Monday, October 3, 2022

A Sukkot Dictionary - - - Dictionary

Defining all the essential words and terms associated with the joyful holiday.

The Jewish holiday of Sukkot is full of beautiful customs and traditions – and a lot of strange terms for the uninitiated. Here’s a guide to some of the key words associated with this week-long festival.

Ananei Hakavod - Clouds of Glory

A central commandment of the holiday of Sukkot is to spend time in temporary outdoor huts called sukkot:

You shall dwell in booths for a 7-day period; every native in Israel shall dwell in booths.  So that your generations will know that I caused the Children of Israel to dwell in booths when I took them from the land of Egypt; I am Hashem, your God (Leviticus 23:42-43).

The Talmud notes that the original sukkot were the structures our ancestors lived in after leaving Egypt while they were wandering in the desert.  The great sage Rabbi Eliezar taught that these original sukkot were composed not of earthly materials but of the otherworldly Clouds of Glory (Ananei Hakavod in Hebrew) which God sent to our ancestors to lead them on their way as they wandered through the desert, heading to the Land of Israel (Talmud Sukkot 11b).

While our sukkot are made of much more prosaic materials, they still remind us that we live in God’s loving embrace.

Aravah – Willow Branch

A willow branch that’s one of the four species used on Sukkot.  (See Arba Minim below.)

Arba Minim – The Four Species

A key mitzvot of Sukkot, the arba minim (literally, the Four Species) are four different types of plants that we bring together each Sukkot:

You shall take for yourselves…the fruit of a citron tree, the branches of date palms, myrtle branches, and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before Hashem, your God, for seven days  (Leviticus 23:40).

Each morning, except for Shabbat, Jews take these four plants together in their hands and make a special blessing.  (The three branches are placed together in one hand while the citron fruit is held in the other hand.)  Holding these four types of plants together, we then wave them forward and backward, left and right, up and down, symbolizing the fact that God is all around.

The arba minim are widely known by their Hebrew names: Etrog (citron); Lulav (palm branch); Hadas (myrtle branch); and Aravah (willow branch).

Each plant in the arba minim is laden with symbolism.  Many note that the shape of an Etrog resembles a heart, the shape of a Lulav is like a straight spine, the shape of leaves on the Hadas looks like eyes, and the leaves on the Aravah recall the shape of a mouth.  Together, these four plants remind us that we bring our whole selves to perform this mitzvah on Sukkot.

The Etrog has a beautiful, lemony smell, and if it’s grown privately (without the many pesticides that commercial etrog farms often employ) it has a beautiful taste as well.  It’s likened to a person who learns much Torah and does many good deeds.

Lulav plants produce delicious dates, but have no smell: the lulav is likened to a person who studies Torah but doesn’t do any good deeds.

A Hadas smells fresh and wonderful, but myrtle plants produce no fruit: they are likened to a person who does good deeds but without any knowledge of Torah.

The Aravah has neither smell nor taste: it’s likened to a Jew who has neither Torah learning nor good deeds.

Despite their different roles, these four plants must be brought together to perform the mitzvah of shaking the lulav. If even one is left out, one doesn’t fulfill the mitzvah. It’s similar to the Jewish people: no matter what our level of knowledge or observance, we’re all one people.

Chag Sameach

Chag means holiday in Hebrew.  Sameach means happy.  It’s common to wish people Chag Sameach on all Jewish holidays, and on Sukkot it’s particularly apt.  The Torah uses the word joy (simcha) more in connection with Sukkot than with other holidays. The prayers refer to the holiday as “zman simchateinu – the time of our joy”.

Sukkot comes at the start of the rainy season in Israel, and since ancient times it’s been associated with water.  When the ancient Jewish Temples stood in Jerusalem, Jews would come to Jerusalem from all over the Land of Israel on Sukkot.  Each night of the holiday people sang and danced from the Temple to the spring of Shiloach nearby, where they would draw pitchers of cold, clear water and bring them back to the Temple.  There was music and rejoicing.  The Talmud declares that “One who did not see the Celebration of the Place of the Drawing of the Water never saw celebration in his days” (Mishna Sukkah 5:1).

Chol Hamoed

In the land of Israel, Sukkot is seven days long; outside of Israel, it’s celebrated for eight days.  (The holiday of Simchat Torah adds an eighth day of celebrations in Israel and a ninth day of celebrations elsewhere in the world.)  On the first and last days (in the diaspora, the first two and last two days) are celebrated in part by refraining from ordinary work: Jews traditionally do not use cars, computers or phones or engage in business, etc., on those days. The middle of the holiday, however, has fewer restrictions and is known as Chol Hamoed (literally, the weekday of the holiday).


The citron that’s used as part of the four species.

Hadas / Hadassim

The branch of a myrtle plant, with its unique triple leaves encircling the stem, that’s used in the four species on Sukkot.  (Haddassim is the plural form of the word.)

Hiddur Mitzvah

Hiddur means “to make beautiful” in Hebrew, and mitzvah means a commandment.  In Judaism there’s a deep tradition of not only performing mitzvot (Jewish actions and commandments) but of going the extra mile and making our mitzvot beautiful and glorious.  (The Jewish sages expressed this in the Torah: “This is my God and I shall worship Him with beauty” Exodus 15:2).

Hiddur mitzvah is the reason behind the regal silver crowns that adorn many Torah scrolls, the ornate table decorations that some Jewish families use on Shabbat, and the melodious singing that accompany so many Jewish prayers.  On Sukkot, Hiddur Mitzvah means that many Jews decorate their sukkahs, adorning these humble outdoor huts with lovely pictures, children’s artwork, flowers, hanging fruit mobiles, or any other decorations.

Hoshana Rabba

It’s said that on the final day of Sukkot, Hoshana Rabba, our Divine judgment for the new year - first written on Rosh Hashanah - receives its final seal.  In synagogue, all of the Torah scrolls are taken out during the morning service, and it’s customary for all members of the congregation to circle them, reciting a prayer asking for salvation (hoshana means “save” us in Hebrew) and beating bundles of willow branches on the ground, representing averting an evil decree.

Hoshana Rabba is the final day it’s obligatory to eat in the sukkah, and many people prepare an especially festive meal.


A lulav is the straight frond of a date palm that’s used as part of the four species on Sukkot.


Sukkahs are temporary huts, and they are covered with Schach (literally, a covering or thatch in Hebrew), a temporary roof made of entirely natural plant products.  Some people use fresh tree branches as schach on their sukkot; others use bamboo mats that can be rolled up and stored during the rest of the year.  The schach covering a sukkah must provide more shade than light to those inside, yet it must be thin enough so that it’s still possible to see the stars from within the sukkah.

Shalosh Regalim – The Three Festivals

In Biblical times, there were three festivals each year during which Jewish families from throughout the Land of Israel and even those living abroad would send representatives to the holy Temple in Jerusalem.  “Three pilgrimage festivals shall you celebrate for Me during the year,” the Torah commands (Exodus 23:14).  The Hebrew term for these festivals was shalosh (three) regalim (pilgrimages).  They were Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.

Shemini Atzeret

This holiday directly follows Sukkot and it’s considered its own separate festival. Shemini means eighth and Atzeret means to refrain.  The Talmud explains that as the Jews are preparing to wrap up Sukkot, abandon their sukkahs and head inside - and in ancient times were getting ready to leave Jerusalem at the conclusion of the festival - God longed to spend just a little more time with them.  “...the Omnipresent said to them, ‘I request of you, make Me a small repast, in order that I shall derive pleasure from you…’” (see Rashi on Numbers, 29:35).

On Shemini Atzeret many Jews still eat in the sukkah, but they no longer recite a blessing over doing so.  Some Jews have the custom of dipping their challah in honey instead of salt starting with Rosh Hashana and continuing all through Sukkot: on Shemini Atzeret, we begin to revert to the usual year’s routine and give up this sweet custom.  It’s a way of beginning to ease back into our regular existence after the excitement of the High Holidays and Sukkot.

This holiday is also distinct from Sukkot, but comes fast on its heels.  In Israel, Simchat Torah is celebrated on the same day as Shemini Atzeret.  In the Diaspora, it’s a separate holiday the day after Shemini Atzeret.

Each year in synagogue on Shabbats as well as Monday and Thursday mornings, Jews read a portion of the Torah out loud.  This forms a yearly cycle.  Simchat Torah is the holiday where we read the final portion of the Five Books of Moses (the very last section of the Book of Deuteronomy) and then immediately start reading again at the beginning (reciting the opening sections of the Book of Genesis in synagogue).  This is accompanied by lots of singing and dancing, as we celebrate our love for the Torah.  The fact that we begin reading immediately as soon as we finish the cycle reminds us that we never will take a break from studying the Torah.


When the weather begins to get chilly, most people start to spend more time indoors.  Jews, however, head the opposite way, building temporary booths outside in which to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot.  A sukkah is the name of this temporary structure: the plural form of a sukkah is sukkot.

Many rules govern the construction of a sukkah.  They are required to have at least two and a half walls at a minimum, and have a roof covered with schach that results in more shade than light inside yet still allows the stars to be visible through the roof.  Sukkot must be temporary: a sukkah is only kosher if it doesn’t stay up all year long.

It’s not a requirement to own your own sukkah: many people use communal sukkot or friends’ sukkot during the holiday.  Men over the age of 13 are required to eat meals that include bread while sitting inside a sukkah.  (That’s the bare minimum: in practice, most Jewish families make every effort to eat their meals - or at least most of their meals - inside a sukkah.)  The blessing that we say inside the sukkah doesn’t refer to meals:

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who has Commanded us to sit inside the sukkah.

Simply sitting inside a sukkah - relaxing and spending time with friends or even all alone - is a key part of enjoying this holiday.  Some people even sleep in their sukkot.  While it’s not required to sit inside a sukkah if the weather is raining or unpleasant, sitting inside sukkot - dwelling in them a bit like our ancestors did after they left Egypt - is a key part of celebrating Sukkot.


Literally “booths,” Sukkot is the name of this magnificent week long (or eight day long in the Diaspora) festival.  Some people say the name of this holiday using Ashkenazi Yiddish pronunciation, Sukkos.


Each night of Sukkot, its customary to invite guests - real and imagined - to eat with us.  The name for these special Sukkot guests, Ushpizin, comes from Aramaic, the language of the Talmud.  In Jewish mystical thought, eating in the sukkah is considered so holy that we are spiritually privileged to “host” different figures from Jewish history.  On the first night, it’s customary to symbolically welcome Abraham.  On the second night, his son Isaac.  On the third night, Isaac’s son Jacob.  On the fourth night, Moses.  On the fifth, Moses’ brother Aaron.  On the sixth day, we welcome Joseph and on the seventh, we welcome King David.  (Some communities have a slightly different order and some perform even more ritual, leaving an ornate chair free for these Ushpizin.)

We also welcome flesh and blood guests on Sukkot.  This is a mitzvah that’s incumbent on Jews all year round: hachnasat orchim is a fundamental Jewish mitzvah of offering hospitality to guests.  On Sukkot, it’s traditional to perform this mitzvah with alacrity, inviting guests - including the poor and needy - into our sukkot, and also giving charity to help celebrate the holiday, not only with the bare necessities, but with delicacies and delicious foods and wine.

May this Sukkot truly be a festival of joy to you and your family.  Chag sameach!

Featured Image: Sukkot, by Yoram Raanan. Visit his breathtaking work here.

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Sunday, October 2, 2022

The journey a number of econ terms recently went through to get into the dictionary - Hawaiipublicradio - Dictionary


Earlier this month, Merriam-Webster added over 300 new words to the dictionary. A number of economics terms were on the list. Adrian Ma and Wailin Wong from the podcast The Indicator From Planet Money explain the journey these words go through to get into the dictionary.

ADRIAN MA, BYLINE: To get kind of meta about things, a word added to the dictionary is sort of like a lagging indicator. In economics, a lagging indicator measures something that's already happened. And in the same way, the dictionary captures words that have already entered the mainstream.

PETER SOKOLOWSKI: If a word is new and then grows into the broader journalism, that's when we put it into the dictionary. So we're looking at the language in the rearview mirror in a way.

WAILIN WONG, BYLINE: Peter Sokolowski is editor at large at Merriam-Webster, and he thinks of words as traveling on a conveyor belt from obscurity to mainstream usage. Editors like Peter are often there at the beginning of the process, observing when a word first starts popping up.

SOKOLOWSKI: We might notice it when the word is still being treated with what I call linguistic white gloves. If you always put a parentheses after and explain, or even in quotation marks, that kind of thing announces to the reader, this is a term that you may not be exposed to up until this moment.

WONG: This process where a word goes from specialized to general usage moves at different speeds. You can see the range in two of the econ vocab terms that got added to Merriam-Webster in September - supply chain and shrinkflation. Merriam-Webster dates the term supply chain to 1948, but then, of course, usage exploded during the pandemic.

MA: Then you got words that catch on a lot quicker, like shrinkflation, which, by the way, is a kind of inflation where the cost of stuff remains the same, but you get less of it. Merriam-Webster dates the first known usage of shrinkflation to 2013, and it says the economist Pippa Malmgren is often given credit for coining it.

PIPPA MALMGREN: I noticed things were shrinking in their packages. So there were fewer potato chips in a bag. There were smaller candy bars. And I'm like, wait a minute, what is that? And I had to make up a word for it because there wasn't a word at the time.

MA: Pippa says what she did was put a catchy name to something in the economy people sensed was happening but they had a hard time discussing because there was no term for it.

MALMGREN: Somebody told me - they were like, you know, there's a Wikipedia entry for your word. I was like, what? That's so cool.

WONG: And now it's in Merriam-Webster officially - like, the dictionary, dictionary.

MALMGREN: It's fantastic. And I really encourage everybody to engage in this process of word creation.

MA: You know, last year, our colleague at Planet Money, Greg Rosalsky, he came up with the term skimpflation to describe what happens when the quality of a service goes down but the price stays the same or goes up. We thought, why don't we put in a good word with Peter at Merriam-Webster?

WONG: I'll make a pitch for skimpflation. Maybe that can make it in at a future date.

SOKOLOWSKI: Absolutely. But again, it's - the secret sauce is very simple. Just use the word.

WONG: All right. So we've got our marching orders, right? Adrian, I want you to use the word skimpflation in, like, casual conversation at least 10 times a day from now on.

MA: Skimpflation, skimpflation, skimpflation.

WONG: I don't know if this is going to meet the dictionary's criteria for, like, proper widespread usage.

MA: Not with that attitude. Adrian Ma.

WONG: Wailin Wong, NPR News. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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Saturday, October 1, 2022

The journey a number of econ terms recently went through to get into the dictionary - WJCT NEWS - Dictionary


Earlier this month, Merriam-Webster added over 300 new words to the dictionary. A number of economics terms were on the list. Adrian Ma and Wailin Wong from the podcast The Indicator From Planet Money explain the journey these words go through to get into the dictionary.

ADRIAN MA, BYLINE: To get kind of meta about things, a word added to the dictionary is sort of like a lagging indicator. In economics, a lagging indicator measures something that's already happened. And in the same way, the dictionary captures words that have already entered the mainstream.

PETER SOKOLOWSKI: If a word is new and then grows into the broader journalism, that's when we put it into the dictionary. So we're looking at the language in the rearview mirror in a way.

WAILIN WONG, BYLINE: Peter Sokolowski is editor at large at Merriam-Webster, and he thinks of words as traveling on a conveyor belt from obscurity to mainstream usage. Editors like Peter are often there at the beginning of the process, observing when a word first starts popping up.

SOKOLOWSKI: We might notice it when the word is still being treated with what I call linguistic white gloves. If you always put a parentheses after and explain, or even in quotation marks, that kind of thing announces to the reader, this is a term that you may not be exposed to up until this moment.

WONG: This process where a word goes from specialized to general usage moves at different speeds. You can see the range in two of the econ vocab terms that got added to Merriam-Webster in September - supply chain and shrinkflation. Merriam-Webster dates the term supply chain to 1948, but then, of course, usage exploded during the pandemic.

MA: Then you got words that catch on a lot quicker, like shrinkflation, which, by the way, is a kind of inflation where the cost of stuff remains the same, but you get less of it. Merriam-Webster dates the first known usage of shrinkflation to 2013, and it says the economist Pippa Malmgren is often given credit for coining it.

PIPPA MALMGREN: I noticed things were shrinking in their packages. So there were fewer potato chips in a bag. There were smaller candy bars. And I'm like, wait a minute, what is that? And I had to make up a word for it because there wasn't a word at the time.

MA: Pippa says what she did was put a catchy name to something in the economy people sensed was happening but they had a hard time discussing because there was no term for it.

MALMGREN: Somebody told me - they were like, you know, there's a Wikipedia entry for your word. I was like, what? That's so cool.

WONG: And now it's in Merriam-Webster officially - like, the dictionary, dictionary.

MALMGREN: It's fantastic. And I really encourage everybody to engage in this process of word creation.

MA: You know, last year, our colleague at Planet Money, Greg Rosalsky, he came up with the term skimpflation to describe what happens when the quality of a service goes down but the price stays the same or goes up. We thought, why don't we put in a good word with Peter at Merriam-Webster?

WONG: I'll make a pitch for skimpflation. Maybe that can make it in at a future date.

SOKOLOWSKI: Absolutely. But again, it's - the secret sauce is very simple. Just use the word.

WONG: All right. So we've got our marching orders, right? Adrian, I want you to use the word skimpflation in, like, casual conversation at least 10 times a day from now on.

MA: Skimpflation, skimpflation, skimpflation.

WONG: I don't know if this is going to meet the dictionary's criteria for, like, proper widespread usage.

MA: Not with that attitude. Adrian Ma.

WONG: Wailin Wong, NPR News. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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A dictionary app that allows you use several dictionaries and recognizes BGL - MacRumors - Dictionary

On Windows I use Goldendict:
It is great because it allows me use different dictionaries at the same time. I've downloaded several glossaries with "BGL" format and use them on the app.

Unfortunately, Goldendict is not on Mac and I'm looking for a similar dictionary app that allows you use several dictionaries and recognizes BGL. I checked the dictionary app that was pre-installed on my Macbook, but it doesn't support BGL format glossaries.

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Google appears to have disabled Google Translate in parts of China - TechCrunch - Translation

Update September 30, 2022, 6:48 PM ET: A Google spokesperson told TechCrunch via email that the company has discontinued Google Translate in mainland China “due to low usage.” Perhaps there were ulterior motives, but it’s likely there’s some truth to the statement — in China, Google services usage is a sliver of that of homegrown tech giants like Baidu and Alibaba. 

The original story follows.

Google appears to have disabled access to Google Translate in parts of China, redirecting visitors to the Hong Kong domain — which isn’t accessible from the mainland. According to users on Reddit and site archives viewed by TechCrunch, Google swapped the Google Translate interface at with a generic Google Search page at some point within the last 24 hours.

The change is reportedly impacting the translation features of apps like KOReader, a document viewer, for China-based users, as well as Chrome’s built-in translation functionality. Google hasn’t responded to a request for comment; we’ll update this piece if we hear back.

Google has a long and complicated relationship with the Chinese government. In 2006, the company entered the Chinese market with a version of its search engine that was subject to government censorship rules. But after state-sponsored hacks and government-ordered blocks on Google services in response to YouTube footage showing Chinese security forces beating Tibetans, Google shut down Google Search in the mainland and briefly rerouted searches through its uncensored Hong Kong domain.

Google Translate blocked

The current Google Translate homepage in many parts of China. Image Credits: Google

Google reportedly explored relaunching Google Search in China in 2018 and 2019 as part of a project code-named Dragonfly, which would’ve censored results and recorded users’ locations as well as their internet browsing histories. But those plans were scuttled following clashes within Google led by the company’s privacy team, according to The Intercept.

In 2020, following the enactment of a national security law in Hong Kong that gave local authorities greatly expanded surveillance powers, Google said it wouldn’t directly respond to data requests from the Hong Kong law enforcement and instead would have them go through a mutual legal assistance treaty with the U.S.

Assuming it’s not a technical issue, the disabling of Google Translate in much of the mainland could be related to the upcoming National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which takes place October 16. The Chinese government has previously blocked Google services around major political events and politically sensitive anniversaries like that of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

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Friday, September 30, 2022

The journey a number of econ terms recently went through to get into the dictionary - WUNC - Dictionary

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The journey a number of econ terms recently went through to get into the dictionary  WUNC

Ministry updates official dictionary of careers - - China Daily - Dictionary

Employees check displays at a production facility in Jiujiang, Jiangxi province in August. WEI DONGSHENG/FOR CHINA DAILY

China launched an updated State-level professions dictionary on Wednesday that includes 158 new professions such as cryptography engineer and financial technician, according to a dictionary of occupational titles issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

The updated dictionary is a result of the refined social division of labor and the emergence of new professions thanks to economic development and industrial upgrading, the ministry said. The dictionary is a revised version of those launched in 1999 and 2015.

"The profession dictionary plays a fundamental and instructive role in helping us plan out the market's needs for a labor force and in analyzing the working population. Also, it is beneficial to vocational education and employment guidance," ministry spokesman Lu Aihong said at an online news conference on Wednesday.

China's first State-level profession dictionary established a classification system adapted to the national situation at the time. The dictionary was revised in 2015 after the advancement of technology and the economic transformation of some professions.

Wu Liduo, director of the China Employment Training Technical Guidance Center, who is also director of the expert committee for the revision of the profession dictionary, said at the news conference that it classifies professions in eight categories adding 158 new professions.

"The dictionary now includes 1,639 professions covering manufacturing, digital technology, green economy and rural vitalization," he said. "We also adjusted the descriptions of over 700 professions."

He stressed that the dictionary highlighted 97 professions that are the offspring of the digital economy — roughly 6 percent of total professions.

"The digital economy is growing fast, with its market scale reaching 45.5 trillion yuan ($6.29 trillion) in 2021 — accounting for 39.8 percent of GDP," he said.

He added that including these digital economy-related professions in the dictionary can help speed up innovation of the digital economy and serve as a wind vane for working people.

"It will also be helpful to regulate the digital economy and give guidance to colleges when they plan courses and disciplines on the digital economy."

The ministry said it will organize central departments to draft or revise standards for these professions and develop teaching materials to allow companies and government bodies to carry out work on skills training and talent evaluation.

"We will establish our own system of professional information checkups to give people quick and convenient access to search information on different professions and market demands, as well as pay," said Liu Kang, the ministry's director of occupational capacity.

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