Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Most Translated Books From Every Country in the World - Book Riot - Translation

Without reading translated books, we’re only seeing a tiny sliver of the literature the world has to offer. Authors are writing incredible books in a variety of languages around the world, but only a small percentage make their way to English translations.

If you’re looking for a place to start reading books in translation, Preply has created a great resource for you. They have compiled the most translated books by country, and presented the data in these beautiful maps! You can check out their original post for more information on some of the titles included.

The Most Translated Books of the World

Most Translated Books of the World map
Click for full size image

Did you guess the most translated book in the world? It’s The Little Prince, which has been translated to more than 380 different languages! Following after that is The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. These are both considered classics that have had many decades to accumulate translations.

Preply excluded from these numbers religious texts that couldn’t be easily attributed to a single author or country.

The Most Translated Books of North America

I highly recommend taking a moment to try to guess which title from the U.S. is the most translated before you scroll.

Most translated books in North America map
Click for full size image

If you’re surprised by that last title, Preply explains:

The most translated single book in North America and the only self-help book on the world map is from the United States: L. Ron Hubbard’s The Way to Happiness. Translated into more than 112 languages, this booklet lists 21 moral commandments for readers to follow.

Hubbard also happens to be the founder of the Church of Scientology, so the unsolicited distribution of these texts in schools and other public buildings has caused quite the controversy. “Ask, and you shall receive” is presumably not one of its guiding principles.

*In light of sexual misconduct allegations against Junot Diaz, consider supporting the work of other Dominican authors like Rita Indiana, Julia Alvarez, and Angie Cruz.

The Most Translated Books of South America

The most translated books from South America map
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Unsurprisingly, the most translated title on the South American continent is The Alchemist by Paulo Cohelo. Like The Little Prince, it doubles as both a novel and a fable about living well, and it’s still popular decades after publication.

The Most Translated Books in Europe

Most translated books in Europe map
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As you might expect, Europe has many children’s titles that have been published in a variety of languages. Still, it’s interesting to see that this isn’t an exact overlap with their most popular children’s books — it seems like the books that have been around for longer (like Bambi) have the best chance of getting lots of translations, regardless of whether they’re currently the most popular book in that country.

The Most Translated Books in Africa

most translated books from Africa map
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Another fable makes the list on the African continent: The Upright Revolution: Or Why Humans Walk Upright by Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o has been published in more than 60 languages. These short tales that give insight into the human condition seem to have universal appeal, making them attractive as translation options.

The Most Translated Books in Asia

Most translated books from Asia map
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Pop quiz: who’s the most translated novelist on the Asian continent? Most likely you already got it or are kicking yourself now: it’s Haruki Murakami. Norwegian Wood ties for the most translated book from Asia with Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.

The Most Translated Books in Oceania

The Most Translated Books From Oceania map
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The most translated work from New Zealand is The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera, a fantastic children’s story about a Maori girl who has to prove that she is the once in a generation “whale rider,” despite that title traditionally only going to men. It was also made into a movie!

Those are the most translated books form every country in the world! Did any come as a surprise? You can check out Preply’s data and methodology and well as their original post for more information.

And if you liked this post, you’ll probably also like the infographics of The Most Popular Children’s Books From Every Country In the World!

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Friday, August 27, 2021

University Of Alaska Anchorage: TODAY: Women In Translation Month Panel - - Translation

August 27, 2021

We'd like to invite you to our Women in Translation Month Discussion Panel, this Friday,
Aug. 27, from 12:30–2 p.m. (via Zoom).

According to the University of Rochester only about 3% of all books published in the
United States are works in translation. Of that 3%, fewer than 30% of those books
translated into English are written by women.

The Women in Translation initiative aims to raise awareness of translated literature
by women, queer, and nonbinary authors and promote gender and cultural diversity in
literary publishing.

Kathleen Maris Paltrineri is a poet and literary translator from Iowa. She is the recipient of a 2021-2022 Fulbright Fellowship to edit and translate an anthology of contemporary Norwegian ecopoetry. She holds
an MFA in Literary Translation from the University of Iowa and an MFA in Creative
Writing from the University of New Hampshire. Her poems are forthcoming from Bennington
Review and her translations of Kristin Berget's poetry collection and when the light
comes it will be fantastic are forthcoming from Brink Literary Journal. Her interviews
with translators and authors have appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Exchanges:
Journal of Literary Translation, and Origins: The International Writing Program Podcast,
which she created and edited while she was the Fall Residency coordinator at the IWP.

Jenna Tang is a Taiwanese writer and a literary translator from Chinese and Spanish. She graduated
with an MFA in Fiction Creative Writing from The New School in New York City. Her
translations are published in Restless Books' international anthology And We Came
Outside and Saw the Stars Again, Latin American Literature Today, AAWW, McSweeney's,
Catapult, and elsewhere. Her interviews can be found at World Literature Today and
Words Without Borders. She is currently based in Long Island City, New York, working
on her novel The Sirens. She was selected as one of the eight emerging translators
for the 2021 ALTA Emerging Translators Mentorship program. She is mentored by Mike
Fu, translator of Sanmao's Stories of the Sahara.

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Chinese Neologism Dictionary: tizuiyang - Big News Network - Dictionary

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Chinese Neologism Dictionary: tizuiyang  Big News Network

Finnish BNCT pioneers set their sights on clinical translation to the hospital campus – Physics World - Medical Physics Web - Translation

Helsinki University Hospital is working with industry partners to realize the clinical potential of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for complex cancer treatments

BNCT treatment room
Clinical translation: the new BNCT treatment room at Helsinki University Hospital, showing the beam-shaping assembly (left), robotic couch (centre) and in-room CT scanner (right). (Courtesy: Neutron Therapeutics)

Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a biologically guided radiotherapy modality that has shown significant promise in clinical trials for the treatment of malignant brain tumours and locally recurrent head-and-neck cancers – complex indications that are difficult to address using conventional radiotherapy techniques. Now, clinicians and physicists at Helsinki University Hospital in Finland – supported by a network of industry partners including Neutron Therapeutics, Siemens Healthineers and BEC – are aiming to take BNCT into the clinical mainstream by exploiting a compact, accelerator-based neutron source that forms part of a purpose-built treatment unit within Helsinki’s Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Commissioning of the accelerator-based BNCT facility is already well advanced, with an initial clinical trial scheduled for mid-2022 on a small cohort of patients (around 30 or so) with inoperable head-and-neck cancers. “The Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority has approved the new facility for neutron-beam commissioning,” explains Liisa Porra, project manager of the work-in-progress facility and a medical physicist at Helsinki University Hospital. “Over the coming months,” she adds, “the project team’s focus will shift to verification and validation of the neutron source and the end-to-end treatment workflow, including the patient-positioning robot and in-room CT scanner.”

Biological targeting

In terms of fundamentals, BNCT uses a non-invasive two-step process to target cancer at the cellular level while minimizing collateral damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The first step of the treatment sees patients infused with a tumour-seeking drug (most commonly the boronated amino acid boronophenylalanine) containing a non-radioactive, enriched isotope of boron (10B). Subsequently, the tumour target volume is exposed to a beam of low-energy neutrons, which split the 10B atoms into alpha particles and 7Li nuclei – highly ionizing particles that cause significant damage to the DNA of cancer cells.

Owing to the enhanced accumulation of the 10B carrier in tumour cells, BNCT is characterized by steep dose gradients between cancerous tissue and normal tissue (with significantly more radiation dose deposited in the tumour). “The radiobiology is such that BNCT can be used to treat areas that have been previously irradiated with conventional radiotherapy as well as tumours located adjacent to sensitive organs like the brain stem or the spinal cord,” notes Heikki Joensuu, professor of radiotherapy and oncology at Helsinki University Hospital and senior clinical consultant to the Helsinki BNCT facility.

Joensuu, for his part, is one of the main-movers within Finland’s pioneering BNCT development programme, having worked on clinical trials at the FiR 1 nuclear research reactor in Espoo from 1999 up to its closure in 2012. “We treated more than 200 patients at FiR 1 with malignant brain or head-and-neck cancers,” he explains. “The results demonstrated the clinical efficacy and safety of the technique, while yielding best-practice approaches for BNCT dosimetry and patient/machine QA.”

BNCT enabling technologies

Yet it was the reliance on access to a modified nuclear reactor – a common feature of all BNCT clinical studies over recent decades – that hitherto limited the clinical potential of BNCT R&D efforts. “Our new accelerator-based BNCT facility is located on the hospital campus – a strategic breakthrough that will transform the logistics and economics of patient treatment with neutrons,” Joensuu adds. “Other key innovations – the use of robotic patient positioning and in-room CT for image guidance, for example – will deliver greatly enhanced treatment accuracy, streamlined workflows and increased patient throughput. Having a CT capability in the treatment room will also support future research studies on functional imaging, including the use of functional CT perfusion to evaluate treatment response to BNCT.”

Taking BNCT into the clinic

At the heart of Helsinki’s hospital-based BNCT facility is nuBeam, a compact accelerator-based neutron source from Neutron Therapeutics, a specialist BNCT equipment maker headquartered in Danvers, Massachusetts. The neutron source is housed in a dedicated accelerator and beamline room (65 m2) and comprises a number of discrete building blocks: a single-ended 2.6 MeV electrostatic proton accelerator designed to operate at 30 mA; a beam transport system; an online proton-beam monitoring system; a rotating solid lithium target for neutron generation; a beam shaping assembly (with circular beam delimiter sizes from 8 cm to 20 cm); and an online neutron-beam monitoring system (see figures 1 and 2).

Treatment planning, meanwhile, is based on full Monte Carlo (MC) simulation using CT, MR and PET images, with the planning software defining the patient geometric model including target volumes, organs at risk and their tissue compositions. Worth noting as well that the treatment dose is controlled via direct measurement of the neutron fluence by the online beam-monitoring detectors (rather than relying on calibrated proton current data).

BNCT facility layout

Downstream from the nuBeam source, the patient treatment room (55 m2) is fitted out with a robotic patient positioning system, exacure, from German medical technology specialist BEC. The custom-modified industrial robot can not only be positioned in all three dimensions, and with six degrees of freedom, but also be moved along the ceiling towards and away from the neutron-beam nozzle. An integrated optical tracking system monitors the treatment couch position 500x per second to apply corrections (accurate to ±0.5 mm) for patient positioning and CT imaging. The latter is performed with a rail-mounted Siemens Healthineers SOMATOM CT Sliding Gantry, which takes in-room CT images for comparison with the planning images to ensure precise patient set-up ahead of treatment delivery.

“Patient positioning for BNCT is even more challenging than for conventional radiotherapy modalities,” explains Mikko Tenhunen, chief medical physicist at Helsinki University Hospital. “The horizontal nature of the neutron beam means we will often require two or even three unique couch set-ups to deliver a range of treatment fields.”

More broadly, implementing a new BNCT workflow from scratch brings its own unique set of challenges. Any equipment placed near the neutron beam – the positioning robot, for example – is covered with neutron-absorbing material to inhibit activation, while all patient-support devices – such as pillows, cushions and restraints – are tested for susceptibility to neutron activation before being cleared for use in the treatment room. The treatment facility is also equipped with a high-purity Ge gamma spectrometer for neutron activation analysis; paired ionization chambers with water and PMMA phantoms for estimating neutron and gamma-ray absorbed dose to reference tissue; and an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry device for analysis of blood-boron concentration prior to treatment.

Due diligence

Right now, Tenhunen and colleagues are laser-focused on equipment commissioning in advance of the BNCT clinical trial next summer. “All of the main subsystems of the BNCT facility have been tested separately,” he says, “while end-to-end validation of the treatment workflow will follow later this year. Ultimately, clinical success is all about how the various subsystems integrate together to deliver optimum outcomes across treatment planning, treatment delivery and treatment management.”

The outlook, it seems, is bright for the clinical application of BNCT technology. “The new Helsinki facility will be the first in-hospital BNCT treatment system in Europe,” concludes Joensuu. “It’s a significant landmark – one that we hope will promote clinical validation and wide-scale adoption of BNCT by cancer treatment centres around the world.”

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Former pastor leads effort to create indigenous translation of the Bible - Interlochen - Translation

About eight years ago, Terry M. Wildman was pastoring a church on the Hopi Indian Reservation in Arizona.

In a storage room at his church, he found a New Testament Bible that had been translated into the Hopi language.

“I tried to find someone that could read from it, and I really couldn’t find anyone who could read from the Hopi Bible," he says.  

That started Wildman on a journey to create a version of scripture that honors Native American language and thought patterns.

The First Nations Version is just that – an indigneous translation of the New Testament.

Terry Wildman, is in northern Michigan to speak about his project. He chatted with IPR's Dan Wanschura.

You can view his schedule of events here.

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Here Are the Lyrics to Farruko's 'Pepas' Translated Into English - Billboard - Translation

The infectious track, named after a “pepa” -- meaning pill in English -- narrates the story of someone who only wants to party all night long and live the moment.

Below, check out the full lyrics translated to English.

I don’t care what people say about me
Live your life that I live mine
It’s only one life, enjoy the moment
That time ends and it doesn’t turn back

Drinking, smoking, and joking around
I continue partying every day
Continue, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh (Farru)
Continue, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh (Farru)

Pepa and water for the hangover
Everyone on pills at the club
Pepa and water for the hangover
Everyone on pills at the club

What a freaking vibe

Raise your hands and bottles
We always have the movie in play
Today we’re going to party until it’s daytime
I’m relaxed, I’m enjoying myself

The sun is out
Bring out the hookah and alcohol
And light it up, oh-oh, woh-oh-oh
This got out of control
And continue it, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Pepa and water for the hangover
Everyone on pills at the club
Pepa and water for the hangover
Everyone on pills at the club

What a freaking vibe
I don’t care what people say about me
Live your life that I live mine
It’s only one life, enjoy the moment
That time ends and it doesn’t turn back

Drinking, smoking, and joking around
I continue partying every day
Continue, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh (Farru)
Continue, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh (Farru)

Pepa and water for the hangover
Everyone on pills at the club
Pepa and water for the hangover
Everyone on pills at the club

What a freaking vibe
Dímelo, Chino
The Most Winning
Victor Cárdenas
White Star
Sharo Towers
La 167
La 167

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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Former pastor creates indigenous translation of scripture - Interlochen - Translation

About eight years ago, Terry M. Wildman was pastoring a church on the Hopi Indian Reservation in Arizona.

In a storage room at his church, he found a New Testament Bible that had been translated into the Hopi language.

“I tried to find someone that could read from it, and I really couldn’t find anyone who could read from the Hopi Bible," he says.  

That started Wildman on a journey to create a version of scripture that honors Native American language and thought patterns.

The First Nations Version is just that – an indigenous translation of the New Testament.

Terry Wildman is in northern Michigan this weekend to talk about the project. He spoke with IPR's Dan Wanschura.

View his schedule of events here.

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