word section as well as spelling and grammar tips and activities.
$20.79 at Amazon$5.97 at Abe Books
A contemporary children's dictionary featuring of-the-moment vocabulary
Julien-Hayes also recommends the American Heritage Children's Dictionary. This one contains more contemporary words like "android" and "vegan," and also features quotes from popular young adult and children's books showing off the words in sentences.
$17.59 at Amazon$20.45 at Bookshop
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